المثلث الحديدي

المثلث الحديدي قد تعني:

في الجغرافيا

في الإعلام

في العمليات العسكرية

في السياسة

  • Iron triangle (US politics), a concept in U.S. politics involving a three-sided relationship among Congress, a Federal department or agency, and a particular industry or interest group.
  • "Iron Triangle", three core members of President George W. Bush's political inner circle: Karl Rove, Joe Allbaugh, and Karen Hughes
  • "Iron triangle", the relationship of the Japan's Liberal Democratic Party, the business sector (keiretsu), and the bureaucracy in post–World War II Japan
  • More generally, any self-reinforcing power structure, whether intentional or accidental, formal or informal

في الاستخدامات الأخرى

  • Iron Triangle (also called Project triangle or Triple Constraint), a project management concept

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