العلاقات الإيطالية السورية

العلاقات الإيطالية السورية



العلاقات الإيطالية السورية هي العلاقات الثنائية بين إيطاليا وسوريا.

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إن أول اتصال بين كيانين سياسيين منظمين في أراضي إيطاليا وسوريا، كان في السنوات التي سبقت غزو پومپي الإمبراطور السلوقي، لمناطق سوريا عام 64 قبل الميلاد. وخلال هذه الفترة حاول الرومان جعل المنطقة تابعة له من خلال استغلال التنافس بين الدويلات الموجودة فيها. وبعد الغو أصبحت الأراضي السورية تابعةً للنظام الروماني في البحر الأبيض المتوسط.[1]

وبعد سقوط الإمبراطورية الرومانية الغربية، خفتت العلاقات بين شبه الجزيرة الإيطالية وسوريا حتى ظهور الجمهوريات البحرية التي بنت ثرواتها بالاعتماد التجارة مع الشرق الأوسط. وابتداءً من القرن الحادي عشر، كان تجار أمالفي متواجدين بأشكال مختلفة في كل ميناء رئيسي في الشرق الأوسط حيث كانوا يتاجرون بالبهارات والمجوهرات والسجاد.[2]

ومنذ تلك الفترة، ساعد الارتباط بين موانئ سوريا وموانئ الجمهوريات الإيطالية بجعلهما من أغنى مدن العالم، حتى اكتشاف رأس الرجاء الصالح الذي ظهر معه الطريق المحيطي للتجارة.[3][2]

ومع بداية تراجع الجمهوريات البحرية الإيطالية، في القرن السادس عشر، تدهورت العلاقة بين الدول الأوروبية والإمبراطورية العثمانية، التي كانت قد ضمت أراضي سوريا لها.

في القرن العشرين، وخلال مؤتمر سان ريمو، الذي انعقد في الفترة بين 19 و 26 أبريل 1920، شُكل المجلس الأعلى للحرب، الذي ضم كل من إيطاليا، وفرنسا، والمملكة المتحدة، والولايات المتحدة، واليابان، واجتمعوا لمناقشة وضع الشرق الأوسط بعد تفكك الإمبراطورية العثمانية، وجرى إعلان استقلال المملكة السورية العربية من الإمبراطورية العثمانية، وتتويج الملك فيصل الأول ملك عليها في في 8 مارس 1920.[4]

العلاقات الدبلوماسية

After the beginning of the Syrian civil war, in 2012 Italy decided to shut down its embassies and withdrew its diplomatic body from the Syrian territory,[5] declaring that in virtue of the worsening of the situation[6] Italy did not recognize al-Assad's regime as legitimate and refused to intervene in the region, contrary to other NATO members. Still, some political groups in Italy support the Syrian regime, such as the Italian Communist Party.[7]

The Syrian embassy in Italy is located in Rome, whereas the consulate is located in Milan.[8]

In 2011, the European Union adopted a decision (2011/273/CFSP) imposing an embargo on the export of weapons and instruments which could be useful for internal repression, it has forbidden any form of technical and financial assistance, it has frozen the assets, and the economic resources of those individuals held accountable for the repression of the Syrian population, and it has imposed restrictions on the admission in the European Union.[9] In 2013, the Italian minister of foreign affairs Emma Bonino criticized the decision of the European Union to cease this embargo, adding that Italy would never supply weapons to Syria.[10]

In 2020, the European Union imposed travel restrictions[11] on individuals suspected of being linked with Assad's regime and who are accused of financially supporting the regime,[12] creating a list that contains 292 names.

On 26 July 2024, Rome made the decision to appoint an ambassador to Syria, becoming the first G7 state to restore relations with the country.[13]

العلاقات الاقتصادية

Italy and Syria are both Mediterranean countries and they have strategic common interests. For this reason before the Syrian civil war, which began on 15 March 2011, Italy and Syria had relatively intense economic relations.

Before the civil war, from 2004 to 2008, the imports of Italy from Syria amounted to €800 million, each year, whereas the exports from Italy to Syria amounted to €1 billion, each year. After the start of the civil war in 2011, the exchanges decreased and the imports from Syria to Italy amounted to €18 million, whereas exports from Italy to Syria amounted to €33 million.[14]

The goods mainly exported from Italy to Syria were machinery of various kinds, chemical products, and medical products. The imported goods from Syria to Italy, in addition to oil, were leather goods and saddlery, travel items, bags, prepared and dyed furs, and meat. As of 2011 Syrian goods represented only 0.2% of Italy's whole economic exchange. The economic exchanges from Syria to Italy, as of 2019, amounted to €100 million, whereas the latest data, from January 2020 to July 2020, show that the economic exchanges dropped to €36.9 million.[15]

Before the civil war began in 2011, Italy used to sell weapons to Syria, but the Council of the European Union imposed upon member States the embargo to sell weapons in Syria with the decision 2011/273/CFSP, which then was rendered applicable with the Council Regulation (EU) No. 442/2011 of 9 May 2011 concerning restrictive measures given the situation. These European laws forbid Italy to sell weapons directly or indirectly to Syria. Furthermore, it forbids Syria to provide financial support and froze the assets of all individuals deemed responsible for the conflict.[9]

Economic exchanges with Italy (in million euros)[16]
Year Total exchange with Italy Export Italy Import Italy
2013 153,1 125,6 27,5
2014 194,4 177,6 16,7
2015 161,3 138,8 22,5
2016 78,4 70,9 7,5
2017 100,9 93,7 7,2
2018 111,7 104,0 7,7
2019 122,1 117,6 4,5
2020 (Jan-Jul) 36,9 35,4 1,6


من سوريا لإيطاليا

The number of Syrian citizens who have relocated to Italy, from 2015 to 2021, has increased. In 2015 there were 4.538 Syrian citizens in Italy and in 2018 this number increased to 5.892. This number has kept on increasing and in 2021 the number of Syrians in Italy amounted to 6.633. The regions with the biggest presence of Syrian citizens on their territories, in 2021, are Lombardy, with a total of 1,802 (27.2%); Lazio with 1,143 (17.2%) and Emilia - Romagna, with 518 (7.8%).[17]

Many of these individuals traveling from Syria to Italy are asylum seekers or refugees, some of whom can reach Europe, through humanitarian corridors. For example, some humanitarian corridors are organized in Italy by religious organizations, such as the 'Comunità di Sant'Egidio', which in March 2022 was able to bring to Italy 105 Syrians, of which 38 were children. These humanitarian corridors have been organized since February 2016 with the collaboration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since then, the humanitarian corridors were able to bring 2150 people into Italy. These humanitarian corridors are organized also throughout Europe and through them, 4.400 asylum seekers have reached Europe.[18]

من إيطاليا لسوريا

In regard to Italian citizens in Syria there is the phenomenon of foreign fighters, which are foreign citizens, who join the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in order to support the cause. As of January 2017, the number of Italian citizens who have traveled to Syria in order to join ISIS amounted to 110 individuals, of which 32 have died, 17 have returned to Europe and 6 have returned to Italy.[19]

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Downey, Glanville (1951). "The Occupation of Syria by the Romans". Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. 82: 149–163. doi:10.2307/283427. JSTOR 283427.
  2. ^ أ ب Napoli e dintorni. Touring club italiano.
  3. ^ GENOVA
  4. ^ King's Complete History of the World War ...: 1914-1918. Europe's War with Bolshevism 1919-1920. War of the Turkish Partition 1920-1921. Warfare in Ireland, India, Egypt, Far East 1916-1921. Epochal Events Thruout the Civilized World from Ferdinand's Assassination to Disarmament Conference.
  5. ^ Arabia, Italy and Holland close embassies in Syria
  6. ^ d'Italia - Damasco, ambdamasco.esteri.it
  7. ^ is Italy dealing with Syria's Bashar al Assad?
  8. ^ Ambasciata Siria in Italia - Consolato Siria in Italia
  9. ^ أ ب Misure restrittive nei confronti della Siria
  10. ^ Siria e Mediterraneo: l'Italia garante dell'equilibrio
  11. ^ U.S. and European Sanctions on Syria
  12. ^ European Sanctions: an instrument for fighting repression in Syria
  13. ^ Italy Appoints Ambassador to Syria to 'Turn Spotlight' on Country, Foreign Minister Says
  14. ^ Italia- Siria, i rapporti tra il nostro Paese e Damasco
  15. ^ Siria economia
  16. ^ Indicatori economici Siria
  17. ^ Siriani in Italia
  18. ^ Guerre nel mondo e l'accoglienza che non si ferma: profughi siriani in Italia con i corridoi umanitari di Sant'Egidio e Chiese protestanti
  19. ^ Marone, Francesco (3 July 2017). "Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Group Radicalisation in Italy's Jihadists Headed for Syria and Iraq". The International Spectator (in الإنجليزية). 52 (3): 48–63. doi:10.1080/03932729.2017.1322800. ISSN 0393-2729. S2CID 157097871.