روجر مايرسون

روجر مايرسون Roger Myerson
Myerson roger b print.jpg
الميلاد29 مارس 1951 (العمر 73 سنة)
Boston, مساتشوستس
الجنسية الولايات المتحدة
المؤسسةUniversity of Chicago
Northwestern University
الحقلGame theory
الجامعة الأمHarvard University
التأثراتKenneth Arrow
الإسهاماتMechanism design
الجوائزNobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (2007)
Information at IDEAS/RePEc

روجر ميرسون (Roger Myerson)(و.29 مارس 1951)م هو عالم اقتصاد أمريكي يهودي .

حاصل على جائزة نوبل في الاقتصاد عام 2007 بسبب مساهمته بوضع نظرية تصميم الآليات.

وميرسون مؤلف نظرية نظرية اللعب: تحليل الصراعات، في عام 1991 طور نموذجا يعتمد على الرياضيات لتحليل الانتخابات، كما أصدر برامج كومبيوتر تتعلق بنظريته ونحو 70 ورقة عمل حول نظرية اللعب وجوانب اخرى من بحثه.

السيرة الذاتية

جائزة نوبل


Game theory and mechanism design
  • "Graphs and Cooperation in Games," Mathematics of Operations Research 2 (1977), 225-229.
  • "Two-Person Bargaining Problems and Comparable Utility," Econometrica 45 (1977), 1631-1637.
  • "Refinements of the Nash Equilibrium Concept," International Journal of Game Theory 7 (1978), 73-80.
  • "Incentive Compatibility and the Bargaining Problem," Econometrica 47 (1979), 61-73.
  • "Optimal Auction Design," Mathematics of Operations Research 6 (1981), 58-73.
  • "Mechanism Design by an Informed Principal," Econometrica 51 (1983), 1767-1797.
  • "Two-Person Bargaining Problems with Incomplete Information," Econometrica 52 (1984), 461-487.
  • "Bayesian Equilibrium and Incentive Compatibility," in Social Goals and Social Organization, edited by L. Hurwicz, D. Schmeidler, and Hugo Sonnenschein, Cambridge University Press (1985), 229-259.

He wrote a general textbook on game theory in 1991, and has also written on the history of game theory, including his review of the origins and significance of noncooperative game theory.[1] He also served on the editorial board of the International Journal of Game Theory for ten years.

Myerson has worked on economic analysis of political institutions and written several major survey papers:

  • "Analysis of Democratic Institutions: Structure, Conduct, and Performance," Journal of Economic Perspectives 9:1 (1995), 77-89.
  • "Economic Analysis of Political Institutions: An Introduction," Advances in Economic Theory and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, volume 1, edited by D. Kreps and K. Wallis (Cambridge University Press, 1997), pages 46-65.
  • "Theoretical Comparisons of Electoral Systems," European Economic Review 43 (1999), 671-697.

His recent work on democratization has raised critical questions about American policy in occupied Iraq.[2]


  • Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict, Harvard University Press, 1991.
  • Probability Models for Economic Decisions, Duxbury Press, 2005.


  1. ^ Myerson, Roger B. (1999), "Nash Equilibrium and the History of Economic Theory", Journal of Economic Literature 37: 1067-1082 
  2. ^ Myerson, Roger B. (2006), "Federalism and Incentives for Success of Democracy", Quarterly Journal of Political Science 1: 3-23 

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