قالب:جدول جبل

(تم التحويل من قالب:Infobox Mountain)
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Simply add {{Infobox mountain}} to the top of an article, and the data will be automatically included from Wikidata. If necessary, these values can be overridden by passing local values to the relevant parameters in the article:

{{Infobox mountain
| name = [local value]

To add data to Wikidata, please see the Parameters section below.

Standard usage

أعلى نقطة
القمة{{{highest}}}, {{{highest_location}}}
الارتفاع{{{elevation}}} {{{elevation_ref}}}
البروز{{{prominence}}} {{{prominence_ref}}}
القمة الأم{{{parent_peak}}}
to {{{isolation_parent}}} {{{isolation_ref}}}
الإحداثيات{{{coordinates}}} {{{coordinates_ref}}}
الطول{{{length}}} {{{length_orientation}}} {{{length_ref}}}
العرض{{{width}}} {{{width_orientation}}} {{{width_ref}}}
المساحة{{{area}}} {{{area_ref}}}
الحجم{{{volume}}} {{{volume_ref}}}
أصل الكلمة{{{etymology}}}
الاسم المحلي[{{{native_name}}}] Error: {{native name}}: unrecognized language tag: {{{native_name_lang}}} (help) (language?)
الهيئة المحدِدة{{{authority}}}
نطاق الإحداثيات{{{range_coordinates}}} {{{range_coordinates_ref}}}
السلسلة الأم{{{range}}}
OS grid{{{grid_ref_UK}}}{{{grid_ref_UK_ref}}}
OSI/OSNI grid{{{grid_ref_Ireland}}}{{{grid_ref_Ireland_ref}}}
الخريطة الطبوغرافية{{{topo_maker}}} {{{topo_map}}}
عمر الصخر{{{age}}}
نوع الجبل{{{type}}}
نوع الصخر{{{geology}}}
Volcanic region{{{volcanic_region}}}
آخر ثوران{{{last_eruption}}}
أول صعود{{{first_ascent}}}
أسهل السبل{{{easiest_route}}}
الطريق العادي{{{normal_route}}}
{{Infobox mountain
| name                  = 
| other_name            = 
| photo                 = 
| photo_size            = 
| photo_upright         =
| photo_alt             = 
| photo_caption         = 
<!-- MAP CODE TBA -->
<!----------------------- HIGHEST POINT -->
| highest               = 
| highest_location      = 
| elevation             = 
| elevation_m           = 
| elevation_ft          = 
| elevation_ref         = 
| elevation_system      = 
| prominence            = 
| prominence_m          = 
| prominence_ft         = 
| prominence_ref        = 
| parent_peak           = 
| isolation             = 
| isolation_km          = 
| isolation_mi          = 
| isolation_parent      = 
| isolation_ref         = 
| listing               = 
| coordinates           = 
| coordinates_ref       = 
<!----------------------- DIMENSIONS -->
| length                = 
| length_km             = 
| length_mi             = 
| length_orientation    = 
| length_ref            = 
| width                 = 
| width_km              = 
| width_mi              = 
| width_orientation     = 
| width_ref             = 
| area                  = 
| area_km2              = 
| area_mi2              = 
| area_ref              = 
| volume                = 
| volume_km3            = 
| volume_mi3            = 
| volume_ref            = 
<!----------------------- NAMING -->
| etymology             = 
| nickname              = 
| native_name           = 
| native_name_lang      = 
| translation           = 
| pronunciation         = 
| authority             = 
<!----------------------- GEOGRAPHY -->
| location              = 
| country               = 
| country_type          = 
| state                 = 
| state_type            = 
| region                = 
| region_type           = 
| district              = 
| district_type         = 
| part                  = 
| part_type             = 
| settlement            = 
| settlement_type       = 
| range_coordinates     = 
| range_coordinates_ref = 
| range                 = 
| borders_on            = 
| grid_ref_UK           = 
| grid_ref_UK_ref       = 
| grid_ref_Ireland      = 
| grid_ref_Ireland_ref  = 
| topo_maker            = 
| topo_map              = 
| biome                 = 
<!----------------------- GEOLOGY -->
| formed_by             = 
| orogeny               = 
| age                   = 
| type                  = 
| geology               = 
| volcanic_region       = 
| last_eruption         = 
<!----------------------- CLIMBING -->
| first_ascent          = 
| easiest_route         = 
| normal_route          = 
| access                = 
<!----------------------- ATTACHED -->
| embedded              =
| module                =


Parameter Default value Description
Lead section
name Wikidata label in the local language Name of the mountain, peak or hill.
other_name   Other name for the mountain. See native_name if the name is in a different language.
photo Image on Wikidata Photograph of the mountain. Preferably a distance shot to show most/all of the mountain rather than a view from the summit.
photo_size 280px The default image width in pixels.
photo_alt photo_caption Alt text for the photo.
photo_caption stated on image || Description of the photograph.
<maps> TBA TBA
Highest point
highest with qualifier || Name of the highest summit of a single mountain or peak.
highest_location with qualifier || Location of highest summit.
elevation || Summit elevation, without auto-conversion. You may wish to use {{Convert|xxx|m|ft|abbr=on}}
elevation_m Summit elevation in metres, with auto-conversion.
elevation_ft Summit elevation in feet, with auto-conversion.
elevation_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the elevation parameters (such as a reference).
elevation_system with qualifier || The elevation reference system that defines the elevation, e.g., NAVD88 or DE-NHN
prominence || Topographic prominence, without auto-conversion. You may wish to use {{Convert|xxx|m|ft|abbr=on}}
prominence_m Topographic prominence in metres, with auto-conversion.
prominence_ft Topographic prominence in metres, with auto-conversion.
prominence_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the prominence parameters (such as a reference).
parent_peak ||  
isolation || Topographic isolation, without auto-conversion. You may wish to use {{Convert|xxx|km|mi|abbr=on}}
isolation_km Topographic isolation in kilometres, with auto-conversion.
isolation_mi Topographic isolation in miles, with auto-conversion.
isolation_parent with qualifier || Name of the landform the summit is isolated from.
isolation_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the isolation parameters (such as a reference).
listing || Name of a relevant list of mountains that the peak belongs to. See List of mountain lists for examples.
coordinates || Coordinates of the highest point or peak.
coordinates_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the coordinates parameter (such as a reference).
length || Length of the mountain or peak, without auto-conversion. You may wish to use {{Convert|xxx|km|mi|abbr=on}}
length_km Length in kilometres, with auto-conversion.
length_mi Length in miles, with auto-conversion.
length_orientation with qualifier as:
[خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. حمى الوادي المتصدع (Q34027)] (for EW) or [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. دينيس لو (Q36477)] (for NS) || Length orientation.
length_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the length parameters (such as a reference).
width || Width of the mountain or peak, without auto-conversion. You may wish to use {{Convert|xxx|km|mi|abbr=on}}
width_km Length in kilometres, with auto-conversion.
width_mi Length in miles, with auto-conversion.
width_orientation with qualifier as:
[خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. حمى الوادي المتصدع (Q34027)] (for EW) or [خطأ: الوظيفة "wdurl" غير موجودة. دينيس لو (Q36477)] (for NS) || Width orientation.
width_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the width parameters (such as a reference).
area || Footprint of the mountain or peak, without auto-conversion. You may wish to use {{Convert|xxx|km2|mi2|abbr=on}}
area_km2 Footprint of the mountain or peak in square kilometres, with auto-conversion.
area_mi2 Footprint of the mountain or peak in square miles, with auto-conversion.
area_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the area parameters (such as a reference).
volume || Volume of the mountain or peak, without auto-conversion. You may wish to use {{Convert|xxx|km3|mi3|abbr=on}}
volume_km3 Volume of the mountain or peak in cubic kilometres, with auto-conversion.
volume_mi3 Volume of the mountain or peak in cubic miles, with auto-conversion.
volume_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the volume parameters (such as a reference).
etymology || Origin of name
nickname ||  
native_name || Name in local language. If more than one, separate using {{Plain list}} and {{native_name}}.
native_name_lang || ISO 639-2 code of native_name.
translation with qualifier || Translation of name to English (if name is not an English name)
pronunciation || Use an appropriate IPA-xx template, replacing 'xx' with the ISO code for the language. (See {{IPA-en}} for English.)
location || Free-form field to describe the location.
country || Country(ies) of the peak or mountain.
country_type   Optional parameter to override the default "Country" label.
subdivision1/state || 1st level subdivision (i.e. states) of the peak or mountain.
subdivision1_type/state_type   Optional parameter to override the default "State" label.
subdivision2/region   2nd level subdivision (i.e. regions) of the peak or mountain.
subdivision2_type/region_type   Optional parameter to override the default "Region" label.
subdivision3/district   3rd level subdivision (i.e. districts) of the peak or mountain.
subdivision3_type/district_type   Optional parameter to override the default "District" label.
subdivision4/part   4th level subdivision (i.e. subdivisions) of the peak or mountain.
subdivision4_type/part_type   Optional parameter to override the default "Subdivisions" label.
settlement   Settlement(s) on/around the peak or mountain.
settlement_type   Optional parameter to override the default "Settlement" label.
range_coordinates_ref N/A Optional parameter to add a suffix to the range_coordinates parameter (such as a reference).
range || The mountain range (specific subgroup) that the mountain/massif/range. I.e. Bernese Alps, not Alps. Alias is "parent".
borders_on/border || Geographical entities that form the border of the mountain or range
grid_ref_UK || If the mountain is in Great Britain, the British grid reference. Use grid_ref_UK_ref to add a suffix reference.
grid_ref_Ireland || If the mountain is in Ireland (whether Northern Ireland or the Republic), the Irish grid reference. Use grid_ref_Ireland_ref to add a suffix reference.
topo_maker   The publisher of the topographic map that contains the range
topo   The name of the topographic map that contains the range
biome   Biome(s) for range
age   Age of the rock. Geologic time scales may be useful here. Use period, period1 through period5 for multiple values.
rock   Type of the rock mountain is made from. Use geology, geology1 through geology5, for multiple types.
volcanic_region   If the mountain is a volcano, the arc, belt or field in which it is situated.
last_eruption   The date of the last eruption if the mountain is of volcanic origin.
first_ascent   Date of the first recorded ascent.
easiest_route   The easiest route to the summit. Some possibilities include Hike, Scramble or any of the YDS grades.

Advanced uses

Parameter Default value Description

Tracking categories

Template Data


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hCard microformat, which makes the place-name and location parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue article across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. Within the hCard is a Geo microformat, which additionally makes the coordinates (latitude & longitude) parsable, so that they can be, say, looked up on a map, or downloaded to a GPS unit. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

hCard uses HTML classes including:

  • "adr"
  • "county-name"
  • "fn"
  • "label"
  • "locality"
  • "nickname"
  • "note"
  • "org"
  • "region"
  • "street-address"
  • "vcard"

Geo is produced by calling {{coord}}, and uses HTML classes:

  • "geo"
  • "latitude"
  • "longitude"

Please do not rename or remove these classes.

When giving coordinates, please don't be overly precise.