رؤساء الأركان المشتركة

رؤساء الأركان المشتركة
Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
شارة رؤساء الأركان المشتركة.
المهمةمجلس استشاري يقدم المشورة العسكرية المهنية لوزير الدفاع والرئيس
تأسست عملياً1942
تأسست بموجبقانون الأمن القومي 1947
مدون حالياً في
10 U.S.C. § 151
الكيانات السابقةالمجلس المشترك
الرئيسالجنرال تشارلز كيو براون الابن، القوات الجوية
نائب الرئيسالأميرال كريستوفر گرادي، البحرية الأمريكية
عدد الأعضاء8
الوكالة الأموزارة الدفاع الأمريكية
تنظيم الأركانهيئة الأركان المشتركة (بالنسبة لرئيس هيئة الأركان ونائبه، ورؤساء الأجهزة ورئيس مكتب الحرس الوطني لديهم طاقم خاص بهم يساعدهم)

رؤساء الأركان المشتركة (Joint Chiefs of Staff؛ JCS)، هي هيئة من كبار القادة العسكريين في وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية تنصح وزير الدفاع، ومجلس الأمن الداخلي، ومجلس الأمن القومي ورئيس الولايات المتحدة في الأمور العسكرية. The composition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is defined by statute and consists of the رئيس هيئة الأركان المشتركة الأمريكية (CJCS), Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS), and the Military Service Chiefs from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and the Chief of the National Guard Bureau,[1] all appointed by the President following Senate confirmation.[2] Each of the individual Military Service Chiefs, outside of their Joint Chiefs of Staff obligations, works directly for the Secretary of the Military Department concerned, i.e., Secretary of the Army, Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of the Air Force.[3][4][5][6]

Following the Goldwater–Nichols Act in 1986, the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not have operational command authority, neither individually nor collectively, as the chain of command goes from the President to the Secretary of Defense, and from the Secretary of Defense to the Commanders of the Combatant Commands.[7] Goldwater–Nichols also created the office of Vice Chairman, and the Chairman is now designated as the principal military adviser to the Secretary of Defense, the Homeland Security Council, the National Security Council and to the President.[8]

The Joint Staff (JS) is a headquarters staff in the Pentagon, composed of personnel from each of the four Department of Defense armed services, that assists the Chairman and the Vice Chairman in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS) who is a lieutenant general or Navy vice admiral.[9]

الدور والمسئوليات

The Joint Chiefs of Staff في الپنتاگون في ديسمبر 2001.

الأعضاء الحاليون في رؤساء الأركان المشتركة

المركز الصورة الاسم فرع الخدمة
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Dunford CJCS.JPG Gen جوسف دنفورد  مشاة البحرية الأمريكية
Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Paul J. Selva, USAF (VJCS).jpg Gen پول سلڤا Flag of the الولايات المتحدة Air Force الولايات المتحدة
Chief of Staff of the Army Mark Miley Army Chief of Staff.jpg GEN مارك ملي  الولايات المتحدة
Commandant of the Marine Corps Neller 2015 2.jpg Gen Robert B. Neller  مشاة البحرية الأمريكية
Chief of Naval Operations Admiral John M. Richardson (CNO).jpg ADM John M. Richardson  البحرية الأمريكية
Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen Mark A. Welsh III CSAF.jpg Gen مارك ولش الثالث Flag of the الولايات المتحدة Air Force الولايات المتحدة
Chief of the National Guard Bureau General Frank J. Grass JCS.jpg GEN فرانك گراس  الولايات المتحدة


انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ "Top Guard officer joins Joint Chiefs of Staff". Army Times. 4 January 2012.
  2. ^ [1] 10 USC 151. Joint Chiefs of Staff: composition; functions
  3. ^ 10 U.S.C. §3033
  4. ^ 10 U.S.C. §5033
  5. ^ 10 U.S.C. §5043
  6. ^ 10 U.S.C. §8033
  7. ^ 10 U.S.C. §162(b)
  8. ^ 10 U.S.C §151(b)
  9. ^ 10 U.S.C §155
  10. ^ The Changing of the Guard


  • Gillespie, Robert M. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Escalation of the Vietnam Conflict, 1964–1965. Masters Thesis, Clemson University, 1994.
  • Joint Chiefs of Staff, Organizational Development of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1942–1987. Joint Secretariat, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1988.
  • Jordan, Jonathan W., American Warlords: How Roosevelt's High Command Led America to Victory in World War II (NAL/Caliber 2015).
  • McMaster, H.R. Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies that Led to Vietnam. New York: Harper Collins, 1997.
  • Perry, Mark Four Stars: The Inside Story of the Forty-Year Battle Between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and America's Civilian Leaders. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1989, ISBN 0-395-42923-4.
  • Rearden, Steven L. History of the Office of the Secretary of Defense. 2 vols. Washington, D.C.: Historical Office, Office of the Secretary of Defense, 1984.
  • Schnabel, James F. History of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and National Policy 1945–1947. Volume I. Washington, D.C.: Joint History Office, The Joint Staff, 1996.
  • Taylor, Maxwell D. The Uncertain Trumpet. New York: Harper & Row, 1959.

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