المناطق الجغرافية في اليونان

Coat of arms of Greece.svg

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تقليدياً، المناطق الجغرافية في اليونان (باليونانية: γεωγραφικά διαμερίσματα، حرفياً "الأقسام الجغرافية") هي المناطق التاريخية-الجغرافية الرئيسية للبلد، وكانت أيضاً التقسيمات الإقليمية الإدارية الرسمية لليونان حتى الإصلاح الإداري في 1987.[1] Despite their replacement as first-level administrative units by the newly defined administrative regions (باليونانية: περιφέρειες), the nine traditional geographic divisions—six on the mainland and three island groups—are still widely referred to in unofficial contexts and in daily discourse.

As of 2011, the official administrative divisions of Greece consist of 13 regions (باليونانية: περιφέρειες)—nine on the mainland and four island groups—which are further subdivided into 74 regional units and 325 municipalities. Formerly, there were also 54 prefectures or prefectural-level administrations.

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  1. ^ Π.Δ. 51/87 "Καθορισμός των Περιφερειών της Χώρας για το σχεδιασμό κ.λ.π. της Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης" (Determination of the Regions of the Country for the planning etc. of regional development, ΦΕΚ A 26/06.03.1987
  2. ^ In Macedonia there is one autonomous region, Mount Athos (Ayion Oros, or "Holy Mountain"), a monastic state under Greek sovereignty. It is located on the easternmost of the three large peninsulas jutting into the Aegean من البر المقدوني.

قالب:Geographic regions of Greece

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