
خام الذهب (أبعاد: 7.5 × 6.1 × 4.1 سم)
الخام Ore الصخور أو المواد المعدنية المتشكلة طبيعيا و التي تحوي على المعادن الخام ويتم العنصر من فلزه الخام يعتمد على نوع الفلز الخام حيث يحطم الفلز الخام و يخلط بمواد منقية ثم يسخن إلى درجة عالية.
Ore deposits are classified according to various criteria developed via the study of economic geology, or ore genesis. The classifications below are typical.
Hydrothermal epigenetic deposits
- Mesothermal lode gold deposits, typified by the Golden Mile, Kalgoorlie
- Archaean conglomerate hosted gold-uranium deposits, typified by Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada and Witwatersrand, South Africa
- Carlin–type gold deposits, including;
- Epithermal stockwork vein deposits
- IOCG or iron oxide copper gold deposits, typified by the supergiant Olympic Dam Cu-Au-U deposit
- Porphyry copper +/- gold +/- molybdenum +/- silver deposits
- Intrusive-related copper-gold +/- (tin-tungsten), typified by the Tombstone, Arizona deposits
- Hydromagmatic magnetite iron ore deposits and skarns
- Skarn ore deposits of copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, etcetera
Magmatic deposits
- Magmatic nickel-copper-iron-PGE deposits including
- Cumulate vanadiferous or platinum-bearing magnetite or chromite
- Cumulate hard-rock titanium (ilmenite) deposits
- Komatiite hosted Ni-Cu-PGE deposits
- Subvolcanic feeder subtype, typified by Noril'sk-Talnakh and the Thompson Belt, Canada
- Intrusive-related Ni-Cu-PGE, typified by Voisey's Bay, Canada and Jinchuan, China
- Lateritic nickel ore deposits, examples include Goro and Acoje, (Philippines) and Ravensthorpe, Western Australia.
رسوبيات بركانية
- Volcanic hosted massive sulfide (VHMS) Cu-Pb-Zn including;
- Examples include Teutonic Bore and Golden Grove, Western Australia
- Besshi type
- Kuroko type
- Examples include Teutonic Bore and Golden Grove, Western Australia
Metamorphically reworked deposits
- Podiform serpentinite-hosted paramagmatic iron oxide-chromite deposits, typified by Savage River, Tasmania iron ore, Coobina chromite deposit
- Broken Hill Type Pb-Zn-Ag, considered to be a class of reworked SEDEX deposits
- Phosphorus-tantalite-vermiculite (Phalaborwa South Africa)
- Rare earth elements – Mount Weld, Australia and Bayan Obo, Mongolia
- Diatreme hosted diamond in kimberlite, lamproite or lamprophyre
Sedimentary deposits
- Banded iron formation iron ore deposits, including
- Channel-iron deposits or pisolite type iron ore
- Heavy mineral sands ore deposits and other sand dune hosted deposits
- Alluvial gold, diamond, tin, platinum or black sand deposits
- Alluvial oxide zinc deposit type: sole example Skorpion Zinc
Sedimentary hydrothermal deposits
- Lead-zinc-silver, typified by Red Dog, McArthur River, Mount Isa, etc.
- Stratiform arkose-hosted and shale-hosted copper, typified by the Zambian copperbelt.
- Stratiform tungsten, typified by the Erzgebirge deposits, Czechoslovakia
- Exhalative spilite-chert hosted gold deposits
- Mississippi valley type (MVT) zinc-lead deposits
- Hematite iron ore deposits of altered banded iron formation
خامات متعلقة بالأستروبليم
- Sudbury Basin nickel and copper, Ontario, Canada
The basic extraction of ore deposits follows these steps:
- Prospecting or exploration to find and then define the extent and value of ore where it is located ("ore body")
- Conduct resource estimation to mathematically estimate the size and grade of the deposit
- Conduct a pre-feasibility study to determine the theoretical economics of the ore deposit. This identifies, early on, whether further investment in estimation and engineering studies is warranted and identifies key risks and areas for further work.
معادن خامات هامة
- Acanthite (cooled polymorph of Argentite): Ag2S for production of silver
- Barite: BaSO4
- Bauxite Al(OH)3 and AlOOH, dried to Al2O3 for production of aluminium
- Beryl: Be3Al2(SiO3)6
- Bornite: Cu5FeS4
- Cassiterite: SnO2
- Chalcocite: Cu2S for production of copper
- Chalcopyrite: CuFeS2
- Chromite: (Fe, Mg)Cr2O4 for production of chromium
- Cinnabar: HgS for production of mercury
- Cobaltite: (Co, Fe)AsS
- Columbite-Tantalite or Coltan: (Fe, Mn)(Nb, Ta)2O6
- Dolomite: CaMg(CO3)2
- Galena: PbS
- Native gold: Au, typically associated with quartz or as placer deposits
- Hematite: Fe2O3
- Ilmenite: FeTiO3
- Magnetite: Fe3O4
- Malachite: Cu2CO3(OH)2
- Molybdenite: MoS2
- Pentlandite: (Fe, Ni)9S8
- Pyrolusite: MnO2
- Scheelite: CaWO4
- Sperrylite: PtAs2 لانتاج الپلاتين
- Sphalerite: ZnS
- Uraninite (pitchblende): UO2 for production of metallic uranium
- Wolframite: (Fe, Mn)WO4
انظر أيضاً
- جيولوجيا اقتصادية
- Mineral resource classification
- Ore genesis
- علم الصخور
- Froth Flotation
- Extractive metallurgy (ore processing)