قالب:Bible translation infobox/doc
هذه صفحة توثيق فرعية لـ قالب:Bible translation infobox. تتضمن معلومات الاستعمال، التصنيفات وأي محتوى آخر ليس من محتويات الأصل لصفحة القالب. |
title | |
الاسم الكامل | full_name |
أسماء أخرى | other_names |
اختصار | abbreviation |
اللغة | language |
العهد القديم نـُشِر | OT_published |
العهد الجديد نـُشِر | NT_published |
الكتاب المقدس بأكمله منشوراً | complete_bible_published |
أونلاين بعنوان | title at Wikisource |
Apocrypha | apocrypha |
المؤلفون | authorship |
مشتق من | derived_from |
الأساس النصي | textual_basis |
نمط الترجمة | translation_type |
مستوى القراءة | reading_level |
Revision | revision or version_revised or version |
الناشر | publisher |
الملكية الفكرية | copyright |
Copies printed | copies_printed |
الانتماء الديني | religious_affiliation |
Website | website or webpage |
john_3:16 |
The infobox on this page is to be used on each/every page of a Bible translation.
Tests of the template may be seen on the testcases page; the lefthand version of each pair is what would be shown in the encyclopedia. For other examples, see the talk page and the list of what links (i.e. uses) this template.
All parameters are optional, other than title (or its alternative, translation_title).
{{Infobox Bible translation
| title = <!--(use only one
| translation_title = of these two parameters)-->
| image =
| image_size =
| image_alt_text =
| image_caption =
| full_name =
| other_names =
| abbreviation =
| language =
| OT_published =
| NT_published =
| complete_bible_published = <!--(date if/when first complete Bible version published)-->
| wikisource =
| apocrypha = <!--(books, if any, included in an Apocrypha)-->
| authorship = <!--(the author or authors and/or any pertinent information)-->
| derived_from =
| textual_basis = <!--(the translation's linguistic/textual basis, if known)-->
| translation_type = <!--(the type of translation)-->
| reading_level =
| revision = <!--(use only one
| version_revised = of these three
| version = parameters)-->
| publisher =
| copyright =
| copies_printed = <!--(number of copies printed, if known)-->
| religious_affiliation =
| website = <!--(use only one
| webpage = of these two parameters)-->
| genesis_1:1-3 =
| john_3:16 =