قائمة الكويزرات
تضم هذه المقالة قائمة الكويزرات. رُصد أكثر من مليون كويزر،[1] لذا فإن أي قائمة في الموسوعة هي بالضرورة مجموعة مختارة منها.
التسمية الصحيحة للكويزر تتم عن طريق إدخال الكتالوج، أو Qxxxx±yy باستخدام إحداثيات B1950، أو QSO Jxxxx±yyyy باستخدام إحداثيات J2000. يمكنهم أيضًا استخدام البادئة QSR. لا يوجد حالياً أي كويزارات يمكن رؤيتها بالعين المجردة.
قائمة الكويزرات
هذه قائمة بأسماء الكويزرات الاستثنائية ذات الخصائص التي لم تُدرج بشكل منفصل.
الكويزر | ملاحظات |
الكويزر التوأم | Associated with a possible planet microlensing event in the gravitational lens galaxy that is doubling the Twin Quasar's image. |
QSR J1819+3845 | Proved interstellar scintillation due to the interstellar medium. |
CTA-102 | In 1965, Soviet astronomer Nikolai S. Kardashev declared that this quasar was sending coded messages from an alien civilization.[2] |
CID-42 | Its supermassive black hole is being ejected and will one day become a displaced quasar. |
TON 618 | TON 618 is a very distant and extremely luminous quasar—technically, a hyperluminous, broad-absorption line, radio-loud quasar—located near the North Galactic Pole in the constellation Canes Venatici. |
- التعديلات والإضافات المدعومة بمراجع مرحب بها.
قائمة أسماء الكويزرات
هذه قائمة بأسماء الكويزرات، ذات الاسم الشائع، بدلاً من التعيين من مسح أو كتالوج أو قائمة.
الكويزر | أصل الاسم | ملاحظات |
الكويزر التوأم | From the fact that two images of the same gravitationally lensed quasar is produced. | |
تقاطع أينشتاين | From the fact that gravitational lensing of the quasar forms a near perfect Einstein cross, a concept in gravitational lensing. | |
الكويزر الثلاثي | From the fact that there are three bright images of the same gravitationally lensed quasar. | There are actually four images; the fourth is faint. |
Cloverleaf | From its appearance having similarity to the leaf of a clover. It has been gravitationally lensed into four images, of roughly similar appearance. | |
Teacup Galaxy | The name comes from the shape of the extended emission, which is shaped like the handle of a teacup. The handle is a bubble shaped by quasar winds or small-scale radio jets. | Low redshift, highly obscured type 2 quasar. |
قائمة كويزرات بصور متعددة
الكويزر | الصور | العدسات | ملاحظات |
الكويزر التوأم | 2 | YGKOW G1 | First gravitationally lensed object discovered |
الكويزر الثلاثي (PG 1115+080) | 4 | Originally discovered as 3 lensed images, the fourth image is faint. It was the second gravitationally lensed quasar discovered. | |
تقاطع أينشتاين | 4 | Huchra's Lens | First Einstein Cross discovered |
RX J1131-1231's quasar | 4 | RX J1131-1231's elliptical galaxy | RX J1131-1231 is the name of the complex, quasar, host galaxy and lensing galaxy, together. The quasar's host galaxy is also lensed into a Chwolson ring about the lensing galaxy. The four images of the quasar are embedded in the ring image. |
Cloverleaf | 4[3] | Brightest known high-redshift source of CO emission[4] | |
QSO B1359+154 | 6 | CLASS B1359+154 and three more galaxies | First sextuply-imaged galaxy |
SDSS J1004+4112 | 5 | Galaxy cluster at z = 0.68 | First quasar discovered to be multiply image-lensed by a galaxy cluster and currently the third largest quasar lens with the separation between images of 15″[5][6][7] |
SDSS J1029+2623 | 3 | Galaxy cluster at z = 0.6 | The current largest-separation quasar lens with 22.6″ separation between furthest images[8][9][10] |
SDSS J2222+2745 | 6[11] | Galaxy cluster at z = 0.49[12] | First sextuply-lensed galaxy[11] Third quasar discovered to be lensed by a galaxy cluster.[12] Quasar located at z = 2.82[12] |
- التعديلات والإضافات المدعومة بمراجع مرحب بها.
قائمة مجموعات الكويزرات المرئية معاً
الكويزرات | العدد | ملاحظات |
QSO 1548+115
2 | [13][14] |
QSO 1146+111 | 8 | [15] |
z represents redshift, a measure of recessional velocity and inferred distance due to cosmological expansion |
قائمة مجموعات الكويزرات المتقاربة مادياً
الكويزرات | العدد | ملاحظات |
quasars of SDSS J0841+3921 protocluster | 4 | First quasar quartet discovered.[16][17] |
LBQS 1429-008 (QQQ 1432-0106) | 3 | First quasar triplet discovered. It was first discovered as a binary quasar, before the third quasar was found.[18] |
QQ2345+007 (Q2345+007)
2 | Originally thought to be a doubly imaged quasar, but actually a quasar couplet.[19] |
QQQ J1519+0627 | 3 | [20] |
مجموعات الكويزرات الضخمة
المجموعة | العدد | ملاحظات |
Webster LQG (LQG 1) |
5 | First LQG discovered. At the time of its discovery, it was the largest structure known.[21][22] |
Huge-LQG (U1.27) |
73 | The largest structure known in the observable universe, as of 2013.[23][24] |
قائمة الكويزرات ذات الحركة النفاثة فائقة السطوع
الكويزر | السطوع الفائق | ملاحظات |
3C 279 | 4c | First quasar discovered with superluminal jets[25][26][27][28][29] |
3C 179 | 7.6c | Fifth discovered, first with double lobes[30] |
3C 273 | This is also the first quasar ever identified[31] | |
3C 216 | ||
3C 345 | [31][32] | |
3C 380 | ||
4C 69.21 (Q1642+690, QSO B1642+690) |
8C 1928+738 (Q1928+738, QSO J1927+73, Quasar J192748.6+735802) |
PKS 0637-752 | ||
QSO B1642+690 |
- التعديلات والإضافات المدعومة بمراجع مرحب بها.
أوائل الكويزرات المكتشفة
الاسم | الكويزر | السنة | بيانات | ملاحظات |
أول كويزر مكتشف | 3C 48 | 1960 | first radio source for which optical identification was found, that was a star-like looking object | |
أول "نجم" يكتشف ثم يتأكد أنه كويزر | ||||
First radio source discovered later found to be a quasar | ||||
أول كويزر يتم التحقق منه | 3C 273 | 1962 | first radio-"star" found to be at a high redshift with a non-stellar spectrum. | |
First radio-quiet quasar | QSO B1246+377 (BSO 1) | 1965 | The first radio-quiet quasi-stellar objects (QSO) were called Blue Stellar Objects or BSO, because they appeared like stars and were blue in color. They also had spectra and redshifts like radio-loud quasi-stellar radio-sources (QSR), so became quasars.[27][33][34] | |
First host galaxy of a quasar discovered | 3C 48 | 1982 | ||
First quasar found to seemingly not have a host galaxy | HE0450-2958 (Naked Quasar) | 2005 | Some disputed observations suggest a host galaxy, others do not. | |
First multi-core quasar | PG 1302-102 | 2014 | Binary supermassive black holes within the quasar | [35][36] |
First quasar containing a recoiling supermassive black hole | SDSS J0927+2943 | 2008 | Two optical emission line systems separated by 2650 km/s | |
First gravitationally lensed quasar identified | Twin Quasar | 1979 | Lensed into 2 images | The lens is a galaxy known as YGKOW G1 |
First quasar found with a jet with apparent superluminal motion | 3C 279 | 1971 | [25][26][27] | |
First quasar found with the classic double radio-lobe structure | 3C 47 | 1964 | ||
First quasar found to be an X-ray source | 3C 273 | 1967 | [37] | |
First "dustless" quasar found | QSO J0303-0019 and QSO J0005-0006 | 2010 | [38][39][40][41][42][43][44] | |
First Large Quasar Group discovered | Webster LQG (LQG 1) |
1982 | [21][22] |
الكويزرات القصوى
الاسم | الكويزر | بيانات | ملاحظات |
الأكثر لمعاناً | 3C 273 | Apparent magnitude of ~12.9 | Absolute magnitude: −26.7 |
Seemingly optically brightest | APM 08279+5255 | Seeming absolute magnitude of −32.2 | This quasar is gravitationally lensed; its actual absolute magnitude is estimated to be −30.5 |
الأكثر سطوعاً | SMSS J215728.21-360215.1 | Absolute magnitude of −32.36 | Highest absolute magnitude discovered thus far. |
Most powerful quasar radio source | 3C 273 | Also the most powerful radio source in the sky | |
الأكثر قوة | SMSS J215728.21-360215.1 | ||
Most variable quasar radio source | QSO J1819+3845 (Q1817+387) | Also the most variable extrasolar radio source | |
Least variable quasar radio source | |||
Most variable quasar optical source | |||
Least variable quasar optical source | |||
الأبعد | UHZ1 | z = 10.1 | Most distant quasar known as of 2023[45] |
Most distant radio-quiet quasar | |||
Most distant radio-loud quasar | QSO J1427+3312 | z = 6.12 | Found June 2008[46][47] |
Most distant blazar quasar | PSO J0309+27 | z > 6 | |
الأقرب | Markarian 231 | 600 Mly | [48] inactive: IC 2497 |
Largest Large Quasar Group | Huge-LQG (U1.27) |
73 quasars | [23][24] |
Fastest Growing Quasar | SMSS J052915.80–435152.0 (QSO J0529-4351) | ∼ 413 solar masses per year (using standard radiative efficiency); ~ 370 solar masses per year (using best-fit slim disc model) | [49][50] |
أول الكويزرات المكتشفة
الترتيب | الكويزر | تاريخ الاكتشاف | ملاحظات |
1 | 3C 273 | 1963 | [51] |
2 | 3C 48 | 1963 | [51] |
3 | 3C 47 | 1964 | [51] |
3 | 3C 147 | 1964 | [51] |
5 | CTA 102 | 1965 | [52] |
5 | 3C 287 | 1965 | [52] |
5 | 3C 254 | 1965 | [52] |
5 | 3C 245 | 1965 | [52] |
5 | 3C 9 | 1965 | [52] |
These are the first quasars which were found and had their redshifts determined. |
الكويزرات الأكثر بعداً

Artist's conception of the oldest known quasar as of 2021, QSO J0313–1806 existing only ~670 million years after the Big Bang despite its large size.
النوع | الكويزر | التاريخ | المسافة | ملاحظات |
الأكثر بعداً | QSO J0313–1806 | 2021 | z = 7.64 | [54] |
Most distant radio loud quasar | QSO B1425+3326 / QSO J1427+3312 | 2008 | z = 6.12 | |
Most distant radio quiet quasar | ||||
Most distant OVV quasar |
الكويزر | التاريخ | المسافة | ملاحظات |
QSO J0313–1806 | 2021–present | z = 7.64 | Current record holder.[54] |
ULAS J1342+0928 | 2017–2021 | z = 7.54 | [72] |
ULAS J1120+0641 | 2011–2017 | z = 7.085 | Not the most distant object when discovered. First quasar with z > 7.[55] |
CFHQS J2329-0301 (CFHQS J232908-030158) |
2007–2011 | z = 6.43 | Not the most distant object when discovered. It did not exceed IOK-1 (z = 6.96), which was discovered in 2006.[56][57][58][59][73][74][75] |
SDSS J114816.64+525150.3 (SDSS J1148+5251) |
2003–2007 | z = 6.419 | Not the most distant object when discovered. It did not exceed HCM 6A galaxy lensed by Abell 370 at z = 6.56, discovered in 2002. Also discovered around the time of discovery was a new most distant galaxy, SDF J132418.3+271455 at z = 6.58.[60][61][62][59][73][76][77][78][79][80] |
SDSS J1030+0524 (SDSSp J103027.10+052455.0) |
2001–2003 | z = 6.28 | Most distant object when discovered. First object with z > 6.[65][63][66][67][69][70] |
SDSS 1044-0125 (SDSSp J104433.04-012502.2) |
2000–2001 | z = 5.82 | Most distant object when discovered. It exceeded galaxy SSA22-HCM1 (z = 5.74; discovered in 1999) as the most distant object.[81][82][69][70][73][83][84] |
RD300 (RD J030117+002025) |
2000 | z = 5.50 | Not the most distant object when discovered. It did not surpass galaxy SSA22-HCM1 (z = 5.74; discovered in 1999).[85][86][82][87][73] |
SDSSp J120441.73−002149.6 (SDSS J1204-0021) |
2000 | z = 5.03 | Not the most distant object when discovered. It did not surpass galaxy SSA22-HCM1 (z = 5.74; discovered in 1999).[87][73] |
SDSSp J033829.31+002156.3 (QSO J0338+0021) |
1998–2000 | z = 5.00 | First quasar discovered with z > 5. Not the most distant object when discovered. It did not surpass galaxy BR1202-0725 LAE (z = 5.64; discovered earlier in 1998).[73][81][88][89][90][91][92] |
PC 1247+3406 | 1991–1998 | z = 4.897 | Most distant object when discovered.[81][93][94][95][96] |
PC 1158+4635 | 1989–1991 | z = 4.73 | Most distant object when discovered.[81][96][97][98][99][100] |
Q0051-279 | 1987–1989 | z = 4.43 | Most distant object when discovered.[101][97][100][102][103][104] |
Q0000-26 (QSO B0000-26) |
1987 | z = 4.11 | Most distant object when discovered.[101][97][105] |
PC 0910+5625 (QSO B0910+5625) |
1987 | z = 4.04 | Most distant object when discovered; second quasar with z > 4.[81][97][106][107] |
Q0046–293 (QSO J0048-2903) |
1987 | z = 4.01 | Most distant object when discovered; first quasar with z > 4.[101][97][106][108][109] |
Q1208+1011 (QSO B1208+1011) |
1986–1987 | z = 3.80 | Most distant object when discovered and a gravitationally-lensed double-image quasar. From the time of discovery to 1991, had the least angular separation between images, 0.45″.[106][110][111] |
PKS 2000-330 (QSO J2003-3251, Q2000-330) |
1982–1986 | z = 3.78 | Most distant object when discovered.[112][106][113][114] |
OQ172 (QSO B1442+101) |
1974–1982 | z = 3.53 | Most distant object when discovered.[115][116][117] |
OH471 (QSO B0642+449) |
1973–1974 | z = 3.408 | Most distant object when discovered; first quasar with z > 3. Nicknamed "the blaze marking the edge of the universe".[115][117][118][119][120] |
4C 05.34 | 1970–1973 | z = 2.877 | Most distant object when discovered. The redshift was so much greater than the previous record that it was believed to be erroneous, or spurious.[112][121][117][122][123] |
5C 02.56 (7C 105517.75+495540.95) |
1968–1970 | z = 2.399 | Most distant object when discovered.[123][124][125] |
4C 25.05 (4C 25.5) |
1968 | z = 2.358 | Most distant object when discovered.[123][125][126] |
PKS 0237-23 (QSO B0237-2321) |
1967–1968 | z = 2.225 | Most distant object when discovered.[112][126][127][128][129] |
4C 12.39 (Q1116+12, PKS 1116+12) |
1966–1967 | z = 2.1291 | Most distant object when discovered.[125][129][130][131] |
4C 01.02 (Q0106+01, PKS 0106+1) |
1965–1966 | z = 2.0990 | Most distant object when discovered.[125][129][130][132] |
3C 9 | 1965 | z = 2.018 | Most distant object when discovered; first quasar with z > 2.[2][33][129][133][134][135] |
3C 147 | 1964–1965 | z = 0.545 | First quasar to become the most distant object in the universe, beating radio galaxy 3C 295.[136][137][138][139] |
3C 48 | 1963–1964 | z = 0.367 | Second quasar redshift measured. Redshift was discovered after publication of 3C273's results prompted researchers to re-examine spectroscopic data. Not the most distant object when discovered. The radio galaxy 3C 295 was found in 1960 with z = 0.461.[27][112][140][141][142][51][136] |
3C 273 | 1963 | z = 0.158 | First quasar redshift measured. Not the most distant object when discovered. The radio galaxy 3C 295 was found in 1960 with z = 0.461.[27][51][141][142][143] |
الكويزرات الأكثر قوة
الترتيب | الكويزر | بيانات | ملاحظات |
1 | SMSS J215728.21-360215.1 | It has an intrinsic bolometric luminosity of ~ 6.9 × 1014 Suns or ~ 2.6 × 1041 watts | [144] |
2 | HS 1946+7658 | It has an intrinsic bolometric luminosity in excess of 1014 Suns or 1041 watts | [145][146] |
3 | SDSS J155152.46+191104.0 | Has over 1041 watts luminosity | [147][148] |
4 | HS 1700+6416 | Has a luminosity of over 1041 watts | [149] |
5 | SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 | Has a luminosity of around 1.62 × 1041 watts | [150] |
6 | SBS 1425+606 | Has a luminosity of over 1041 watts – optically brightest for z>3 | [151] |
J1144-4308 | Has a luminosity of 4.7 x 1040 watts or M_i(z=2) = -29.74 mag, optically brightest in last 9 Gyr | [152] | |
SDSS J074521.78+473436.2 | [153][154] | ||
S5 0014+813 | [149][155] | ||
SDSS J160455.39+381201.6 | z = 2.51, M(i) = 15.84 | ||
SDSS J085543.40-001517.7 | [156] |
انظر أيضاً
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