زلزال وتسونامي سنداي 2011
![]() | |
الوقت UTC | ?? |
المقدار | 8.9 Mw |
العمق | 15.2 mi (24 km) |
المركز | 38°19′19″N 142°22′08″E / 38.322°N 142.369°E |
النوع | زلزال تسبب في تسونامي |
المناطق المتأثرة | اليابان (بصفة أساسية) دول متعددة (تسونامي) |
إجمالي الضرر | أعاصير، إنزلاقات أرضية، حرائق، دمار البنية التحتية والمباني، حوادث نووية |
ذروة التسارع | 0.35g |
التسونامي | Yes |
الإنزلاقات | Yes |
توابع الزلزال | 315 على الأقل (30 فوق 6.0 MW) |
تسونامي وزلزال سنداي 2011 (東北地方太平洋沖地震, Tōhoku Chihō Taiheiyō-oki Jishin[2], حرفيا "زلزال ساحل المحيط الهادي" منطقة توهوكو) هو زلزال بقوة 8.9-م. د. ع. نتج عنه موجات تسونامي لمسافة أكثر من 10 كم.[3] بلغت درجته 7[4] حسب وكالة الأرصاد اليابانية لقياس قوة الزلازل في محافظة ميياگي الشمالية، اليابان، [4] وحذرت وكالة الأرصاد اليابانية من إمكانية تكون تسونامي اذا ما بلغ الزلزال 8.4 درجة،[5] عدلت فيما بعد إلى 8.8.[6] كان مركز الزلزال في شبه جزيرة اوشيكا، على الشاطئ الغربي لتوهوكو في 11 مارس 2011، في الساعة .5:46 حسب التوقيت المحلي العالمي (14:46 التوقيت المحلي) على عمق 24.4 كم.[7]
ويعتبر زلزال سنداي 2011 أقوى زلزال ضرب اليابان في التاريخ المسجل.[3] وسابع أقوى زلزال في العالم منذ بدء التسجيل.[8][9] ويعتقد أنه أقوى زلزال ضرب اليابان أثناء 1,200 عام مضت.[10]
أعقب الزلزال الرئيسي مجموعة توابع، بدأت بقوة 7.2 في 9 مارس، ثم زلزال في 11 مارس، وتبعه ثلاثة آخرون في نفس اليوم يفوقون M6 في الشدة.[3]
وقع الزلزال في غرب المحيط الهادي، على بعد 120 كم من سندي، هونشو، اليابان. كان مركز الزلزال على بعد 373 من طوكيو، حسب المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي (USGS). حدثت مجموعة من التوابع بعد زلزال بقوة 8.8 في الساعة 14.46 بالتوقيت المحلي. ووقع تابع آخر بقوة 7.0 في الساعة 15.06 بالتوقيت المحلي.[11] ثم أكثر من 40 تابع بقوة 5.0 أو أكثر في الساعات القليلة التالية بعد الزلزال الرئيسي.
كانت قوة الزلزال في البداية 7.9 حسب المسح الجيولوجي الأمريكي ثم ارتفع قوته سريعا إلى 7.9، 8.8، إلى أن وصلت إلى 8.9.[3]
This earthquake occurred in the Japan Trench. A quake of this size usually has a rupture length of at least 480 kilometers (300 mi) and requires a long, relatively straight fault line. Because the plate boundary and subduction zone in this region is not so straight, earthquakes in this region are usually expected to be with magnitudes up to 8 to 8.5, and the magnitude of this earthquake was a surprise to some seismologists.[12]
The quake registered a maximum 7 on the Japan Meteorological Agency seismic intensity scale in كوريهارا، ميياگي.[4][13] Three other prefectures—فوكوشيما, إيباراكي وتوچيگي—recorded upper 6 on the JMA scale. Seismic stations in Iwate, Gunma, Saitama and Chiba Prefecture measured lower 6, recording upper 5 in Tokyo.
A local official at the hardest-hit city of كوريهارا في محافظة ميياگي, in a telephone interview by Agence France-Presse (AFP) said:
We were shaken so strongly for a while that we needed to hold on to something in order not to fall. We couldn't escape the building immediately because the tremors continued... City officials are now outside, collecting information on damage.[14]
An earthquake measured magnitude of 6.7 by JMA occurred at 18:59 UTC, 11 March (03:59, 12 March local time).[15] Its epicenter was in Niigata Prefecture. The quake was recorded upper 6 on the JMA intensity scale in محافظة ناگانو and lower 6 in Niigata.
الزلزال استدعى اطلاق انذار تسونامي لساحل اليابان على المحيط الهادي وعلى الأقل 20 دولة، تتضمن كامل الساحل الأمريكي على المحيط الهادي من ألاسكا إلى تشيله.[16][17][18][19] The tsunami warning issued by Japan was the most serious on its warning scale, implying that the wave was expected to be 10 meters (33 ft) high.[20] According to Kyodo news agency, a wave that high was observed at 3:55pm JST flooding Sendai Airport, which is located near the coast of محافظة ميياگي,[21][22] with waves sweeping aside cars and flooding various buildings as they traveled inland.[23] Kyodo news agency has reported a four-meter-(13 ft) high tsunami hitting Iwate Prefecture in Japan. A 0.5-meter (20 in)-high wave hit Japan's northern coast.[24][14] Reports indicate that the wall of water was higher than some Pacific islands and the danger of tsunami flooding prompted warnings for almost the entire Pacific basin.[25]
في بيان صحفي، من مركز التحذير من تسونامي في المحيط الهادي:
An earthquake of this size has the potential to generate a destructive tsunami that can strike coastlines near the epicentre within minutes and more distant coastlines within hours.[14]
The United States West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center issued a tsunami warning for the coastal areas of كاليفورنيا واوريگون from Point Conception, California to the Oregon-Washington border.[19] Residents in Seaside and Astoria, Oregon were notified by reverse 911 and sirens in early morning hours to evacuate low-lying areas; public schools were closed for the day.[26] In Crescent City, California, one death was reported from the tsunami with another person missing, along with significant damage to the local harbor.[27]
When the tsunami hit Guam, two U.S. attack submarines were pulled from their moorings but they were soon taken under tow.[28] The tsunami was as much as 1.5-2 m (6–7 feet high) in parts of Hawaii with the surge reaching at least 30 m (100 feet) inland on the south side of the Big Island but no damage was reported.[29]
مناطق أخرى متأثرة
المنطقة | الإخلاء | انذار التسونامي | ارتفاع التسونامي | الخسائر | المصادر |
تايوان | نعم | نعم | 10 سم | 0 | [30] |
گوام، الولايات المتحدة | نعم | نعم | 40 سم | 0 | [31][32][33] |
ماريانا الشمالية | نعم | نعم | 40 سم | 0 | [31][32] |
هاواي (معظم الأماكن)، الولايات المتحدة | نعم | نعم | 2.1 متر | 0 | [34][35] |
الفلپين (معظم الأماكن) | نعم | نعم | 1 متر | 0 | [36][37] |
مالوكو الشمالية، الفلپين | نعم | نعم | 10 سم | 0 | [36][38] |
پالو (بعض الأجزاء) | نعم | نعم | 11 سم | 0 | [36][39][40][41][42][43][44] |
توڤالو، Nanumea island | نعم | نعم | "موجتان صغيرتان" | 0 | [45] |
Indonesia's North Sulawesi and Maluku islands | نعم | نعم | 10 سم | 0 | [36][46][30] |
Russia's Sea of Okhotsk's coastline | غير معروف | غير معروف | 3.4 متر | 0 | [47] |
جزر الكوريل الروسية | نعم | نعم | 3.3 متر | 0 | [47][48] |
جزيرة ميدواي، الولايات المتحدة | لا (غير مأهولة) | لا (غير مأهولة) | 1.5 متر | 0 | [49][49] |
Maui, Hawaii, USA | نعم | نعم | 2.1 متر | 0 | [50][49] |
Shemya, Alaska, USA | نعم | نعم | 1.5متر | 0 | [49] |
Aleutian Islands, Alaska, USA | نعم | نعم | متر | 0 | [49] |
شاطئ كونا، بيگ أيلاند، هاواي، الولايات المتحدة | نعم | نعم | متر | 0 | [49] |
واك أيلاند، هاواي، الولايات المتحدة | نعم | نعم | 1.8 متر | 0 | [49][51] |
كاليفورنيا، الولايات المتحدة | نعم | نعم | 2 متر | 5 | [52] |
المكسيك، شاطئ المحيط الهادي | غير معروف | نعم | 70 سم | 0 | [53] |
حالة التنبيه الحالية
Since 5:55 UTC the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center has been issuing frequently updated tsunami warnings and estimated arrival times.[54][55]
- Arrival times for Pacific islands
ما بعد الزلزال

نظام إذاعة طوكيو (TBS) أكد 1,597[1] dead and another 1,481[1] missing in six different prefectures.[56][24]
By 09:30 March 11 UTC, Google Person Finder, which was previously used in the Haiti, Chile, and Christchurch earthquakes, was collecting information about survivors and their locations.[57][58]
It has been confirmed that two passenger trains containing an unknown number of passengers have disappeared on a coastal area during the tsunami.[59]
It has also been confirmed that a ship carrying 100 people was swept away by the tsunami. The current status of the ship is still unknown.[60]
البنية التحتية
The effects of the quake included visible smoke rising from a building in the ميناء طوكيو with parts of the port areas being flooded, including soil liquefaction in Tokyo Disneyland's carpark.[61][14] Shinkansen bullet train services in and out of Tokyo were suspended, though there were no derailments; Narita and Haneda Airport both suspended operations after the quake, with most flights diverted to other airports until further notice.[14] Various train services around Japan were also cancelled, with JR East suspending all services for the rest of the day.[62]
According to Tohoku Electric, around 4.4 million households in northeastern Japan were left without electricity.[63] Several nuclear and conventional power plants went offline after the earthquake.
An oil refinery of Cosmo Oil Company was set on fire by the quake at Ichihara Chiba Prefecture to the east of Tokyo.[64]
Japan's transport network suffered as well. Many sections of Tohoku expressway serving northern Japan have been damaged.[65] Many railways services were suspended in Tokyo, with an estimated 20,000 people stranded at major stations across Tokyo. In the hours after the earthquake, some train services were resumed.[66]
According to an unnamed official from Chunghwa Telecom, the earthquake has caused "some damage" to an undersea cable near Kita on the eastern coast of Japan but data transmission hasn't been interrupted.[67]
Fires were reported "sweeping across" the town of Kesennuma, Japan.[68]
وحدات الطاقة النووية
في أعقاب الزلزال، تم إغلاق محطات الطاقة النووية التالية تلقائيا؛ محطة الطاقة النووية اوناگاوا، فوكوشيما 1، فوكوشيما 2، ومحطات توكاي للطاقة النووية. محطة الطاقة النووية هيگاشيدوري والتي تقع على الساحل الشمالي الشرقي، أغلقت تلقائيا بالفعل للتفيش الدوري. محطة روكاشو للمعالجة النووية، وتقع على الساحل أيضا، تم تشغيلها بمولدات الطوارئ التي تعمل بالديزل.[69]
بصفة منفصلة، حدث حريق في محطة اوناگاوا.[69] The blaze was in a building housing the turbine, which is sited separately from the plant's reactor.[70]
- فوكوشيما
According to the Associated Press Japan has declared a state of emergency following the failure of the cooling system at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant.[71] Officials say there has been no leak of radiation or radioactive material.[72]
One facility in Fukushima developed a mechanical failure in the reactor cooling system after it was shut down and emergency power supply failed but there was no radiation leak.[73] Past midnight local time, it was reported that The Tokyo Electric Power Company was considering venting out superhot gas from the reactor vessel into the atmosphere, which could result in the release of radioactives.[74] The core of the reactor remains hot however, so cooling is still required. Unnamed officials at the Japanese Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency reported that due to lack of electricity the emergency cooling system is currently powered by a battery, which lasts about eight hours. Another six batteries have been secured, and the government may use military helicopters to fly them in.[75] A precautionary state of emergency has been declared.[70] More than 2,000 residents living within a 3-kilometer (1.9 mi) radius of the plant were evacuated, while residents living within a zone 3 to 10 kilometers (1.9 to 6.2 mi) away were asked to evacuate.[76][77]
Japanese officials have announced their intentions to vent "slightly radioactive" gas to relieve pressure within the reactor vessel.[78][79]
كسنـّوما، ميياگي
حدثت حرائق كبيرة في مدينة كسنـّوما، ميياگي، والتي يصل عدد سكانها إلى 73,403.[80][81]
الأسواق المالية
Japan’s Nikkei saw its futures slide 5% in after-market trading.[82] Other stock markets around the world were also affected;[83] the German DAX lost 1.2% and fell to 6,978 points within minutes.[84] Bombay Stock Exchange or Sensex (India) has also plunged by 0.84%[83] Oil prices have also dropped as a result of the earthquake in Japan, as well as the ongoing violence in Libya and expected demonstrations in Saudi Arabia, seeing US crude drop as low as $99.01 from $100.08 by lunchtime, along with Brent crude falling $2.62 to $112.81.[85] In Hong Kong, the Financial Secretary John Tsang warned investors to "take extra care" as the earthquake may have a short term impact on the local stock market. [86]
ردود الفعل
ردود الفعل الحكومية
Prime Minister Naoto Kan announced the government has mobilized the Japanese Self-Defense Forces in various earthquake disaster zones.[87] He asked the Japanese public to act calmly and tune into various media for updated information.[87][88] He also reported numerous nuclear power plants have automatically shut down to prevent damage and radiation leaks.[87] PM Kan also setup emergency headquarters in his office to coordinate the government's response.[88]
Central banks have vowed to do their utmost to ensure financial market stability.[89]
ردود الفعل الدولية
Japan received condolence messages and offers of assistance from a range of international leaders. The United States moved naval vessels closer to Japan for the purposes of providing aid.[90] According to the United Nations, search and rescue teams from 45 countries had been offered to Japan. Japan specifically requested teams from Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, and the US.[91]
انظر أيضا
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has generic name (help)CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link) - ^ أ ب The World Reporter. "Impact on Economy after Japanese Earthquake, Tsunami". The World Reporter. Retrieved 11 March 2011.
- ^ "Erdbeben Japan: Riesige Flutwelle spült Trümmer übers Land". Zeit Online (in German). March 11 2011. Retrieved March 11 2011.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|accessdate=
(help)CS1 maint: unrecognized language (link) - ^ "Oil prices drop after Japan quake". Raidió Teilifís Éireann. March 11 2011. Retrieved March 11 2011.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|accessdate=
(help) - ^ "FS warns of quake impact on shares". RTHK. 12 March 2011. Retrieved 12 March 2011.
- ^ أ ب ت Christopher Anstey (11 March 2011). "Kan Mobilizes Forces, BOJ Pledges Liquidity After Quake".
- ^ أ ب Nikkei Inc. (11 March 2011). "Govt Takes Emergency Steps, Kan Asks People To Stay Calm". Nikkei.com.
- ^ "BOJ to Work to Ensure Financial Market Stability". 11 March 2011.
- ^ "Obama: Japan earthquake potentially 'catastrophic'". msnbc.com. 11 March 2011. Retrieved 11 March 2011.
- ^ Nebehay, Stephanie (11 March 2011). "Japan requests foreign rescue teams, U.N. says". Reuters. Retrieved 11 March 2011.
وصلات خارجية

| 2011 Sendai earthquake
]].- USGS Earthquake Report
- Integrated Tsunami Watcher Service
- Pacific Tsunami Warning Center
- Seismic Monitor
- Video Antena 3 Romanian Television (Youtube)
- NOAA West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Information
- Esri Disaster Response and Assistance, 2011 Japan Earthquake
- Google Person Finder, 2011 Japan Earthquake
- Pages using gadget WikiMiniAtlas
- CS1 errors: generic name
- CS1 errors: unsupported parameter
- CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list
- CS1 errors: URL
- EQ articles needing UTC timestamp
- Coordinates on Wikidata
- EQ articles using 'aftershock'
- EQ articles waiting for ISC event id
- EQ articles needing ANSS url
- EQ articles needing 'local-date'
- EQ articles needing 'local-time'
- Pages using infobox earthquake with unknown parameters
- Pages using columns-list with unknown parameters
- Megathrust earthquakes in Japan
- زلازل 2011
- 2011 في اليابان
- تسونامي
- زلزال وتسونامي سنداي 2011