عملية عسكرية

Ramses II at Kadesh.jpgGustavus Adolphus at the Battle at Breitenfeld.jpgM1A1 abrams front.jpg

التاريخ العسكري

قبل التاريخ • القديمة • الوسيطة
المعاصرة المبكرة • الصناعية • الحديثة

مجالات المعارك

جوية • معلوماتية • برية • بحرية • فضائية


مدرعات • مدفعية • بيولوجية • سلاح الفرسان
كيماوية • إلكترونية • مشاة
نووية • نفسية


استنزاف • فدائيون • مناورة
حصار • حرب شاملة • خنادق


اقتصادية • كبرى • عملياتية


التشكيلات • الرتب • الوحدات


المعدات • الذخيرة • خطوط الامداد


المعارك • القادة • العمليات
الحصارات • المنظرون • الحروب
جرائم الحرب • الأسلحة • الكتاب

A military operation is the coordinated military actions of a state, or a non-state actor, in response to a developing situation. These actions are designed as a military plan to resolve the situation in the state or actor's favor. Operations may be of a combat or non-combat nature and may be referred to by a code name for the purpose of national security. Military operations are often known for their more generally accepted common usage names than their actual operational objectives.

أنواع العمليات العسكرية

Military operations can be classified by the scale and scope of force employment, and their impact on the wider conflict. The scope of military operations can be:


Parallel to and reflecting this framework for operations are organized elements within the armed forces which prepare for and conduct operations at various levels of war. While there is a general correlation between the size of units, the area within which they operate, and the scope of mission they perform, the correlation is not absolute. In fact, it is ultimately the mission that a unit performs that determines the level of war within which it operates.

— David M. Glantz، Soviet Military Operational Art[1]

المستوى العملياتي للحرب

The operational level of war occupies roughly the middle ground between the campaign's strategic focus and the tactics of an engagement. It describes "a distinct intermediate level of war between military strategy, governing war in general, and tactics, involving individual battles".[2] For example, during World War II, the concept applied to use of Soviet Tank Armies.[3]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Glantz, Soviet Military Operational Art, p.46.
  2. ^ Glantz, Soviet Military Operational Art, p.10.
  3. ^ Armstrong, Red Army Tank Commanders, p.13.
