
(تم التحويل من داكس 30)
Boerse Frankfurt inside.jpg
رسم بياني لمؤشر داكس في بورصة فرانكفورت
التأسيس1 يوليو 1988
المشغلDeutsche Börse
البورصاتبورصة فرانكفورت
النوعLarge cap
قيمة رأس المال442.5 billion (end 2008)[1]
Market value-weighted
الموقع الإلكترونيDAX homepage

داكس (Deutscher Aktien IndeX, formerly Deutscher Aktien-Index، هوالمؤشر الرئيسي لبورصة فرانكفورت. ويضم أكبر 30 شركة تجارية ألمانية ضمن الشركات المدرجة في بورصة فرانكفورت.


A display of Adidas shoes.
Inside a branch of Metro's Real hypermarket chain in Würzburg.
المقر الرئيسي لشركات داكس
الشركة Prime Standard industry group Ticker symbol Index weighting (%)1
أديداس ملابس رياضية ADS 1.25
أليانز تأمين ALV 7.81
BASF كيماويات BAS 5.93
باير كيماويات BAY 7.77
Beiersdorf منتجات شخصية BEI 0.68
بي إم دبليو تصنيع سيارات BMW 1.90
Commerzbank مصارف إئتمانية CBK 0.49
ديملر تصينع سيارات DAI 4.91
ديوتش بنك مصارف إئتمانية DBK 4.29
Deutsche Börse سمسرة أوراق مالية DB1 2.10
لوفتهانزا خطوط طيران LHA 0.99
Deutsche Post logistics DPW 1.71
Deutsche Telekom fixed-line telecommunication DTE 7.34
E.ON multi-utilities EOA 10.00
Fresenius رعاية صحية FRE 0.68
Fresenius Medical Care رعاية صحية FME 1.32
Hannover Re re-insurance HNR1 0.40
Henkel personal products HEN3 0.92
K+S commodity chemicals SDF 1.16
Linde industrial gases LIN 2.40
MAN diversified industrials MAN 0.85
Merck pharmaceuticals MRK 1.10
Metro multiline retail MEO 0.72
Munich Re re-insurance MUV2 5.02
RWE multi-utilities RWE 5.78
Salzgitter steel and other metals SZG 0.45
SAP software SAP 6.20
Siemens diversified industrials SIE 9.73
ThyssenKrupp diversified industrials TKA 1.22
Volkswagen Group automobile manufacturers VOW 4.88

Note 1: - Weightings accurate at start of trade on 23 March 2009. Source: DAX Weighting 20.03.2009, Deutsche Börse.

شركات سابقة في داكس

Following table lists the former components of DAX and the ones replaced them.

التاريخ Component excluded Component included Reason for exclusion/ Comments
03.09.1990 Feldmühle Nobel Metallgesellschaft Takeover of Feldmühle Nobel by Stora Enso
Nixdorf Preussag (now TUI) Merged with Siemens to form Siemens-Nixdorf
18.09.1995 Deutsche Babcock SAP Replaced by SAP because of lower market capitalisation
22.07.1996 Kaufhof METRO Merger of Kaufhof and Metro Cash & Carry
23.09.1996 Continental Münchener Rück Continental was added back to the DAX on 22 September 2003, though it was demoted again in 2008
18.11.1996 Metallgesellschaft Deutsche Telekom IPO of Deutsche Telekom
22.06.1998 Bayerische Hypotheken-
und Wechselbank
adidas Merger of Vereinsbank and Hypobank to form HypoVereinsbank
Bayerische Vereinsbank HypoVereinsbank
21.12.1998 Daimler-Benz DaimlerChrysler
(now Daimler)
Merger of Daimler-Benz with Chrysler
22.03.1999 Degussa Degussa-Hüls Merger of Degussa AG with Hüls AG and renaming to Degussa-Hüls AG
25.03.1999 Thyssen ThyssenKrupp Merger of Thyssen and Krupp
20.09.1999 Hoechst Fresenius Medical Care Merger of Hoechst and Rhône-Poulenc with Aventis
14.02.2000 Mannesmann Epcos Takeover of Mannesmann by Vodafone
19.06.2000 Veba E.ON Merger of Veba and Viag to form E.ON
VIAG Infineon
18.12.2000 Degussa-Hüls Degussa Merger of Degussa-Hüls AG and SKW Trostberg AG to new Degussa AG
19.03.2001 KarstadtQuelle Deutsche Post IPO of Deutsche Post
23.07.2001 Dresdner Bank MLP Vz. Takeover of Dresdner Bank by Allianz
23.09.2002 Degussa Altana Inadequate market capitalisation
23.12.2002 Epcos Deutsche Börse Fast-exit of Epcos, as Epcos' market capitalisation became inadequate.[2]
22.09.2003 MLP Continental Inadequate free float and market capitalisation.
31.01.2005 Lanxess Lanxess was split off from Bayer.
01.02.2005 Lanxess
19.12.2005 HypoVereinsbank Hypo Real Estate Takeover of HypoVereinsbank by UniCredit
18.09.2006 Schering Postbank Takeover of Schering by Bayer
18.06.2007 Altana Merck After the sale of Nycomed, inadequate market capitalisation[3]
22.09.2008 TUI K+S Fast-entry of K+S, inadequate market capitalisation of TUI[4]
22.12.2008 Continental Beiersdorf Fast-exit of Continental because of inadequate free-float market capitalisation after the acquisition by Schaeffler Group
22.12.2008 Hypo Real Estate Salzgitter Fast-Exit of Hypo Real Estate because of inadequate free-float market capitalisation after a stake by American investor JC Flowers, as well as huge decline in market capitalisation during the financial crisis of 2007–2009
23.03.2009 Infineon Technologies Fresenius SE Inadequate market capitalisation
23.03.2009 Deutsche Postbank Hannover Re Inadequate market capitalisation


  1. ^ "DAX Weighting 30.12.2008". Deutsche Börse. 30 December 2008. Retrieved 2009-03-21.
  2. ^ Deutsche Börse: Deutsche Börse ab dem 23. Dezember im DAX Pressemitteilung, 12. November 2002
  3. ^ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Merck ersetzt Altana im DAX
  4. ^ Deutsche Börse: K+S ersetzt TUI in DAX Pressemitteilung, 3rd September 2008

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