سپايك (صاروخ)

SPIKE ATGM Command & launcher unit (CLU) with mock-up SPIKE LR missile mounted on a tripod at Singapore Army Open House 2007
النوع صاروخ مضاد للدبابات
مكان الصنع إسرائيل
تاريخ الخدمة
في الخدمة 1981–present (Spike NLOS)


اسُتخدم من قبل انظر المستخدمون
الحروب حرب لبنان 1982، الإنتفاضة الثانية، حرب لبنان 2006، حرب أفغانستان (2001–الآن)، حرب غزة، حرب غزة 2014، نزاع ناگورنو قرة باخ 2020
تاريخ الانتاج
المصمم رفائيل للأنظمة الدفاعية المتقدمة
صُمم Late 1970s (Spike NLOS)
المُصنع Rafael Advanced Defense Systems & EUROSPIKE GmbH (Rafael Advanced Defense Systems
Diehl Defence Rheinmetall Defence Electronics)
Unit cost $210,000 Spike NLOS[2]
صنعت • Spike NLOS: Early 1980s–present
• Spike-MR/LR/ER: 1997–present
• Spike-SR: 2012–present
عدد المصنوعات 28,500 (2017)[1]
التنويعات انظر التنويعات
الوزن Spike-ER from helicopter:

• Missile in canister: 34 kg (74 lb 15 oz)
• Launcher: 55 kg (121 lb 4 oz)
• Launcher + 4 missiles: 187 kg (412 lb 4 oz)

Spike-MR/LR from ground:[3]
• Missile round: 14 kg (30 lb 14 oz)
• Command & launch unit (CLU): 5 kg (11 lb 0 oz)
• Tripod: 2.8 kg (6 lb 3 oz)
• Battery: 1 kg (2 lb 3 oz)
• Thermal sight: 4 kg (8 lb 13 oz)

Spike-SR: • Missile in canister: 9.6 kg (21 lboz)

الطول • Spike-MR/LR: 1,200 mm (3 ft 11 in)
• Spike-ER: 1,670 mm (5 ft 6 in)
القطر • Spike-MR/LR: 130 mm (5.1 in)
• Spike-ER: 170 mm (6.7 in)

معدل النيران Ready to launch in 30 seconds, reload in 15 seconds
المدى الفعال • Spike-SR: 50–1,500 metres (55–1,640 yards)
• Spike-MR: 200–2,500 m (220–2,730 yd)
• Spike-LR: 200–4,000 m (220–4,370 yd)
• Spike-LR II: 200–5,500 m (220–6,010 yd)
• Spike-ER: 400–8,000 m (440–8,750 yd)
• Spike-ER II: 400–10,000 m (440–10,940 yd)
• Spike-NLOS: 600–25,000 m (660–27,340 yd)
التصويب 10× optical sight
رأس حربي Tandem-charge HEAT warhead
Piezoelectric trigger

المحرك Solid-propellant rocket
Infrared homing – Electro Optical (CCD, Imaging Infrared (IIR) or Dual CCD/IIR), Passive CCD or dual CCD/IIR seeker

سپايك Spike هو an Israeli fire-and-forget anti-tank guided missile and anti-personnel missile with a tandem-charge HEAT warhead, currently in its fourth-generation.[4] وهو من تصميم وإنتاج رفائيل للأنظمة الدفاعية المتقدمة. It is available in man-portable, vehicle-launched, and helicopter-launched variants.

As well as engaging and destroying targets within the line-of-sight of the launcher ("fire-and-forget"), some variants of the missile are capable of making a top attack through a "fire, observe and update" method (essentially lock-on after launch);[4] the operator tracking the target, or switching to another target, optically through the trailing fiber-optic wire (or RF link in the case of the vehicle-mounted, long-range NLOS variant) while the missile is climbing to altitude after launch. This is similar to the lofted trajectory flight profile of the US FGM-148 Javelin.


Cut away diagram of Spike ATGM.
Frontal close-up of the SPIKE missile's Command & launch unit (CLU) with thermal-imagining sight, tripod mount and an attached dummy missile canister.

Spike is a fire-and-forget missile with lock-on before launch and automatic self-guidance. The missile is equipped with an imaging infrared seeker.

The long and extended range versions of the Spike also have the capability of "Fire, Observe and Update" operating mode (also known as Lock-on after launch (LOAL)). The missile is connected by a fiber-optical wire that is spooled out between the launch position and the missile. With this, the operator can obtain a target if it is not in the line of sight of the operator at launch, switch targets in flight, or compensate for the movement of the target if the missile is not tracking the target for some reason. Hence, the missile can be fired speculatively for a target of opportunity, or to provide observation on the other side of an obstacle. The missile has a soft launch capability – the motor firing after the missile has left the launcher – that allows for the missile to be fired from confined spaces, which is a necessity in urban warfare.



مجندة إسرائيلية تحمل حامل صواريخ سپايك طراز جيل.
Nuvola apps kview.png صور خارجية
صاروخ ميني سپايك الموجه المضاد للدبابات
Nuvola apps xmag.png يمين سپايك with integral CLU
Nuvola apps xmag.png ميني سپايك with attached Spike CLU



Iran reverse-engineered Israeli Spike -MRs which were captured during the 2006 Lebanon War[5] and made a variant that goes by the name of (Iranian designation: Almaz, الماس),[6] it have been confirmed that it had been produced since 2018 and commissioned in 2021,[7] sources claim the Almaz can also be fired by missiles with videos arising from Iran showing the missile's precision.[8][9]


Operators of Spike ATGM colored in dark blue.
Singapore Airshow 2008, a locally developed twin-tube launcher for the Spike as mounted on a Spider Light Strike Vehicle of the Singapore Army.

أذربيجان أذربيجان
اجمالي 100 صاروخ سپايك-إل أر.[10]
Flag of Chile.svg تشيلي
Total 2,200 Spike-MR/LR missiles.[10]
كولومبيا كولومبيا
Total 15 Spike-ER missiles.[10]
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg التشيك
عدد غير معروف، تستخدم في Pandur II IFV.[11]
Flag of Ecuador.svg إكوادور
إجمالي 244 صاروخ، استلمتها في أكتوبر 2009.[12]
Flag of Finland.svg فنلندا
إجمالي 700 صاروخ، breakdown being 300 Spike-MR with the remaining 400 being Spike-ER.[10] 100 MR (PstOhj 2000) launchers plus an option for 70 more, and 18 ER (Rannikko-ohjus 2006) launchers for coastal anti-ship use.[13]
Flag of Germany.svg ألمانيا
إجمالي 4,000 صواريخ سپايك-إل أرs[10], 311 LR launchers on Puma vehicles.[14]
أول انتاجها في 1997، عدد غير معروف من صواريخ سپايك (جيل)، إر أر(Gomed)، إي أر(داني) و NLOS (تامز).[15]
Flag of Italy.svg إيطاليا
إجمالي 1,155 صواريخ سپايك إل أر وإي أر.[10] The Italian Army has ordered: 65 Infantry Launchers, 36 LR launchers for the Freccia IFV, 20 LR launchers for the Dardo IFV, 26 indoor and 37 outdoor training systems. The Italian Navy has ordered 6 Infantry Launchers, 2 indoor and 2 outdoor training systems. In total about 1000 missiles in 4 variants; SR, MR, LR and ER are to be procured. The initial contract is worth 120 million Euros.[13]
Flag of the Netherlands.svg هولندا
Total 2,400 Spike-MR missiles, 297 launchers.[13]
Flag of Peru (state).svg پيرو
Total 516 Spike-LR missiles, 48 launchers.[10]
Flag of Poland.svg بولندا
إجمالي 2,675 صاروخ سپايك إر آر، و264 منصة إطلاق.[10] Some will be on KTO Rosomak and Anders vehicles.[13]
البرتغال البرتغال
Total 20 Spike-MR/LR missiles.[10]
Flag of Romania.svg رومانيا
Total 1,950 missiles, breakdown being 1,000 Spike-ER with the remaining 950 being Spike-LR. For use on IAR 330 SOCAT attack helicopters and MLI-84M IFVs.[10]
Flag of Singapore.svg سنغافورة
After Israel, Singapore became the second country to acquired Spike ATGM in 1999.[16] Total 1,000 Spike-LR missiles, with associated launchers.[10]
Total 75 missiles, Spike MR and LR. Some will be on Patria AMVs.[بحاجة لمصدر]
Flag of South Korea (bordered).svg كوريا الجنوبية
South Korea will deploy 67 Spike NLOS rockets on Baengnyeong and Yeonpyeong islands.[17]
Flag of Spain.svg إسپانيا
Total 2,800 missiles, breakdown being 2,600 Spike-LR with remaining 200 being Spike-ER.[10] 236 Spike LR launchers (option for 100 more), 2,360 missiles for Spanish army, 24 Spike LR launchers/240 missiles for Spanish marines. Spike ER on Eurocopter Tiger attack helicopters (Spanish army).[13]

تحت التطوير

Flag of France.svg فرنسا
Spike is a contender along with Javelin.[18][19][20]
Flag of Turkey.svg تركيا
Although no formal contract or deal had been concluded, an Otokar Cobra light armoured vehicle had been fitted with the Rafael Overhead Weapon Station, armed with the Spike anti-tank missile system.[21][محل شك]

انظر أيضاً



  1. ^ "NT Spike" (PDF). Teal Group Corporation. مارس 2018. Archived (PDF) from the original on 12 يونيو 2018. Retrieved 10 يونيو 2018.
  2. ^ "Missile Procurement, Army (FY2021)" (PDF).
  3. ^ "A multitude of launchers – for a multitude of use". EuroSpike GmbH. Archived from the original on 10 يوليو 2011. Retrieved 29 يونيو 2010.
  4. ^ أ ب "Defense Update issue 2-07 (May – June 2007) : Electro-Optically Guided Weapons". Defense-Update.Com. Archived from the original on 6 يناير 2010. Retrieved 1 يوليو 2010.
  5. ^ https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iran-unveils-its-own-copy-of-the-israeli-spike-anti-tank-guided-missile-pic.662145/
  6. ^ https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iran-unveils-its-own-copy-of-the-israeli-spike-anti-tank-guided-missile-pic.662145/
  7. ^ https://mobile.twitter.com/301_AD/status/1412773524524109834
  8. ^ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1251567250080964608
  9. ^ https://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/WTARC/2006/me_iran_11_06.html
  10. ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س "SIPRI arms transfer database". Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. Information generated on 27 August 2011. Retrieved 27 August 2011. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  11. ^ (التشيكية)Czech Army page
  12. ^ (بالإسپانية) "Ecuadorean Army OrBat" (Press release). Ecuadorean Army. 30 نوفمبر 2009. Retrieved 1 يونيو 2010.
  13. ^ أ ب ت ث ج International Institute for Strategic Studies (2010). The Military Balance 2010. المملكة المتحدة: Taylor and Francis. ISBN 9781857435573. {{cite book}}: |access-date= requires |url= (help)
  14. ^ "EuroSpike launcher — Ground — Vehicle Operation". EuroSpike GmbH. Retrieved 1 يوليو 2010.
  15. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة IDF1
  16. ^ "Army Gets New Anti-Tank Weapon" (Press release). Singaporean Ministry of Defence (MINDEF). 13 July 1999, last updated on 25 June 2005. Retrieved 25 August 2011. {{cite press release}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  17. ^ خطأ استشهاد: وسم <ref> غير صحيح؛ لا نص تم توفيره للمراجع المسماة ROKT
  18. ^ Enzi Bonsignor editor in chief "Military Technology" 7/2010 page 4 - ie Spike tentatively chosen by French Army and decision is a big dispute with domestic defence industry which wants Milan-3 chosen instead. Javelin's have been bought for use only in Afghanistan by French Army as a temporary measure
  19. ^ Pierre, Tran (29 مارس 2010). "Battling for a Battlefield Missile". DefenceNews.Com. Retrieved 16 أغسطس 2010. {{cite web}}: Unknown parameter |coauthors= ignored (|author= suggested) (help)
  20. ^ "Despite the Recent Acquisition of Javelin Missiles, France Still Undecided on Future Anti-Tank Missile Buy". Defence-Update.Com. 9 أبريل 2010. Retrieved 16 أغسطس 2010.
  21. ^ http://www.army-technology.com/projects/cobra/

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