تحرير إزمير

تحرير إزمير
جزء من الحرب التركية اليونانية (1919-1922)
حملة في حرب الاستقلال التركي
أحمد ضياء آق‌بلوط، Türk Ordusunun İzmir'e Girişi ("Turkish Army's Entry to Izmir")
(77 cm × 53 cm, Museum of Ataturk and the War of Independence Museum)
التاريخ31 أغسطس 1912 – 9 سبتمبر 1922
النتيجة هدنة مدانيا، تبادل السكان
Flag of مملكة اليونان مملكة اليونان مملكة اليونان Greece
القادة والزعماء
Mustafa Kemal Pasha
Fevzi Pasha
İsmet Pasha
مملكة اليونان Georgios Hatzianestis
مملكة اليونان Nikolaos Trikoupis #
مملكة اليونان Kimon Digenis #
الضحايا والخسائر
  • 2,318 killed, 9,360 wounded, 1,697 missing and 101 prisoners
  • Total: 13,476[5]
By 7 September:
  • 35,000 killed and wounded, 15,000 prisoners
  • Total: 50,000[6][7][8][9]

According to the other sources


التقدم التركي باتجاه سميرنا (تركية: Büyük Taarruz) was the largest and final military operation of the Turkish War of Independence, fought between the Turkish Armed Forces loyal to the government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, and the Kingdom of Greece, ending the Greco-Turkish War. The offensive began on 26 August 1922 with the Battle of Dumlupınar. The Turks amassed around 98,000 men, the largest number since the beginning of the war, to begin the offensive against the Greek army of approximately 130,000 men.[13][14] From 31 August to 9 September, the front moved a distance of 300 km (190 mi) as the Greek troops retreated.[15] The Turkish army lacked motorized vehicles; its forces consisted of infantry and cavalry units, and logistical support was provided by a supply system based on ox carts.[16]

The Turkish troops reached the sea on 9 September with the capture of İzmir. The operation ended on 18 September 1922 with the capture of Erdek and Biga. The staggering defeat caused great dissent within the Greek army and a general loss of morale, which led to unwillingness to continue fighting. On top of this, numerous Greek divisions had been encircled and destroyed as effective fighting units, which meant that the Greek army had lost its offensive capabilities and was unable to organize a controlled retreat, leading to numerous Greek POWs.

بعد دملوپينار


The offensive started with the Battle of Dumlupınar, where the Turkish army defeated the Greek army within four days, paving the way for a rapid offensive. After Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's order issued in the Forces of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, the main part of the Turkish Army began moving toward İzmir and a secondary force began moving from Eskişehir toward Bursa.[17] The commander-in-chief of the Greek forces in Asia Minor, Nikolaos Trikoupis, surrendered on 29 August.[18][19] On 7 September, Aydın, Germencik and Kuşadası fell under Turkish control. On 16 September, the last Greek troops left Çeşme, and two days later the Greek III Corps left Erdek. The British Chief of Staff expressed his admiration for the Turkish military operation.[20]

31 أغسطس

Turkish V Cavalry Corps, Kızıltaş Deresi, Murat Dağı, Murat Çayı,

Trikoupis, Bazan

Greek 5th Division, Abine, Eşme

Greek 4th Division, Oysu village

الفيلق الأول التركي

Francos Group of Greek I Corps, Hallaçlar, Ahatköy, Uşak, Kapaklar, Kırka

الفيلق الرابع التركي

1 سبتمبر

Mustafa Kemal to the Forces of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey

Ordular! İlk Hedefiniz Akdeniz (Bahr-ı Sefid)'dir. İleri!

2 سبتمبر


Nihat (Tok) Commander of the 1st Battalion of the 69th Regiment of the 23rd Division

Greek 15th Division, Kütahya - Simav

Turkish 61st Division

3 سبتمبر

Kula, Alaşehir

4 سبتمبر

Turkish V Cavalry Corps, Alaşehir, Salihli

چركس أدهم

promotion of Turkish officers

5 سبتمبر


Plastiras, Salihli, Kasaba (Turgutlu)

Turkish 1st Cavalry Division

6 سبتمبر

Turkish 3rd Cavalry Division

Greeks, Kula, Eşme, Salihli, Alaşehir

Turkish 73rd Infantry Regiment

Turkish 14th Cavalry Division

Fahreddin (Fahrettin Altay): Kılıca kuvvet!

7 سبتمبر

Turkish V Cavalry Corps, Turkish I Corps, Turkish II Corps

Greeks, reinforcement to Smyrna

8 سبتمبر

Edgard Quinet

اليونانيون، Çeşme

Menemen Boğazı, Hamidiye, Nif (Kemalpaşa)

Francos, Balçova, Urla Peninsula

Izzeddin (İzzettin Çalışlar)

9 سبتمبر

I Corps, Nif (Kemalpaşa), II Corps, Manisa, IV Corps, Kasaba (Turgutlu)

III Corps, Kazancıbayırı, بورصا

Turkish 4th Cavalry Regiment Captain Sherafeddin (Şerafettin İzmir)

Turkish 14th Cavalry Regiment Captain Zeki (Doğan)

Turkish 1st Cavalry Division Mürsel (Bakû)




Greek 18th Regiment, Seydiköy

September 16, last Greek troops left Çeşme.

15th Division, September 13, Dikili.

Greek III Corps, September 18, left Erdek.



  1. ^ أ ب Belgelerle Türk tarihi dergisi, Editions 28–31, Menteş Kitabevi, 1999, page 35 (in تركية)
  2. ^ أ ب A. Dural: His Story: Mustafa Kemal and Turkish Revolution, ISBN 0595412513, iUniverse, 2007, page 93
  3. ^ أ ب Nizamettin Nazif Tepedelenlioğlu: Bilinmiyen taraflariyle Atutürk, Yeni Çığır Kitabevi, 1959, page 64 (in تركية)
  4. ^ أ ب Assertion of unitary, independent national states in central and southeast europe (1821–1923), Bibliotheca historica romaniae Edition 62, Edited by Viorica Moisuc and Ion Calafeteanu, Section des sciences historiques de l'Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine., 1980, page 340 (footnote 94)
  5. ^ Ali Çimen, Göknur Göğebakan: Tarihi Değiştiren Savaşlar, 2. Edition, ISBN 9752634869, page 321. (in تركية)
  6. ^ Armistice sought by Greeks as Turks press near Smyrna, New York Times, published 8 September 1922
  7. ^ Clodfelter, Micheal. Warfare and armed conflicts : a statistical encyclopedia of casualty and other figures, 1492/2015 (Fourth ed.). p. 346. ISBN 1476625859.
  8. ^ Chronicling America – Historic American Newspapers, Turk Cavalry Routs Greeks, The Ogden standard-examiner (Ogden, Utah), 7 September 1922, page 2.
  9. ^ Armistice Sought By Greeks As Turks Press 8 September 1922.
  10. ^ Stephen Joseph Stillwell, Anglo-Turkish relations in the interwar era, Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2003, ISBN 0773467769, page 46
  11. ^ Richard Ernest Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt Dupuy, The Harper encyclopedia of military history: from 3500 BC to the present, ISBN 0062700561, HarperCollins, 1993, page 1087
  12. ^ Revue internationale d'histoire militaire - Issues 46-48, University of Michigan, 1980, page 227
  13. ^ Bruce Clark: Twice a Stranger: The Mass Expulsions That Forged Modern Greece And Turkey, Harvard University Press, 2006, ISBN 0674023684, page 22.
  14. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1980, page 227.
  15. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences. 1980, page 227.
  16. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences, 1980, page 227.
  17. ^ International Committee of Historical Sciences. Commission of comparative military history, Revue internationale d'histoire militaire (Editions 46–48), University of Michigan, 1980, page 227.
  18. ^ "Trikupis" veya "Trikopis", Büyük Larousse Sözlük ve Ansiklopedisi, 22. Cilt, Milliyet Yay., İstanbul.
  19. ^ Aggelomatis, Chr., "Chronicle of Great Tragedy" (The Epic of Asia Minor), Estia, 1963, pp. 194-5
  20. ^ Elisabeth Özdalga: The Last Dragoman: The Swedish Orientalist Johannes Kolmodin as Scholar, Activist and Diplomat, Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul, 2006, ISBN 9789186884147, page 62.


  • Kemal Niş, Reşat Söker, Türk İstiklâl Harbi, Batı Cephesi, Büyük Taarruz’da Takip Harekâtı (31 Ağustos - 18 Eylül 1922), Cilt 2, Kısım. 6, 3. Kitap, Genkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1969. (لغة تركية)
  • İsmet Görgülü, Büyük Taarruz: 70 nci Yıl Armağanı, Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Basımevi, Ankara, 1992. (لغة تركية)
  • Celal Erikan, Komutan Atatürk, Cilt I-II, Üçüncü Basım, Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul, 2001, ISBN 975-458-288-2. (لغة تركية)

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