قالب:جدول صحيفة
(تم التحويل من قالب:جدول جريدة)
![]() | هذا الجدول ينبغي أن يجعل عنوان الصفحة مائلاً تلقائياً. إذا لم يكن هذا مرغوباً، أضف |italic title=no إلى قائمة المتغيرات. أما إذا كان مرغوباً ولكن العنوان لا يظهر مائلاً، جرِّب |italic title=force . |
{{{school}}} | |
{{{motto}}} | |
[[File:{{{logo}}}|{{{logo_size}}}|alt={{{logo_alt}}}]] | |
[[File:{{{image}}}|{{{image_size}}}|alt={{{image_alt}}}|upright=1]] {{{caption}}} | |
النوع | {{{type}}} |
الفورمة | {{{format}}} |
المالك | {{{owners}}} |
المؤسس | {{{founder}}} |
الناشر | {{{publisher}}} |
الرئيس | {{{president}}} |
المحرر | {{{editor}}} |
رئيس التحرير | {{{chiefeditor}}} |
نائب المحرر | {{{depeditor}}} |
محرر زميل | {{{assoceditor}}} |
مديرو التحرير | {{{maneditor}}} |
المدير العام | {{{generalmanager}}} |
محرر الأخبار | {{{newseditor}}} |
مدير التحرير، التصميم | {{{managingeditordesign}}} |
مدير التفاعلي | {{{dirinteractive}}} |
محرر المقر | {{{campuseditor}}} |
كبير المقر | {{{campuschief}}} |
المحرر العمراني | {{{metroeditor}}} |
كبير العمران | {{{metrochief}}} |
محرر الرأي | {{{opeditor}}} |
محرر الرياضة | {{{sportseditor}}} |
محرر الصور | {{{photoeditor}}} |
الكتاب الموظفون | {{{staff}}} |
تأسست | {{{foundation}}} |
الانتماء السياسي | {{{political}}} |
اللغة | {{{language}}} |
توقفت عن الطبع | {{{ceased publication}}} |
أعيد إطلاقها | {{{relaunched}}} |
المقر الرئيسي | {{{headquarters}}} |
المدينة | {{{publishing_city}}} |
البلد | {{{publishing_country}}} |
الانتشار | {{{circulation}}} (as of {{{circulation_date}}}){{{circulation_ref}}} |
عدد القراء | {{{readership}}} |
الصحف الشقيقة | {{{sister newspapers}}} |
ISSN | {{{ISSN}}} (print) {{{eISSN}}} (web) |
رقم OCLC | {{{oclc}}} |
RNI | [1] |
الموقع الإلكتروني | {{{website}}} |
الأرشيف أونلاين المجاني | {{{free}}} |
{{Infobox newspaper
| name =
| school =
| logo =
| logo_size =
| logo_alt =
| image =
| image_size =
| image_alt =
| caption =
| motto =
| type =
| format =
| owner = <!-- or |owners= -->
| founder = <!-- or |founders= -->
| publisher =
| president =
| editor =
| chiefeditor =
| depeditor =
| assoceditor =
| maneditor =
| generalmanager =
| newseditor =
| managingeditordesign =
| dirinteractive =
| campuseditor =
| campuschief =
| metroeditor =
| metrochief =
| opeditor =
| sportseditor =
| photoeditor =
| staff =
| foundation = <!-- or |launched= --> <!-- Use: {{start date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}}, or {{start date|...}} if ceased -->
| political =
| language =
| ceased publication = <!-- Use: {{end date|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| relaunched =
| headquarters =
| publishing_city =
| publishing_country =
| circulation =
| circulation_date =
| circulation_ref =
| readership =
| sister newspapers =
| ISSN =
| eISSN =
| oclc =
| RNI =
| website =
| free =
All parameters are optional. If no value is specified for the parameter, it will not be displayed.
- name – name of the newspaper. If this is omitted (not just left blank), it will be inferred from the article title.
- school – for school newspapers
- logo – image (logo or other), use with logo_size and logo_alt; should not duplicate the image.
- image – image (front page or other), use with image_size and image_alt; if this is a front page there is no need to use the logo field as well.
- caption – caption text to be displayed below image
- motto – motto of newspaper
- type – frequency and type, i.e. Daily newspaper
- format – page format, i.e. Broadsheet, Berliner, Tabloid, Compact
- owners – or owner, name of the company, person or family which owns the newspaper
- founder – or founders, name of the company or person who founded or directs the newspaper, if
is not appropriate (for instance, in the case of some nonprofits) - publisher – name of Publisher
- president – name of President
- editor – name of Editor
- chiefeditor – name of Editor-in-Chief
- depeditor – name of Deputy Editor
- assoceditor – name of Associate Editor
- maneditor – name of Managing Editor
- generalmanager – name of General Manager
- newseditor – name of News Editor
- managingeditordesign – name of Managing Editor, Design
- dirinteractive – name of Director of Interactive
- campuseditor – name of Campus Editor
- campuschief – name of Campus Chief
- metroeditor – name of Metro Editor
- metrochief – name of Metro Chief
- opeditor – name of Opinion Editor
- sportseditor – name of Sports Editor
- photoeditor – name of Photo Editor
- staff – names of Staff writers
- foundation – or launched date newspaper was founded. Use {{Start date}}
- political – political leanings of the newspaper, e.g. Centre-right
- language – language used in the newspaper, usually omitted if English
- ceased publication – date that a former newspaper ceased publication. Use {{End date}}
- relaunched – date that a newspaper was relauched
- headquarters – location of the newspaper's headquarters
- publishing_city – city of publication
- publishing_country – unlinked country of publication
- circulation – the newspaper circulation numbers
- circulation_date – the date or period of the newspaper circulation numbers
- circulation_ref – a
tag indicating the source of the value of|circulation=
- readership – readership
- sister newspapers – names of any sister newspapers
- ISSN – the newspaper's ISSN, e.g. 1085-6706 (automatically linked to https://www.worldcat.org via {{ISSN link}}). Search here or here to find an ISSN
- eISSN – the newspaper's electronic ISSN, e.g. 2165-171X (automatically linked to https://www.worldcat.org via {{ISSN link}}).
- oclc – the newspaper's OCLC number, useful where an ISSN has not been allocated (automatically linked to https://www.worldcat.org)
- RNI – the Office of the Registrar of Newspapers for India number
- website – the newspaper's website, use {{URL}}, i.e.
- free – the newspaper's online free archives
"An American Paper for Americans" | |
![]() | |
النوع | Daily newspaper |
الفورمة | Broadsheet |
المالك | Tribune Publishing |
المؤسس | James Kelly, John E. Wheeler and Joseph K. C. Forrest |
الناشر | Tony W. Hunter |
المحرر | Gerould W. Kern |
محرر زميل | Joycelyn Winnecke |
مديرو التحرير | Jane Hirt |
مدير التفاعلي | Bill Adee (VP for Digital Development and Operations, Tribune Media Group) |
محرر الرأي | R. Bruce Dold |
محرر الرياضة | Tim Bannon |
تأسست | 10 يونيو 1847 |
اللغة | English |
المقر الرئيسي | Tribune Tower 435 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 |
البلد | United States |
الانتشار |
ISSN | 1085-6706 (print) 2165-171X (web) |
رقم OCLC | 60639020 |
الموقع الإلكتروني | www |
{{Infobox newspaper
| name = Chicago Tribune
| logo = Logo.png
| logo_size = 200px
| logo_alt = alt logo text
| image = Logo.png
| image_size = 150px
| image_alt = alt image text
| caption = image caption
| motto = motto
| type = Daily newspaper
| format = [[Broadsheet]]
| owners = [[Tribune Publishing]]
| founder = [[James Kelly (journalist)|James Kelly]], John E. Wheeler and Joseph K. C. Forrest
| publisher = Tony W. Hunter
| editor = [[Gerould W. Kern]]
| assoceditor = Joycelyn Winnecke
| maneditor = Jane Hirt
| dirinteractive = Bill Adee (VP for Digital Development and Operations, Tribune Media Group)
| opeditor = R. Bruce Dold
| sportseditor = Tim Bannon
| foundation = {{Start date|1847|06|10}}
| political =
| language = [[English language|English]]
| headquarters = [[Tribune Tower]]<br />435 [[Michigan Avenue (Chicago)|North Michigan Avenue]]<br />Chicago, [[Illinois]] 60611
| publishing_country = United States
| circulation = {{unbulleted list|448,930 daily|331,190 Saturday|853,324 Sunday}}
| ISSN = 1085-6706
| eISSN = 2165-171X
| oclc = 60639020
| website = {{URL|http://www.chicagotribune.com}}
This example has been modified for display purposes.
أظهر TemplateData documentation used by VisualEditor and other tools
Tracking category
See also
- {{Infobox journal}}
- {{Infobox magazine}}
- {{ISSN}}
- {{ISSN search link}}
- {{OCLC}}
- {{OCLC search link}}
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