سرگي سازانوڤ
سرگي دميترييڤتش سازانوڤ Sergei Dmitrievich Sazonov GCB (بالروسية: Сергей Дмитриевич Сазонов؛ 10 أغسطس 1860، محافظة ريازان - 25 ديسمبر 1927) كان رجل دولة روسي، عمل وزيراً للخارجية من نوفمبر 1910 إلى يوليو 1916. The degree of his involvement in the events leading up to the outbreak of World War I is a matter of keen debate, with some historians putting the blame for an early and provocative mobilization squarely on Sazonov's shoulders, and others maintaining that his chief preoccupation was "to reduce the temperature of international relations، خصوصاً في البلقان".[1]
بداية مسيرته العملية
Of lesser noble background, Sazonov was the brother-in-law of Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin, who did his best to further Sazonov's career. Having graduated from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Sazonov served in the London embassy, and the diplomatic mission to the Vatican, of which he became the chief in March 1906. On 26 June 1909 Sazonov was recalled to St. Petersburg and appointed Assistant Foreign Minister. Before long he replaced Alexander Izvolsky as Foreign Minister and followed a policy along the lines laid down by Stolypin.
وزيراً للخارجية
اتفاقية پوتسدام
Just before he was officially appointed foreign minister, Sazonov attended a meeting between Nicholas II of Russia و Wilhelm II of Germany في پوتسدام في 4–6 نوفمبر 1910. This move was intended to chastise the British for their perceived betrayal of Russia's interests during the Bosnian crisis. Indeed, Britain's Foreign Secretary was seriously alarmed by this token of a "German-Russian Détente".[2]
The two monarchs discussed the ambitious German project of the سكة حديد بغداد, widely expected to give Berlin considerable geopolitical clout في الهلال الخصيب. Against the background of the Persian Constitutional Revolution, Russia was anxious للسيطرة على الفرع المزمع من السكة الحديدية بين خانقين-طهران. The two powers settled their differences in the Potsdam Agreement, signed on 19 August 1911 and giving Russia a free hand in Northern Iran. As Sazonov hoped, the first railway connecting Persia to Europe would provide Russia with a lever of influence over its southern neighbour.
Notwithstanding the promising beginning, the Russian-German relations disintegrated in 1913, when the Kaiser sent one of his generals to reorganize the Turkish army and to supervise the garrison in Constantinople, remarking that "the German flag will soon fly over the fortifications of the Bosphorus", a vital trade artery which accounted for two fifths of Russia's exports.[3]
التحالف مع اليابان
Despite his fixation on Russian-German affairs, Sazonov was also mindful of Russian interests in the Far East. In the wake of the disastrous الحرب الروسية اليابانية, he steadily made friendly overtures toward Japan. As a result, a secret convention was signed in St. Petersburg on 8 July 1912 concerning the delimitation of spheres of interest in منغوليا الداخلية. Both powers determined to keep Inner Mongolia politically separate from Outer Mongolia. Four years later, Sazonov congratulated himself on concluding a التحالف الدفاعي الروسي الياباني (3 يوليو 1916) الذي كان يهدف إلى تأمين مصالح القوتين في الصين.
الحرب العالمية الأولى
In the run-up to a major military conflict in Europe, another concern of the Russian minister was لعزل النمسا-المجر, mainly by playing the Balkan card against the dwindling power of the Habsburgs. Since Sazonov was moderate in his Balkan politics, his ministry "came under frequent nationalist fire for failing to conform to a rigid pan-Slav line".[4]
While the extremist agents like Nicholas Hartwig aspired to solidify the conflicting South Slavic states into a confederacy under the aegis of the Tsar, there is no indication that Sazonov personally shared or encouraged these views. Regardless, both Austria and Germany were persuaded that Russia fomented Pan-Slavism في بلگراد and other Slavic capitals, a belligerent attitude in some measure responsible for the الاغتيال في سراييڤو واندلاع الحرب العظمى.
Serbia was a client state of Russia. That caused Russia to defend Serbia against Austria After the assassination of the Austrian Archduke. Sazonov warned Austria in 1914 that Russia, "would respond militarily to any action against the client state." [5]
وما أن بدأت الحرب العالمية الأولى، حتى عمل سازانوڤ على منع رومانيا من الانضمام إلى القوى المركزية وصارعها في مارس 1915 للحصول على موافقة صامتة من حلفاء روسيا على احتلال روسيا، بعد الحرب، للبسفور والقسطنطينية والجانب الأوروبي من الدردنيل. وفي 1 أكتوبر 1914 Sazonov gave a written guarantee to Romania that, if the country sided with the Entente, it would be enlarged at the expense of the Austrian dominions in Transylvania, Bukovina, and the Banat. In general, "his calm and courteous manner did much to maintain fruitful Allied relations".[1]
سازانوڤ كان يُنظر إليه بإيجابية في لندن، ولكن الجناح المحب لألمانيا[6] التابع للقيصرة ألكسندرا ناشد بقوة لطرده، وهو ما حدث في 10 يوليو[7] ولم يحدث ذلك إلا بعد أن أفشى مقترحاً لمنح پولندا الاستقلال الذاتي.
حياته لاحقاً
وفي مطلع 1917، عـُيـِّن سازانوڤ سفيراً في المملكة المتحدة، إلا أنه وجد أنه من الضروري البقاء في روسيا، حيث شهد ثورة فبراير. وكان معارضاً للبلشڤية، ونصح أنطون دنيكن في الشئون الدولية، وأصبح وزيراً للخارجية في حكومة الأدميرال كولچاك المناهضة للبلشڤية. وفي 1919 قام بتمثيل الحركة البيضاء في مؤتمر پاريس للسلام. أمضى سازانوڤ أعوامه الأخيرة في فرنسا حيث كتب كتاب مذكراته. وقد توفي في نيس حيث دُفِن.
- ^ أ ب John M. Bourne. Who's Who in World War One. Routledge, 2001. ISBN 0-415-14179-6. Page 259.
- ^ Siegel, Jennifer. Endgame: Britain, Russia and the Final Struggle for Central Asia. I.B. Tauris, 2002. ISBN 1-85043-371-2. Pages 90-92.
- ^ Lowe, John. The Great Powers, Imperialism, and the German Problem, 1865-1925. Routledge, 1994. ISBN 0-415-10444-0. page 210.
- ^ Cassels, Alan. Ideology and International Relations in the Modern World. Routledge, 1996. ISBN 0-415-11926-X. Page 122.
- ^ Christopher Clark, The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 (2012) p 481.
- ^ Ferro, Marc. Nicholas II: Last of the Tsars. Oxford University Press US, 1993. Page 234.
- ^ FAZ 25.11.1916 Russlands Ministerpräsident zurückgetreten
مناصب سياسية | ||
سبقه ألكسندر إزڤولسكي |
وزير خارجية روسيا سبتمبر 1910 – 10 يوليو 1916 (ن.ق.) |
تبعه بوريس شتورمر |
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