رالف فون وليامز
رالف (تــُنطـَق /ˈreɪf/[1]) Vaughan Williams OM (12 October 1872 - 26 أغسطس 1958) هو مؤلف موسيقى إنجليزى للسيمفونيات, وموسيقى الحجرة, و الأوبرا, و موسيقى الكورال, و تحرير النصوص للأفلام . و كان يعمل على جمع الموسيقى الشعبية الإنجليزية و اغنية وهذا له أثر أيضا على نهج التحرير لكتاب التراتيل الانجليزية ، والتي بدأت في 1904 ، العديد من الأغاني الشعبية التي وضعت الترتيبات و لترنيمة الانغام ، إضافة إلى العديد من مكونات الأعمال الأصلية.
السنين المبكرة
رالف فون وليامز ولد في 12 أكتوبر 1872 في داون أمبنى, جلوسيسترشايرحيث كان والده ، القس آرثر فون ويليامز ، وكان وكيلا, . آرثر فون ويليامز ، وكان وكيل. و عقب وفاة والده في 1875 و أقتيد من قبل والدته, سوزان مارغريت دجوود (1843–1937), الحفيدة الكبرى للخزاف جوشيا ويدجوود, كى تعيش مع عائلتها في المكان ليث هيل, ويدجوود منزل عائلة داونز في الشمال وكان أيضا يرتبط بالدارونيون, تشارلز دارون كان عمه الأكبر. و هكذا ولد في كيان متميز فكريا من الطبقة فوق المتوسطة, فون وليامز لم يعد ذلك من المسلمات ولم يأخذها جديا و عمل حياته كلها يقدس الحياة الديمقراطية و يؤمن بالمساواة والمثل العليا التي يعتقدها.[2]
و كدارس للموسيقى , فقد تعلم البيانو, " الذى قال أنه لن يستطيع العزف عليه إطلاقا, و تعلم أيضا آلة الفيولينة, التى كانت له ملاذا في الموسيقى." بعد مدرسة شارتر هاوس حضر الكلية الملكية للموسيقى (RCM) تحت تشارلز فيليرز ستانفورد. و درس التاريخ و الموسيقى في كلية ترينتى, كامبريدج,[3] وعند اصدقائه وشملت الفلاسفة المعاصرين جورج ادوارد مور و برتراند راسل. ثم عاد الى الكلية الملكية للموسيقى حيث درس التأليف الموسيقى مع هوبرت بارى, الذى أصبح صديقا له . واحد من زملاؤه الطلاب في الكلية الملكية للموسيقى هو ليوبولد ستكوفسكى و في خلال 1896 فقد درسا معا الأرغن على يد والتر بارات. و فيما بعد ذهب ستوكوفسكى لعزف 6 من سيمفونيات فون وليامز للجمهور الأميريكى , و تم عمل أول تسجيل السيمفونية السادسة و في 1949 مع أوركسترا نيويورك الفلهارمونية , و قد منح الأميريكيون. حفل الإفتتاح السيمفونية التاسعة في قاعة كارنيجى في 1958.
- انظر أيضاً: ألحان رالف فون وليامز.
- Hugh the Drover or Love in the Stocks (1910–20). Romantic ballad opera. Libretto: Harold Child
- Sir John in Love (1924–28), from which comes an arrangement by Ralph Greaves of Fantasia on "Greensleeves"
- The Poisoned Kiss (1927–29; revisions 1936–37 and 1956–57). Libretto: Evelyn Sharp (later amended by Ralph and Ursula Vaughan Williams)
- Riders to the Sea (1925–32), from the play by John Millington Synge
- The Pilgrim's Progress (1909–51), based on John Bunyan's allegory
- The Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains (1921). Libretto: Ralph Vaughan Williams (from John Bunyan) (Later incorporated, save for the final section, into The Pilgrim's Progress)
موسيقى المناسبات
- The Wasps (1909; to Aristophanes's play The Wasps; best known as an orchestral suite)
- The Death of Tintagiles (1913; to Maurice Maeterlinck's 1894 play) [4]
- Old King Cole (1923)
- On Christmas Night (1926)
- Job: A Masque for Dancing (1930)
- The Running Set (1933)
- The Bridal Day (1938–39)
الأعمال الأوركسترالية
- السيمفونيات
- A Sea Symphony (Symphony No. 1), a choral symphony on texts by Whitman (1903–1909)
- A London Symphony (Symphony No. 2) (1913)
- A Pastoral Symphony (Symphony No. 3) (1921)
- Symphony No. 4 in F minor (1931–34)
- Symphony No. 5 in D (1938–43)
- Symphony No. 6 in E minor (1946–47)
- Sinfonia antartica (Symphony No. 7) (1949–52) (partly based on his music for the film Scott of the Antarctic)
- Symphony No. 8 in D minor (1953–55)
- Symphony No. 9 in E minor (1956–57)
- In the Fen Country, for orchestra (1904)
- Norfolk Rhapsody No. 1 (1906, rev. 1914)
- The Wasps, an Aristophanic suite (1909; see Incidental music above)
- Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis (1910, rev. 1913 and 1919)
- Fantasia on "Greensleeves" (1934)[5]
- Five Variants of Dives and Lazarus (1939)
- Concerto Grosso, for three parts of strings requiring different levels of technical skill (1950)
- البانو
- Piano Concerto in C (1926–31)
- Concerto for Two Pianos and Orchestra (c. 1946; a reworking of Piano Concerto in C)
- Violin
- The Lark Ascending for violin and orchestra (1914)
- Concerto Academico for violin and orchestra (1924–25)
- Viola
- Flos Campi for viola, wordless chorus and small orchestra (1925)
- Suite for Viola and Small Orchestra (1936–38)
- Oboe Concerto in A minor, for oboe and strings (1944)
- Fantasia (quasi variazione) on the Old 104th Psalm Tune for piano, chorus, and orchestra (1949)
- Romance in D-flat for harmonica and orchestra (1951) (written for Larry Adler)
- Tuba Concerto in F minor (1954)
الأعمال الكورالية
- Toward the Unknown Region, song for chorus and orchestra, setting of Walt Whitman (1906)
- Five Mystical Songs for baritone, chorus and orchestra, settings of George Herbert (1911)
- Fantasia on Christmas Carols for baritone, chorus, and orchestra (1912; arranged also for reduced orchestra of organ, strings, percussion)
- Mass in G Minor for unaccompanied choir (1922)
- Sancta Civitas (The Holy City) oratorio, text mainly from the Book of Revelation (1923–25)
- Te Deum in G (1928)
- Benedicite for soprano, chorus, and orchestra (1929)
- In Windsor Forest, adapted from the opera Sir John in Love (1929)
- Three Choral Hymns (1929)
- Magnificat for contralto, women's chorus, and orchestra (1932)
- Five Tudor Portraits for contralto, baritone, chorus, and orchestra (1935)
- Dona nobis pacem, text by Walt Whitman and other sources (1936)
- Festival Te Deum for chorus and orchestra or organ (1937)
- Serenade to Music for sixteen solo voices and orchestra, a setting of Shakespeare, dedicated to Sir Henry Joseph Wood on the occasion of his Jubilee (1938)
- A Song of Thanksgiving (originally Thanksgiving for Victory) for narrator, soprano solo, children's chorus, mixed chorus, and orchestra (1944)
- An Oxford Elegy for narrator, mixed chorus and small orchestra (1949)
- Three Shakespeare Songs for SATB unaccompanied, composed for The British Federation of Music Festivals National Competitive Festival (1951)
- Oh Taste and See, a motet setting of Psalm 34:8. The original SATB version was composed for the Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey in June 1953. (1953)
- Hodie, a Christmas oratorio (1954)
- Folk songs of the Four Seasons for unaccompanied SSA chorus.
- Epithalamion for baritone solo, chorus, flute, piano, and strings (1957)
- A Choral Flourish for unaccompanied SATB chorus, composed for a large choral event in the Royal Albert Hall at the invitation of (and dedicated to) Alan Kirby (c. 1952)
توزيعات التراتيل المسيحية
Vaughan Williams was the musical editor[6] of the English Hymnal of 1906, and the co-editor with Martin Shaw of Songs of Praise of 1925 and the Oxford Book of Carols of 1928, all in collaboration with Percy Dearmer.
- A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing [7]
- All Creatures of Our God and King [7]
- Alleluia, Sing to Jesus [7]
- Amid the Thronging Worshippers [7]
- At the Name of Jesus [7]
- "Come Down, O Love Divine" [7] original hymnody by Bianco of Siena (1434)"Discendi, Amor santo"and entitled "Down Ampney" in honour of Vaughan Williams's birthplace
- Come, Let Us with Our Lord Arise [7] an Easter anthem
- Come Thou Long Expected Jesus [7] a carol for the season of Advent
- For All the Saints harmonized from "Sine Nomine"
- God Be With You Till We Meet Again[7]
- I Love You Lord, My Strength, My Rock[7]
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God[7]
- Jesus, Lord, Redeemer[7]
- "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence", text of the Cherubic hymn of Liturgy of St James, harmonized to the French folk tune Picardy (1906)
- Make Room Within My Heart, O God[7]
- My God, My God, O Why Have You Forsaken Me? a lament for Good Friday services during Passiontide
- O Come to Me, the Master Said[7]
- "O Little Town of Bethlehem" a popular Christmas Carol penned by the American Phillips Brooks adapted to the English tune "Forest Green"
- O Sing a Song of Bethlehem[7]
- On Christmas Night All Christians Sing[7]
- When the Church of Jesus[7]
الأعمال الصوتية البشرية
- "Linden Lea", song (1901)
- The House of Life, six sonnets by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, set to music (1904)
- Songs of Travel (1904)
- "The Sky Above The Roof" (1908)
- On Wenlock Edge, song cycle for tenor, piano and string quartet (1909)
- Along the Field, for tenor and violin
- Three Poems by Walt Whitman for baritone and piano (1920)
- Four Poems by Fredegond Shove: for baritone and piano (1922)
- Four Hymns (1914)
- Merciless Beauty for tenor, two violins, and cello
- Four Last Songs to poems of Ursula Vaughan Williams
- Ten Blake songs, song cycle for high voice and oboe (1957)
موسيقى الحجرة والآلات
- String Quintet in C minor for violin, viola, cello, double bass and piano (1903)
- String Quartet No. 1 in G minor (1908)
- Phantasy Quintet for 2 violins, 2 violas and cello (1912)
- Six Studies in English Folk-Song, for violoncello and piano (1926)
- String Quartet No. 2 in A minor ("For Jean, on her birthday," 1942–44)
- Sonata in A minor for violin and piano (1952)
- Romance for Viola and Piano (undated)
- Three Preludes on Welsh Hymn Tunes (Bryn Calfaria, Rhosymedre, Hyfrydol) (1920)
- Prelude and Fugue in C minor (1921)
- A Wedding Tune for Ann (1943)
- The Old One Hundredth Psalm Tune, harmonization and arrangement (1953)
- Two Organ Preludes (The White Rock, St. David's Day) (1956)
السينما والاذاعة والتلفزيون و كتابة النصوص
- 49th Parallel, 1940, his first, talked into it by Muir Mathieson to assuage his guilt at being able to do nothing for the war effort
- Coastal Command, 1942
- BBC adaptation of The Pilgrim's Progress, 1942
- The People's Land, 1943
- The Story of a Flemish Farm, 1943
- Stricken Peninsula, 1945
- The Loves of Joanna Godden, 1946
- Scott of the Antarctic, 1948, partially reused for his Symphony No. 7 Sinfonia antartica
- The England of Elizabeth, 1957
الفرق الموسيقية
- English Folk Song Suite for military band (1923)
- Toccata Marziale for military band (1924)
- Flourish for Wind Band (1939)
- Sea Songs
- Overture: Henry V for brass band
- Variations for brass band (1957)
- Prelude on Three Welsh Hymn Tunes arranged from the organ piece for brass band (????) and published by Salvationist Publishing and Supplies
- ^ ڤون ويليامز , أورسولا. (1964) R.V.W. سيرة رالف فون وليامز , Oxford University Press. The preface, Notes on Names, says "Ralph's name was pronounced Rayf, any other pronunciation used to infuriate him."
- ^ Frogley, Alain (2004 — online edition May 2006). "'Williams, Ralph Vaughan (1872–1958)'" (subscription required). Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/36636. Retrieved 16 يناير 2008.
{{cite web}}
: Check date values in:|year=
(help); Unknown parameter|month=
ignored (help) - ^ قالب:Venn
- ^ The Death of Tintagiles
- ^ see "YouTube videoclip" under External Links
- ^ see "1956 audio interview" under External Links
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ Center for Church Music songs and hymns entry for Ralph Williams
وصلات خارجية
- Free scores by رالف فون وليامز at the International Music Score Library Project
- 1956 audio interview with Vaughan Williams on his editing of the English Hymnal (from the BBC)
- The Ralph Vaughan Williams Society
- Vaughan Williams Phantasy Quintet Soundbites and discussion of work
- Ralph Vaughan Williams في Internet Movie Database
- Ralph Vaughan Williams at the British Film Institute's Screenonline
- Heffer, Simon (5 ديسمبر 2007). "Ralph Vaughan Williams: Uneasy listening". The Daily Telegraph.
A stunning new film about composer Ralph Vaughan Williams challenges the myths that obscure his legacy – and exposes the darkness that permeates his work.
(on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the composer's death) - Works by or about رالف فون وليامز in libraries (WorldCat catalog)
- CS1 errors: unsupported parameter
- Pages with empty portal template
- مؤلفون موسيقيون كلاسيكيون
- مؤلفون موسيقيون كلاسيكيون في القرن 20
- مؤلفون موسيقيون إنگليز
- المؤلفون الكلاسيكيون للموسيقى الكنسية
- ملحنو الاوپرا
- جامعو أغاني شعبية إنگليز
- خريجو الكلية الملكية للموسيقى
- حائزو الوسام الذهبي للجمعية الفيلهارمونية الملكية
- أعضاء مرتبة الاستحقاق
- أكاديميو بيربيك، جامعة لندن
- ضباط المدفعية الملكية
- خريجو جامعة كمبردج
- Old Carthusians
- لاأدريون إنگليز
- إنسانيون إنگليز
- اشتراكيون إنگليز
- إنگليز من أصل ويلزي
- People from Cotswold (district)
- موسيقيون صم
- Decca Records artists
- مدفونون في كنيسة وستمنستر
- مواليد 1872
- وفيات 1958
- ملحنو الباليه