پرابوو سوبيانتو Prabowo Subianto
فريق (متقاعد) پرابوو سوبيانتو | |
Prabowo Subianto | |
![]() صورة الانتخابات 2023. | |
رئيس إندونيسيا | |
Assuming office 20 أكتوبر 2024 | |
نائب الرئيس | جبران راكابومنج راكا (منتخب) |
يخلف | جوكو ويدودو |
وزير دفاع إندونيسيا رقم 26 | |
تولى المنصب 23 أكتوبر 2019 | |
الرئيس | جوكو ويدودو |
سبقه | رياميزارد رياكودو |
زعيم حزب گريندرا الثاني | |
تولى المنصب 20 سبتمبر 2014 | |
سبقه | سوهاردي |
قائد كوستراد رقم 22 | |
في المنصب 20 مارس 1998 – 22 مايو 1998 | |
الرئيس | |
سبقه | الفريق سوگيونو |
خلـَفه |
قائد الكوپاسوس رقم 15 | |
في المنصب 1 ديسمبر 1995 – 20 مارس 1998 | |
الرئيس | سوهارتو |
سبقه | الفريق سوباگيو هادي سيسويو |
خلـَفه | اللواء موتشدي پرووپرانجونو |
تفاصيل شخصية | |
وُلِد | پروباوو سوبيانتو دجوجوهاديكوسومو 17 أكتوبر 1951 جاكرتا، إندونيسيا |
الحزب | گريندرا |
ارتباطات سياسية أخرى | گولكار (حتى 2008) |
الزوج | |
الأنجال | ديديت هديپراستيو دجوهوهاديكوسومو |
الأم | دورا ماري سيگار |
الأب | سوميترو دجوجوهاديكوسمو |
الأقارب |
المدرسة الأم | الأكاديمية العسكرية الإندونيسية |
الوظيفة | |
التوقيع | ![]() |
الموقع الإلكتروني | Archived website |
الخدمة العسكرية | |
الولاء | إندونيسيا |
الفرع/الخدمة | الجيش الإندونيسي |
سنوات الخدمة | 1974–1998 |
الرتبة | فريق |
الوحدة | كوپاسوس |
قاد | |
المعارك/الحروب | |
رقم الخدمة | 27082 |
پرابوو سوبيانتو دجوجوهاديكوسمو (إنگليزية: Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo، و. 17 أكتوبر 1951)، هو سياسي ورجل أعمال إندونيسي وضابط جيش متقاعد برتبة فريق، ووزير الدفاع الإندونيسي منذ 2019.[1][2] وهو نجل الاقتصادي الإندونيسي سوميترو دجوجوهاديكوسمو، ودورا سيگار. تزوج پرابوو سوبيانتو عام 1983 من ستـّي هديـَّتي "تيتييك" سوهارتو، ثاني بنات الرئيس سوهارتو، وانفصلا عام 1998 في خضم أزمة سياسية عنيفة في إندونيسيا، حيث أُلقي اللوم على پرابوو في إثارة بعض المشاجرات وذهب بعدذلك إلى المنفى في الأردن لسنتين، حيث حصل على الجنسية الأردنية. ولم يتم لم شمل الزوجان منذ ذلك الحين.[3]
تخرج پرابوو من الأكاديمية العسكرية الإندونيسية عام 1970 وقضى معظم سنوات خدمته في القوات الخاصة (كوپاسوس) حتى عُين قائداً لقيادة الاحتياط الاستراتيجي (كوستراد) عام 1998. في العام نفسه، تم تسريحه من الجيش بشكل غير مشرف، ثم مُنع من دخول الولايات المتحدة بسبب انتهاكات مزعومة لحقوق الإنسان. وقد وُصِف بأنه قومي يميني.[4][5][6]
أوائل عام 2008، قامت الدائرة الداخلية لپرابوو، بما في ذلك فضلي زون، بتأسيس حزب گريندرا. في الانتخابات الرئاسية 2009، ترشح لمنصب نائب الرئيس بصفته نائباً لمـِگاواتي سوكارنو پوتري.[7] خاض الانتخابات الرئاسية 2014[8] وهزمه حاكم جاكرتا جوكو ويدودو، وهو ما اعترض عليه پرابوو في البداية.[9] قام بمحاولة أخرى غير ناجحة في 2019 وكان ساندياگو أونو شريكه الانتخابي وبدعم من گريندرا، حزب العدالة المزدهرة، حزب الولاية الوطنية، الحزب الديمقراطي وحزب بركاريا.[10][11] أدى رفضه قبول النتيجة إلى قيام أتباعه بتنظيم احتجاجات أثارت أعمال شغب مميتة في جاكرتا.[12] ومع ذلك، بعد منافسة حامية، انضم پرابوو سوبيانتو إلى مجلس الوزراء كوزير للدفاع للفترة من 2019 حتى 2024.[13]
في 10 أكتوبر 2021، أعلن گريندرا أن پرابوو سوبيانتو هو مرشح الحزب في الانتخابات الرئاسية الإندونيسية 2024.[14] في يونيو 2022، رفض پرابوو سوبيانتو في البداية ترشيح الحزب، مشيرًا إلى أنه يريد إعطاء الفرصة لسياسي آخر للترشح للرئاسة.[15][16] بالرغم من رفضه العرض، فإن گرندرا أصر على ترشيحه.[17] في 12 أغسطس 2022، أعلن پرابوو سوبيانتو أنه قبل ترشيح گريندرا لخوض الانتخابات الرئاسية 2024.[18]
جد پرابوو، مارگونو دجوجوهاديكوسمو، كان مؤسس بنك نگارا إندونسيا، من الرواد الأوائل للمجلس الاستشاري المحلي الإندونيسي (Dewan Pertimbangan Agung Sementara)، ولجنة العمل التحضيري للاستقلال الإندونيسي (Badan Penyelidik Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia).[19]
والد پرابوو، Sumitro Djojohadikusumo، هو الاقتصادي الذي شغل منصبي وزير الاقتصاد ووزير البحث والتكنولوجيا في عهد الرئيس السابق سوهارتو.[20] سمى سوميترو ابنه پرابوو على اسم شقيقه الأصغر، البطل الشهيد الذي توفى في معركة ضد الهولنديين في يوگياكارتا أثناء الثورة الوطنية الإندونيسية.[21]
تزوج پرابوو من ابنة سوهارتو، ستـّي هديـَّتي هاريادي، عام 1983. أنجبا ابناً، ديدايت پرابوو، الذي كان يقيم في بوسطون قبل أن يستقر في باريس للعمل في مجال التصميم.[22]
مسيرته العسكرية

عام 1976، كان پرابوو يخدم في القوات الخاصة التابعة للجيش الوطني الإندونيسي كوپاسوس وكان قد عين قائداً للمجموعة 1 كوماندو پاسوكان ساندي يودا (كوپاسندا)، والتي كانت جزء من العملية ناگالا التي قام بها الجيش الإندونيسي في تيمور الشرقية.[23] پرابو، الذي كان في الثانية والعشرين، كان أصغر قائد في العملية ناگالا.[23] قاد پرابوو عملية لاعتقال نائب الرئيس السابق في فرتيلين، الذي كان أول رئيس وزراء لتيمور الشرقية، نيكولاو دوس ريس لوباتو.[23] كان دليل پرابوو هو أنطونيو لوباتو - الشقيق الأصغر لنيكولاو. عثرت فرقة پرابوو على نيكولاو أثناء نقله تحت الحراسة في ماوبيسيه، على بعد 50 كم جنوب ديلي. توفى نيكولاو متأثراً بطلق ناري في بطنه في 31 ديسمبر 1978.[23] عام 1985 ذهب إلى فورت بنينگ، بالولايات المتحدة للتدريب على العمليات الخاصة.[24]
كقائد للمجموعة الثالثة بالكوپاسوس في أوائل التسعينيات، حاول الفريق پرابوو سحق حركة استقلال تيمور الشرقية باستخدام قوات غير اعتيادية (أفراد ترتدي زي عصابات "النينجا" تلبس الأسود وتعمل ليلاً) و، في البلدات والقرى الرئيسية، كان يتم تدريب المليشيات وتوجيهها من قبل قادة الكوپاسوس. ظهرت انتهاكات في حقوق الإنسان. عام 1997 قام الجيش بحملة أطلق عليها عملية الإستئصال.[25]
عام 1996، قاد پرابوو العملية ماپندوما في المنطقة الجبلية في پاپوا، إندونسيا. كانت العملية تهدف إلى تحرير 11 باحث علمي، احتجزتهم حركة پاپوا الحرة كرهائن. كان 5 منهم إندونيسيين، أربعة بريطانيين، وهولندي وزوجته الألمانية الحامل. قُتل إثنين من الرهائن الإندونيسيين قبل فترة قصيرة من عملية الإنقاذ. تضمنت العملية دعم سري من الملحق العسكري البريطاني وجنرال الخدمة الجوية الخاصة المتقاعد إيڤور هلدبرگ. كانت العملية محل انتقاد لاستخدامها شعار الصليب الأحمر ومروحية حمراء لخداع المتمردين الپاپويين. عندما هبطت المروحية في گسلما، لم يستطع القرويين الأبرياء فعل شيء سوى الجري تجاهها معتقدين أنهم أصداقائهم من الصليب الأحمر. في المقابل، قام المسلحون البيض والجنود الإندونيسيين بالقفز وإطلاق النار عليهم. كانت حركة پاپوا الحرة في مفاوضات سلام لتحرير الرهائن حتى ارتكبت هذه المذبحة التي إندلاع العنف الذي تسبب في مقتل إثنين من الرهائن الإندونيسيين.[26]
في 20 مارس 1998، عُين پرابوو رئيساً لقيادة الاحتياط الاستراتجية (كوستراد) التي تضم 27.000 فرد، حامية جاكرتا الرئيسية التي كان يقودها سوكارتو عام 1965.[27]
دوره في شغب 1998 وسقوط سوهارتو
تأثراً بالأزمة المالية الشرق آسيوية التي بدأت تتفاقم بالنسبة للإندونيسيين، والفوضى الاجتماعية وتزايد الاستياء العلني من ادارة سوهارتو، دعا پرابوو علانية المسلمين الإندونيسيين إلى الإنضمام له لمحاربة "خونة الأمة".[28] في محادثة خاصة مع سفيان واناندي، قال پرابوو أنه مستعد "لطرد جميع الصينيين من البلاد حتى إذا ما تسبب ذلك في تراجع الاقتصاد إلى الخلف لعشرين أو ثلاثين سنة."[29] و"أنتم أيها الكاثوليك الصينيون تحاولون الإطاحة بسوهارتو". وأجاب سفيان "هل المسلمون فقط أم الجيش الذي يمتلك القوة الكافية لفعل هذا. أنه أمر مثير للسخرية أن تعتقد أن مجموعات صغيرة مثل الصينية أو المسيحيين يمكن أن تفعل ذلك."[28] ومع ذلك، وبعد أيام قليلة، أنكرالسيد واناندي أنه أدلى بهذا التصريح.[30]
بعد أقل من ثلاثة شهور من تعيينه رئيساً لكوستراد، في أول أيام شغب مايو 1998، دعا پرابوو قائد القوات المسلحة الوطنية الإندونيسية، ويرانتو، بالسماح له بإحضار وحدات الاحتياطي الاستراتيجي من أطراف جاكارتا إلى داخل المدينة للمساعدة في استعادة النظام.[31] مئات الرجال الذين دربتهم الكوپاسوس (القيادة السابقة لپرابوو) تم إحضارهم من ديلي إلى يوگياكارتا على متن طائرات خاصة، ثم بالقطار إلى جاكرتا.[32] دعا پرابوو الإندونيسيين علانية إلى الإنضمام له لقتال "خونة الأمة".[28] صباح 14 مايو، رافقت قوات الكوپاسوس السفاحين الشباب من لامپونگ في جنوب سومطرة إلى العاصمة جاكارتا.[33] ولهذا اتهم پرابوو باستخدامه اتصالاته بقيادته السابقة لجلب وخلق الاضطرابات، بينما أنكر ويرانتو أنه أعطى القيادة الحالية لپرابوو، كوستراد، تصريح بإخماد الاضطرابات الحالية، تمشياً مع التكتيك الجاوي الكلاسيكي لاثارة الفوضى لتشويه سمعة منافسه و/أو استيلاء على السلطة.[32]
القوات تحت قيادة پرابوو كانت قد اختطفت وعذبت تسع نشطاء ديمقراطية على الأقل في الأشهر التي سبقت شغب مايو 1998.[34] في إحدى شهاداته، قال معتقل سابق أنه تم تعذيبه لمدة يومين في مكان مجهول، يعتقد أنه معسكر جيش حيث كان معظم الوقت معصب العينين، بينما كان يتم إجباره على الإجابة على أسئلة مكررة، وخاصة تلك التي تخص الأنشطة السياسية. شملت الاعتداءات الضرب المبرح، الإرهاب البدني والعقلي، والصدمات الكهربية.[35] فيما بعد، عام 2009، كان إثنان من هؤلاء الرجال ضمن مرشحي گريندا، الحزب السياسي الذي ينتمي إليه پرابوو، وخدم آخر كمستشار إعلامي لپرابوو.[36]
منظمات المجتمع المدني

- تأسست رابطة المزارعين الإندونيسيين عام 1973 للدفاع عن حقوق المزارعين. انتخب پرابوو رئيساً لها عام 2004،[37][38] وعين لفترة ثانية في 2010.[39]
- رابطة التجار السوق التقليدي الإندونيسي هي منظمة غير ربحية تدافع عن رفاه التجار في الأسواق التقليدية الإندونيسية. انتخب پرابوو رئيساً لها عام 2008.[40]
- پينكاك سيلات واحدة من فنون الدفاع عن النفس التقليدية الإندونيسية. رابطة پناك سيلات تشرف على تنظيم الرياضة في إندونسيا، تطوير ألعاب القوى، وتنظيم البطولات. انتخب پرابوو رئيساً لها في 2004 وأعيد انتخابه لفترة ثالثة في 2012.[41]
السيرة السياسية
Early political career
Using his connections to President Suharto, Prabowo Subianto and his brother worked to silence journalistic and political critics in the 1990s. Hashim unsuccessfully pressured Goenawan Mohamad to sell his outspoken and banned Tempo magazine to him.[42] As a lieutenant colonel, Prabowo Subianto invited Abdurrahman Wahid to his battalion headquarters in 1992 and warned him to stick to religion and to stay out of politics, or face unspecified actions if he continued to oppose the president.[43] He later warned the intellectual Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur) to resign from the KIPP, the election monitoring unit set up by Goenawan Mohamad, which armed forces commander Feisal Tanjung had denounced as "obviously unconstitutional."[44]
Golkar Party convention
In 2004, Prabowo Subianto was one of five contenders in the 2004 Golkar Party National Convention vying to become Golkar party's presidential candidate. He received the lowest number of votes, just 39, and was eliminated in the first round.[45] The second round of voting was won by Wiranto. After finishing last in the party convention, Prabowo served as a member of the Golkar Advisory Council until his resignation on 12 July 2008.
Gerindra Party
In February 2008, Prabowo's inner circle, including Fadli Zon, Muchdi Purwopranjono, and Prabowo's younger brother Hashim Djojohadikusumo, along with a few others established the Gerindra Party. Prabowo served as chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Central Leadership Council (DPP). He was later appointed general chairman of the party after the death of the party's previous chairman Suhardi in 2014.[46]
الترشح كنائب رئيس
الانتخابات العامة 2009
In May 2009, Gerindra nominated Prabowo Subianto for the presidency in the 2009 elections.[47] However, having won 26 out of 560 seats in the Indonesian parliament, the party did not have the required numbers, and Prabowo Subianto ran as a vice-presidential candidate to Megawati Sukarnoputri, daughter of Indonesia's first president Sukarno. Prabowo and Megawati signed the Batu Tulis Agreement, which stated that:[48]
- PDI-P and Gerindra nominated Megawati as presidential candidate and Prabowo as vice-presidential candidate in the 2009 elections.
- If elected, Prabowo can control Indonesia's economic programs and policies which are "based on the principles of standing on one's own feet, being sovereign in the political field, and having a national personality in the cultural field within the framework of a presidential system"
- Prabowo can determine who will be Minister of Forestry, Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Finance, Minister of State Owned Enterprises, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Minister of Industry, Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, Minister of Law and Human Rights, and Minister of Defense.
- The government that is formed will support the PDI-P's people's program and the Gerindra's eight action programs for the prosperity of the people.
- Funding for the 2009 elections will be covered 50% by Megawati and 50% by Prabowo.
- Megawati shall back Prabowo as 2014 presidential election candidate.
The pair, referred to colloquially by the Indonesian media as Mega–Pro, earned 27% of the vote and lost to Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his running mate, economist Boediono.[49] The results of the KPU's manual calculation, which were announced on 25 July 2009, were not much different from the results of the quick count. Megawati and Prabowo were absent at the announcement of the official tally even though Law No. 42 of 2008 concerning Presidential and Vice-Presidential Elections mandated each pair of candidates to be present in determining the official results of the presidential election.[50]
الترشح للرئاسة
الانتخابات العامة 2014

In November 2011, Prabowo Subianto announced his intention to run in the 2014 presidential election.[52] Surveys published by the Center for Policy Studies and Strategic Development (Puskaptis)[53] and by the Indonesian Survey Institute published on 23 February 2012[54] gave him the lead – but observers and activists cast doubt on the polls.[55]
In March 2012, Gerindra named Prabowo Subianto its 2014 presidential candidate.[51] The party's slogan was then changed to Gerindra Menang Prabowo Presiden (Gerindra Wins, Prabowo Becomes President).[56] Prabowo Subianto said he would run an investment-friendly administration if he won and that Indonesia needed more energy exploration. Furthermore, he said he had been in close contact with labour unions and believed rising worker discontent could be managed with a wise national budget.[57] He promised to use military-style efficiency to push through chronically delayed infrastructure projects, as well as to create jobs in the archipelago's backwaters by improving agricultural productivity.[58] Another pillar to Prabowo's platform was that he was solidly secular, and his party planned to protect the rights of minority religious groups in the Muslim-majority country.[58]
According to numerous quick counts after the 9 April legislative election, Gerinda came in third place, positioning Prabowo Subianto as one of two leading presidential candidates for the election to be held 9 July, the other being Jakarta governor, Joko Widodo.[59] On Tuesday, 20 May 2014, Golkar, along with the United Development Party (PPP), the National Mandate Party (PAN), the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), and the Crescent Star Party (PBB), officially endorsed Prabowo to run for the 2014 presidential election; the coalition collected 48.9% of votes and 52.1 seats in the parliament.[60] The day before, Prabowo had picked former Coordinating Minister for Economics Hatta Rajasa as his vice-presidential running mate.[61]
On 22 July 2014, the day that the KPU was due to announce its official tally, Prabowo Subianto withdrew from the race after having insisted on his victory since the initial quick counts were released, although the majority showed Jokowi ahead. He attributed this withdrawal to Indonesia "failing in its duty to democracy" because of "massive cheating that is structured and systematic,"[62] and stated that he and Hatta "exercise our constitutional right to reject the presidential election and declare it unconstitutional".[63] His speech, aired live, implied he would challenge the results in the Constitutional Court.[62] Later reports indicated confusion over whether Prabowo Subianto had resigned from the election or simply rejected the count.[64]
According to Douglas Ramage of the Jakarta-based Bower's Asia Group, this was the first time since Reformasi began in 1998 that the legitimacy of an election was questioned; he declared the country was entering "uncharted territory."[63] The legality of a Prabowo Subianto challenge is questionable, as – if he withdrew – he is no longer considered a presidential candidate.[63] If he can make the challenge, according to The Jakarta Post, the gap between the two is sufficient to make such a challenge difficult.[65] Under the presidential election law, Prabowo could face up to six years in prison and a 100 billion rupiah ($10 million) fine for withdrawing.[62][63] Later that evening, Joko Widodo was officially announced as president and began to receive congratulations from world leaders.[66]
Following the announcement, the value of the Indonesian rupiah dropped by 0.3%, and the JSX Composite fell by 0.9%.[64] Observers denied Prabowo's allegations of cheating, finding that the elections were "generally fair and free;" Maswadi Rauf of the University of Indonesia stated that there was "no sign of significant fraud," and that Prabowo's withdrawal simply reflected "the real attitudes of the elite, who are not yet ready to accept losing."[67] On 21 August 2014, the Indonesian Constitutional Court rejected his claim of fraud, confirming his election loss.[68]
2019 general election
On 12 April 2018, Prabowo Subianto announced he would contest the 2019 presidential election if he could obtain sufficient support from other political parties.[69] Indonesian media had speculated on whether Prabowo Subianto would become a presidential candidate or a "king-maker" giving his support to another candidate.[70] Prabowo's brother Hashim in March 2018 said health and logistical factors had to be considered before the party announces a presidential candidate.[71]
In April 2018, John McBeth reported Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan had held a series of meetings with Prabowo Subianto, culminating in the proposal of a joint Jokowi-Prabowo ticket for the 2019 election. Luhut reportedly lost his enthusiasm after Prabowo allegedly said he would want to be in charge of the military and seven seats in any new cabinet.[72] Fadli Zon denied Luhut and Prabowo had discussed politics, claiming they merely spoke about Europe's move to limit imports of Indonesian palm oil. Gerindra official Andre Rosiade also dismissed the report as a hoax.[73]

On 10 August 2018, Prabowo Subianto registered at the KPU office for the 2019 presidential election with Sandiaga Uno as his running mate and with the support of Gerindra, PKS, PAN, the Democratic Party and Berkarya Party.[10] The Democratic Party had wanted Prabowo Subianto to choose Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono as his running mate.[74] Following the election, 'quick counts' conducted at polling stations by independent institutions authorised by the government indicated Jokowi had won by a margin of about 10%, but Prabowo Subianto claimed victory, insisting a real count by his side showed he received 62% of the vote.[75] His unsubstantiated claims of widespread cheating prompted his supporters to stage protests in Jakarta, resulting in riots that left eight people dead and 737 injured.[76][77] The Constitutional Court in June 2019 unanimously rejected Prabowo's appeal against the election result.[78]
On 14 July 2019, Prabowo finally conceded to Jokowi in a train ride at Jakarta MRT, congratulated Jokowi and apologized for criticizing him during the campaign trail much to the criticism of his upset supporters who expressed that Prabowo should remain as part of the opposition.[79][80] His own party Gerindra eventually joined Jokowi's Onward Indonesia Coalition on 21 October 2019 with Prabowo himself appointed Minister of Defense on 23 October 2019, therefore joining Jokowi's cabinet.[8][81]
2024 general election
On 7 January 2023, Prabowo Subianto launched his third presidential campaign for the 2024 presidential election.[82] He is running as president, together with Gibran Rakabuming Raka (the eldest son of Joko Widodo, the former President of Indonesia), as his vice-presidential candidate. Both he and Gibran registered at the KPU office on 25 October 2023 with the support of Gerindra, Golkar, PAN, PBB, the Democratic Party, Gelora Party, Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) and Garuda Party.[83] Both he and Gibran's candidacies were challenged in the Constitutional Court due to age requirements. In Prabowo's case, a lawsuit was filed against him due to his old age (Prabowo was 71 at the time of announcing his candidacy) and having announced his candidacy for the third time.[84] The Supreme Court ruled to reject the lawsuit.[85]
In November 2023, Prabowo Subianto called for "rebalancing" where, in the past decades, Indonesia looked to the West; now they should learn from the East like China, India, Japan and South Korea.[86] Prabowo entertained the idea of Indonesia joining BRICS if it is advantageous for Indonesia's economy, citing BRICS' nature as an economic bloc, not a geopolitical one.[87]
On 14 February 2024, in an unofficial report, Prabowo succeeded in leading three voting lines by getting 58% of the vote.[88] Prabowo went on to win the quick count conducted by all surveys and called for unity as he pledged to be president for all Indonesians and will form a government that will be led by "the best sons and daughters of Indonesia."[89] Despite this, he also told his supporters to calmly but cautiously wait for the official results from KPU.[89]
On 20 March 2024, the General Elections Commission (KPU) announced Prabowo's victory, having received over 96 million votes. Prabowo and his vice-presidential candidate, Gibran Rakabuming, they were sworn in on 20 October 2024.[90]
On 22 April 2024, the Constitutional Court rejected all legal challenges against the results of the presidential election, allowing the KPU to declare the Prabowo-Gibran tandem the winner.[91][92][93]
Minister of defense (2019–2024)
On 23 October 2019, Prabowo Subianto was inaugurated as Indonesia's Minister of Defense by president Joko Widodo.[8] He was aided by Sakti Wahyu Trenggono as Deputy Minister of Defense. According to Jokowi, Prabowo got the job because "Indeed, he has a lot of experience there."[94] Jokowi clarified his decision to appoint Prabowo was to build "democracy based on mutual cooperation" and said it is for the good of the country,[95] while Prabowo said he express his desire to serve and his decision to accept the appointment is to preserve national unity.[96]
Shortly after his inauguration, Prabowo Subianto began advocating for a "total people's war" doctrine for Indonesia's national defense.[97] In realization to this, he formed the Reserve Component on 7 October 2021 and appointed TV presenter Deddy Corbuzier as the reserve component ambassador to boost recruitment.[98]
Considering that some of the TNI's equipment are old, Prabowo made efforts to continue to modernize military capabilities. He believed that long term planning with the assumption that the defense budget is locked at 0.8% of Indonesia's GDP will allow Indonesia to purchase the most advanced weapons and also build a domestic defense industry.[99] The plan, which emerged to the public not long after the sinking of the KRI Nanggala submarine, became a hot debate because the proposed figure reached Rp 1,700 trillion (Rp 1.7 quadrillion) or Rp 68 trillion per year.[100]
Prabowo used the certainty of the defense budget to purchase the main equipment for advanced weapons that the TNI had never had. He is planning to massively expand Indonesia's domestic ability to manufacture ammunition, as Indonesia's capacity to manufacture is only 450 million rounds of ammunition per year, despite a demand for one billion rounds of ammunition annually.[101] For the Indonesian Air Force, Prabowo is looking to strengthen Indonesia's military by acquiring newer fighter aircraft such as General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcons and Dassault Rafales from the US and France[102] while in the same time buying new transport aircraft such as Airbus A400M Atlas and newer Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules. For the Indonesian Navy, Prabowo signed contracts for newer surface combatants such as Arrowhead 140 and FREMM[103][104] while exploring possible local production on the Scorpene class submarines under PAL Indonesia.[105] He also ordered 500 Pindad Maung light utility vehicles on 2020.[106]
He also led renegotiation attempts regarding on the payment of the KAI KF-21 Boramae fighter program after his predecessor, Ryamizard Ryacudu stalled the payment of Indonesia's shares in the program.[107] He later attended the launch of the aircraft prototype together with South Korean President Moon Jae-in representing Indonesia.[108]
On 20 April 2022, together with Minister of State Owned Enterprise Erick Thohir, Prabowo strengthened the Indonesian defence industry by consolidating PT Len, Pindad, PAL Indonesia, Indonesian Aerospace and PT Dahana into a single holding, Defend ID.[109]
Food estate program
On 2020, Prabowo was appointed by Jokowi to spearhead the national food estate program. Jokowi's reasoning for Prabowo's appointment was that as Minister of Defense, Prabowo also plays important role on carrying out strategic projects such as food storage. The development of food barns in Central Kalimantan began in mid-2020, utilizing existing rice fields covering an area of around 30,000 hectares, with 10,000 hectares located in Pulang Pisau Regency and 20,000 hectares in Kapuas Regency. In 2021, this project will be expanded to 44,135 hectares.[110] Although Prabowo was selected as the project leader, he emphasize that the Ministry of Defense will only play a supporting role in the food estate work as the Minister of Agriculture will play the leading role, indicating that cross-sector collaboration is the key to the success of this project. This reflects the synergy between the agricultural and defense sectors in an effort to achieve sustainability and national food security.[110]
Foreign policy
In his first 100 days as Minister of Defense, Prabowo visited 8 countries to meet the Ministers of Defense of Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey, China, Japan, the Philippines, and France to strengthen military relations.[111][112]
Prabowo also made efforts to help state owned defense enterprises to export their products overseas. He succeeded in helping Indonesian Aerospace export CN-235 aircraft to Senegal and export NC-212i aircraft to Thailand,[113] as well as helping PAL Indonesia export landing platform dock-type warships to the Philippine Navy.[114]
South China Sea

Following an incident in late 2019 where Chinese vessels violated the Indonesian EEZ off the Natuna Islands, Prabowo Subianto called for a cautious response, referring to China as a "friendly nation".[115] He also ordered the deployment of additional navy vessels in the region in response to the incident.[116] Despite the controversy of his inaction in Natuna Island, a poll by Indo Barometer on early January shows that Prabowo Subianto is the most popular minister in Jokowi's cabinet.[117]
When asked about the situation on the South China Sea in a session at IISS Shangri-La Dialogue on 14 June 2022, Prabowo answered that Indonesia respects the interest of all countries that are involved in the region. He then quoted Nelson Mandela that "your enemies must not be our enemies too".[118] In reaction to the formation of AUKUS and Australian plans to acquire nuclear submarines, Prabowo thinks that the alliance is made on basis of defense and it was beneath the sovereign rights of Australia, UK, and USA.[119]
US Department of Defense said both Secretary Lloyd Austin and Minister Prabowo viewed China's aggression in the South China Sea as inconsistent to international law. This statement was then refuted by Spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry Wang Wenbin as a lie, claiming Prabowo never said that when Chinese embassy contacted the press office of the Ministry of Defense.[120] Prabowo himself later refuted the American statement, stating there was no joint statement nor a press conference regarding to this matter and states that Indonesia is in good terms with China, United States and Russia and respects their interests, insisting Indonesia's non-aligned stances.[121]
During the 3rd presidential debate of the 2024 elections, Prabowo argued that the situation in the region underlines the needs of a strong military. He states that the military needs more patrol platform and satellites to defend the nation from outside threats.[122]
United States

In October 2020, Prabowo Subianto visited the United States despite his previous ban from entering the country, in his capacity as Minister of Defense after being invited by his US counterpart Mark Esper and a visa was issued for him. Several human rights organizations, including Amnesty International, had previously called for the Trump administration to cancel the visit.[123] From his frequent foreign visit overtures such as in the United States, Prabowo succeeded in convincing the United States Congress to approve the sale of the advanced F-15EX Eagle II supersonic fighter aircraft to Indonesia.[124]
Russo-Ukrainian War
On 3 June 2023, Prabowo Subianto proposed a multi-point peace plan to end the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine at IISS Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.[125][126] His proposal includes the following.[125]
- Immediate cessation of hostilities through cease-fire
- Establishment of demilitarized zones by withdrawing 15 kilometers from their forward positions
- UN referendums on disputed territories
Prabowo's proposal was dismissed outright by Ukrainian defense minister Oleksii Reznikov, stating that the proposal was "a Russian plan, not an Indonesian plan".[127] This proposal was also criticized by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, saying that there must be a "just peace" not "peace of surrender".[127] It was also criticized by PDI-P as Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said Indonesia does not need a leader who gives advice that deviates from the principle of "free and active" diplomacy.[128] However, his plan was well received by China, with former Chinese ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai expressing appreciation for Prabowo's efforts while criticizing the West for mismanaging their own security situation.[129] Prabowo was later called by Jokowi for clarifications on the peace plan as Indonesia had officially condemned Russia for the invasion.[129][130] Jokowi then clarified that Prabowo's peace plan as "okay" because it was just a suggestion in an open dialogue and did not officially reflect Indonesia's stance.[131]
On 2 June 2024, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met Prabowo on the sidelines of IISS Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore and invited him to attend the June 2024 Ukraine peace summit at Geneva, hoping for his attendance.[132] In response to this invitation, Prabowo said he can't confirm his presence to the June summit and he had to discuss with President Jokowi, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi and Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Hadi Tjahjanto on Indonesia's official stance in attending the summit.[133] Prabowo told Zelenskyy that "Many countries feel that in a peace summit all elements must be present, especially Russia".[134] Prabowo offered Indonesia's solution to Zelenskyy which he seemed not to accept Indonesia's proposal on ceasefire and Prabowo is keen to continue finding a solution. Prabowo also offered Zelenskyy Indonesia's good service in any avenues to find solutions for peace between Russia and Ukraine.[135]
Gaza-Israel conflict
During the Israel-Hamas conflict in 2023, Prabowo Subianto called out his disappointment with the Western countries who seemed silent when they saw civilians and children becoming victims of war and blasted the west for a perceived double standards on human rights. He has donated Rp. 5 billion of his personal wealth to the Palestinian people[136] and joined President Jokowi, Secretary of State Pratikno, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi and Ambassador to Indonesia from Palestine Zuhair Al Shun in sending off 51.5 tonnes of aid delivered by the Indonesian Air Force.[137] He had also communicated with the Egyptian defense minister Mohamed Ahmad Zaki to allow the passage of the Indonesian Navy hospital ship KRI dr. Radjiman Wedyodiningrat to dock near El Arish, Sinai in order to deliver further aid for Palestine.[138]
During the IISS Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on 2 June 2024, Prabowo stated Indonesia's readiness to send troops to Gaza under an UN peacekeeping mission if needed and he also states Indonesia's readiness to evacuate and treat up to 1000 wounded Palestinians in Indonesian hospitals as soon as possible if situation in the ground permits.[139] His statement is further backed by Commander of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Agus Subiyanto, stating the TNI can deploy 1394 personnels for peacekeeping missions in Gaza and has approached Singapore and Australia who express their interest in joining Indonesia for a joint operation.[140] President Jokowi express his support on Prabowo's plan to provide medical aid and instructed him to seek cooperation with the United Arab Emirates on operating a hospital in Gaza[141] and flew to Jordan to attend a summit regarding to Gaza on Jokowi's behalf.[142] Prabowo's idea also gained support from Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, who proposed a joint mission between Indonesia and Malaysia.[143]
One of Prabowo's first actions as Minister of Defense was to expand the field of study at the Indonesian Defense University. In Prabowo's directive, campus opened the Bachelor of Military Medicine and Bachelor of Science and Mathematics and Military Science study programs.[144] He also waived tuition fees for distinguished cadets and ensure the welfare of students by providing laptop computers from campus.[145] On 25 March 2022, Jokowi and Prabowo expanded the campus by opening a branch outside Sentul , West Java, namely Ben Mboi Polytechnic, in Belu, East Nusa Tenggara.
Prabowo also personally received 22 Palestinian students to be enrolled at campus on 8 November 2023 with a 5-year term study in medicine, pharmacy, and engineering.[146] He gave them full scholarship and promised to enroll more Palestinian students into the university.[146] According to Prabowo, their enrollment is a part of Indonesia's own commitment to aid Palestine in their efforts to be a recognized sovereign country.[146]
الرئاسة (2024–الحاضر)
The Prabowo–Gibran ticket won the 2024 presidential election with 58.59% of the vote against two of their opponents, Anies–Muhaimin and Ganjar–Mahfud. On 20 October 2024, Prabowo Subianto assumed the presidency of Indonesia. At 73 years, three days of age on inauguration day, Prabowo is the oldest person to assume Indonesian presidency, while his counterpart, Gibran, is the youngest person to assume the Indonesian vice presidency at 37 years, 19 days of age. In his inaugural address, Prabowo vowed to address internal challenges such as widespread corruption, which continues to hinder the country's development. Additionally, he committed to enhancing Indonesia's self-sufficiency, focusing on economic reforms and strengthening national industries.[147]
On 21 October, Prabowo unveiled the largest ministerial cabinet in Indonesia since the Revised Dwikora Cabinet of President Sukarno in 1966, composed of 103 members including 48 ministers and 55 deputy ministers.[148][149] Some ministers from the previous Onward Indonesia Cabinet such as Airlangga Hartarto, Sri Mulyani and Bahlil Lahadalia were retained as ministers in this cabinet.
On 25 October, he held a military-style retreat for his cabinet at the Indonesian Military Academy in Magelang.[150]
السياسة الخارجية

Prabowo continued the foreign policy of "thousand friends and zero enemies" enacted by his predecessors Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Joko Widodo with a slightly more active role.[151] Under his administration, he tried to widen the definition of Indonesia's "free and active" foreign policy through political and economic pragmatism as well as regional stability. He modelled his foreign policy from the words of Mohammad Hatta as "sailing between two reefs."[152] Compared to Jokowi, Prabowo is seen as a much more aggressive, aspirational, and decisive diplomat.[153]
As president, Prabowo made his first overseas visit to China on 9 November 2024.[154]
بحر الصين الجنوبي
During a November 2024 presidential visit by Prabowo to China, Indonesia and China signed a memorandum of understanding for "joint maritime development" in the area of the two countries "overlapping claims" near the Natuna Islands.[155] Indonesia's Foreign Ministry subsequently issued a statement that the memorandum did not impact Indonesia's sovereignty or rights in the area and stating that in Indonesia's view the Chinese claims do not have a legal basis.[155] Critics of the memorandum who were quoted by the South China Morning Post contended that the wording could support China's position regarding the South China Sea claims.[155]
الشرق الأوسط
Prabowo has continued to vocally advocating for Palestinian independence. In his diplomatic visit to the United States, he proposed the two-state solution to US President Joe Biden to end the Gaza conflict.[156] He also once again voiced his support in the D-8 summit held in Cairo while expressing his disappointment in front of other Muslim leaders on the lack of unity, citing Libya, Yemen, and Sudan.[157][158][159] His disappointment gained support from Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, calling his disappointment "a bitter truth."[160]
When it was Prabowo's turn to speak in the D-8 summit, some dignitaries, including Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, "walked out" from the summit, nudging Prabowo's seat on his way out.[161] Many at home perceived this diplomatic gaffe as "too preachy" and indirectly offending Erdogan, whose country enjoys NATO support and having diplomatic ties with Israel, briefly straining relations between both countries.[162] However, Cabinet Secretary Teddy Indra Wijaya clarifies that Erdogan had already apologized before the conference started and had requested Prabowo to switch turns with him so that he can leave early to attend a bilateral meeting with another leader.[163] The Turkish Embassy in Indonesia states that relations between Indonesia and Turkey will remain harmonious despite of Erdogan's leave.[164]
الحياة الشخصية
Prabowo was married to Titiek Suharto, the daughter of former Indonesian President Suharto, but the couple separated shortly after Suharto's fall in 1998.[165] During that time, Prabowo saw himself as a potential successor to Suharto and remained a strong supporter of the regime until its downfall.[166] They share one child, fashion designer Didit Hediprasetyo. Upon Prabowo's ascent to the presidency, he became the Indonesian president with the least amount of offspring.
Prabowo is a cat lover and owns a cat named Bobby Kertanegara. Bobby was adopted by Prabowo from the streets after a chance meeting, and he often showed up in meetings that Prabowo attended in his residence at Kertanegara.[167] Aside from a cat, he also owns 18 horses in his hill estate in Jonggol Mountains, Bojong Koneng, Bogor Regency (southeast of Sentul City), and he often invited guests to ride one of his horses, especially when Jokowi and Gibran visited.[168] He had once brought his horse to campaign rallies especially in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium.[169]
Prabowo usually wears khaki clothes with many pockets. He himself stated that he liked this suit for practical reasons. Prabowo started wearing it frequently when he was paired with Megawati in the 2009 presidential election.[170]
In addition to Indonesian, Prabowo speaks the Banyumasan dialect of Javanese, his father's mother tongue,[171] and is fluent in English, Dutch, French, and German. He also has limited proficiency in Arabic, which he learned during his time in Jordan.[172]
In an interview in 2018, Prabowo stated that he was a Muslim who adhered to nationalist views.[173] He added that he had insufficient knowledge about Islam.[173]
On 7 June 2014, Prabowo stated that he could not read the Quran fluently.[174]
On 13 May 2017, Prabowo said that he was not born into a family steeped in Islamic teachings but grew up with his colleagues who were members of various Islamic community organizations.[175]
On 13 May 2023, Prabowo stated that he was proud to adhere to Islam, which he considers to be the pioneer in many scientific and technological breakthroughs around the world.[176] On 19 November, he stated that he felt comfortable with adhering to Islamic beliefs from the teachings of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) because he believed that the latter advocated for a form of Islam that is tolerant, protective of society, and moderate.[177]
On 30 June 2024, Prabowo announced that he was undergoing a surgery on his left foot via his Instagram account.[178] In his post, he explained that he had injured his left foot twice.[178] He first injured it when he was participating in a paratrooping exercise in West Germany while he was training with GSG 9. Additionally, he experienced another foot injury when he fell down from a cliff in a combat zone in the 1980s.[179] Prabowo, who was 30 at the time of the accident, did not experience further issues until his 2024 campaign, when he was seen walking on a limp on his left foot. This prompted rival supporters to mock his physique.[180] Prabowo underwent a successful surgery on his left foot a week later at the National Defense Central Hospital.[181][182]
التكريم الوطني
Prabowo is automatically awarded the highest class of all civilian and military star decorations upon taking office as president, but he had already received several of these awards —and other awards— while serving as minister of defense.
Star of the Republic of Indonesia, 1st Class – 2024[183]
Star of Mahaputera, 1st Class – 2024[183]
Star of Mahaputera, 2nd Class – 2024[أ][184]
Star of Merit, 1st Class – 2024[183]
Star of Humanity – 2024[183]
Star of Democracy Upholder, 1st Class – 2024[183]
Star of Budaya Parama Dharma – 2024[183]
Star of Bhayangkara, 1st Class – 2024[أ][185]
Guerilla Star – 2024[183]
Sacred Star – 2024[183]
Star of Dharma – 2024[183]
Star of Yudha Dharma, 1st Class – 2022[أ][186]
Star of Kartika Eka Paksi, 1st Class – 2022[أ][186]
Star of Jalasena, 1st Class – 2022[أ][186]
Star of Swa Bhuwana Paksa, 1st Class – 2022[أ][186]
Star of Peace Veteran – 2023[أ][187]
In addition, Prabowo has also received the others awards while serving as an Indonesian Army officer:
Star of Kartika Eka Paksi, 2nd Class[188]
Star of Yudha Dharma, 3rd Class[189]
Star of Kartika Eka Paksi, 3rd Class[189]
Military Long Service Medal, 24 Years[189]
Military Operation Service Medal in Aceh
Military Instructor Service Medal[189]
Military Operation Service Medal IX Raksaka Dharma w/ 1 gold star[189]
Timor Military Campaign Medal w/ 2 gold star[189]
Role Model Medal[189]
التكريمات الأجنبية
Ribbon | Distinction | Country | Date | Reference |
![]() |
Commander of the National Order of Merit | ![]() |
1997 | [190] |
![]() |
Knight of the Royal Order of Sahametrei | ![]() |
Unknown | [189] |
![]() |
Grand Cordon of the Order of Military Merit | ![]() |
Unknown | [191] |
![]() |
Grand Commander of the Exalted Order of Malacca | ![]() |
26 July 2022 | [192] |
![]() |
Distinguished Service Order (Military) | ![]() |
21 November 2023 | [193] |
![]() |
Collar of the Order of Zayed | ![]() |
13 May 2024 | [194] |
![]() |
Grand Collar of the Order of the Sun of Peru | ![]() |
14 November 2024 | [195] |
تكريمات أخرى
On 17 June 2009, Prabowo was declared a member of the Lumban Tobing clan of the Toba Batak people. The clan awarding was facilitated by the Punguan Siraja Lumban Tobing Association (PPSLB) and took place at the Lake Toba Convention Center, Medan.[196]
On 28 December 2011, Prabowo received the traditional title of Tongkonan from the indigenous people of Siguntu village, Rantepao, North Toraja. The presentation of the traditional title which was accompanied by the Rambu Solo' mourning ceremony was witnessed by the Governor of South Sulawesi Syahrul Yasin Limpo, Deputy Governor of South Sulawesi Agus Arifin Nu'mang, Commander of Kodam VII/Wirabuana Major General Muhammad Nizam, Regent of Tanah Toraja Theofilus Allorerung, Regent of North Toraja Frederik Batti Sorring, along with thousands of local residents.[197]
He also received the title of Friend of Indonesian Santri from the Zainul Hasan Genggong Islamic Boarding School, Probolinggo, on 2 January 2024.[198]
On 28 February 2024, Prabowo was awarded an honorary four-star general rank by President Joko Widodo.[199]
In November 2024, Ukrposhta, Ukraine's national postal service, issued a limited-edition stamp honoring Prabowo. The initiative was spearheaded by the Ukrainian Initiative, an NGO led by Indonesianist Yurii Kosenko, who described the stamp as both a tribute to Prabowo and a symbol of Indonesia-Ukraine friendship.[200]
الرئيس الإندونيسي پرابوو سوبيانتو يهاتف الرئيس المنتخب دونالد ترمب ليهنئه على فوزه في الانتخابات. 11 نوفمبر 2024.
ترمب: لغتك الإنجليزية جيدة. سوبيانتو: نعم يا سيدي، فكل تدريبي كان أمريكياً. وقد كان لي الشرف قبل قليل باستضافة صهرك جارد كوشنر. لاحظوا وقفة الانتباه العسكرية طوال المكالمة. |
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{{cite book}}
: Invalid|ref=harv
- Asiaweek: An Idealist's Rise And Fall
- ABC Foreign Correspondent: The Farmer Wants a Country
- Jakarta Globe: Rebranding Brings Prabowo Into the Electoral Frame
- Military Politics and Democratization in Indonesia (Routledge Research on Southeast Asia)
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