جون پونسونبي

اللورد پونسونبي في رسم بريشة جون فردريك لويس، 1841.

جون پونسونبي، ڤايكونت پونسونبي الأول John Ponsonby, 1st Viscount Ponsonby‏، GCB‏ (177022 فبراير 1855) كان دبلوماسياً بريطانياً وسياسياً لأمد طويل. كان السفير البريطاني في الأستانة أثناء الحرب التركية المصرية.

عمله السياسي

پونسونبي، أكبر أبناء بارون پونسونبي الأول، وشقيق السير وليام پونسونبي، وُلِد حوالي عام 1770. وعمل عضواً في البرلمان (MP) في مجلس العموم الأيرلندي عن تالو بين 1793 و 1797. Elected in 1798 for both Banagher and Dungarvan, he elected to sit for the latter from 1798 to the Act of Union في 1800/01. He then represented Galway Borough في مجلس العموم البريطاني حتى 1802.

حياته الدبلوماسية

لدى وفاة والده في 5 نوفمبر 1806، فقد خلفه as Baron Ponsonby, and for some time held an appointment in the Ionian Islands. On 28 February 1826 he went to Buenos Aires as envoy-extraordinary and minister-plenipotentiary until 1828 and moved then to Rio de Janeiro in the same capacity. An exceptionally handsome man, he was sent, it was reported, to South America by George Canning to please George IV, who was envious of the attention paid him by Lady Conyngham. Once there he greatly fostered the creation of a buffer state between Argentina and Brazil to the benefit of British commerce: Uruguay. In 1830, he was entrusted with a special mission to بلجيكا في 1 ديسمبر 1830، حول أحقية الأمير ليوپولد من زاكسه-كوبورگ للعرش، وظل في بروكسل حتى انتُخِب ليوپولد ملكاً في 4 يونيو 1831. His dealings with this matter were adversely criticised in ‘The Guet-à-Pens Diplomacy, or Lord Ponsonby at Brussels, …’ London, 1831. But Lord Grey eulogised him in the House of Lords on 25 June 1831. Thus, as a diplomat, he was sent twice by the الامبراطورية البريطانية to promote the instauration of buffer states to protect its interests, Uruguay and Belgium, both of which survive to this very day, still deeply similar to their bigger neighbours. In addition to this, Ponsonby was envoy to ناپولي من 8 يونيو إلى 9 نوفمبر 1832، وسفير في اسطنبول من 27 نوفمبر 1832 إلى 1841، وسفير في ڤيينا من 10 أغسطس 1846 إلى 31 مايو 1850.

حياته اللاحقة

Through Lord Grey, who had married his sister Mary Elizabeth, he had great influence, but his conduct as an ambassador sometimes occasioned embarrassment to the ministry. He was, however, a keen diplomatist of the old school, a shrewd observer, and a man of large views and strong will (LOFTUS, Diplomatic Reminiscences, 1892, i. 129–30). He was gazetted G.C.B. on 3 March 1834, and created ڤايكونت پونسونبي, of Imokilly in the County of Cork on 20 April 1839. The viscount had married, on 13 January 1803, Elizabeth Frances Villiers, fifth daughter of George Villiers, 4th Earl of Jersey. She died at 62 Chester Square, لندن, on 14 April 1866, having had no issue. Ponsonby published ‘Private Letters on the Eastern Question, written at the date thereon,’ Brighton, 1854, and died at برايتون on 21 February 1855. The viscounty thereupon lapsed, but the barony devolved on his nephew William, ابن السير وليام پونسونبي.


  • Mosley, Charles (editor). (1999). Burke's Peerage & Baronetage, 106th edition


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منصب مستحدث ڤايكونت پونسونبي
وليام پونسونبي
البارون پونسونبي
وليام پونسونبي