قائمة المحيطات القديمة
هذه هي قائمة المحيطات السابقة التي اختفت بسبب حركات تكتونية وتغيرات جغرافية ومناخية أخرى. بترتيب أبجدي:
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- Bridge River Ocean, the ocean between the ancient Insular Islands (that is, Stikinia) and North America
- Cache Creek Ocean, a Paleozoic ocean between the Wrangellia Superterrane and Yukon-Tanana Terrane
- Iapetus Ocean, the Southern hemisphere ocean between Baltica and Avalonia
- Kahiltna-Nutotzin Ocean, Mesozoic
- محيط خانتي, the Precambrian to Silurian ocean between Baltica and the Siberian continent
- Medicine Hat Ocean
- Mezcalera Ocean, the ocean between the Guerrero Terrane and Laurentia
- Mirovia, the ocean that surrounded the Rodinia supercontinent
- Mongol-Okhotsk Ocean, the early Mesozoic ocean between the North China and Siberia cratons
- Oimyakon Ocean, the northernmost part of the Mesozoic Panthalassa Ocean
- Paleo-Tethys Ocean, the ocean between Gondwana and the Hunic terranes
- Pan-African Ocean, the ocean that surrounded the Pannotia supercontinent
- Panthalassa, the vast world ocean that surrounded the Pangaea supercontinent, also referred to as the Paleo-Pacific Ocean
- Pharusian Ocean, Neoproterozoic
- Poseidon Ocean, Mesoproterozoic
- Pontus Ocean, the western part of the early Mesozoic Panthalassa Ocean
- Proto-Tethys Ocean, Neoproterozoic
- Rheic Ocean, the Paleozoic ocean between Gondwana and Laurussia
- Slide Mountain Ocean, the Mesozoic ocean between the ancient Intermontane Islands (that is, Wrangellia) and North America
- South Anuyi Ocean, Mesozoic ocean related to the formation of the Arctic Ocean
- Tethys Ocean, the ocean between the ancient continents of Gondwana and Laurasia
- Thalassa Ocean, the eastern part of the early Mesozoic Panthalassa Ocean
- Ural Ocean, the Paleozoic ocean between Siberia and Baltica
انظر أيضاً
- تصنيف:محيطات تاريخية
- قائمة المحيطات
- قارة عتيقة – منطقة متميزة من القشرة الأرضية تواجدت ككتلة أرضية رئيسية في الماضي الجيولوجي
- Paratethys
- Piemont-Liguria Ocean
- Superocean، محيط حول قارة عظمى عالمية
- Valais Ocean