العالم القديم

     Old World
Map of the "Old World" (the 2nd-century Ptolemy world map in a 15th-century copy)
This T and O map, from the first printed version of Isidore's Etymologiae (Augsburg, 1472), identifies the three known continents (Asia, Europe and Africa) as respectively populated by descendants of Sem (Shem), Iafeth (Japheth) and Cham (Ham).

العالم القديم مصطلح يعبر عن القارات التي كانت معروفة منذ ما قبل رحلة كريستوفر كولمبوس وهي أسيا أوربا وأفريقيا و الجزر المحيطة بهذه القارات. في حين هناك مصطلح اخر هو العالم الجديد و هي قارة أمريكا الشمالية والجنوبية فقط في حين أن أوقيانوسيا و أنتارتيكا (القارة القطبية الجنوبية) لا يعتبروا ضمن مصطلح العالم القديم ولا العالم الجديد.

أصل الاسم

In the context of archaeology and world history, the term "Old World" includes those parts of the world which were in (indirect) cultural contact from the Bronze Age onwards, resulting in the parallel development of the early civilizations, mostly in the temperate zone between roughly the 45th and 25th parallels north, in the area of the Mediterranean, including North Africa. It also included Mesopotamia, the Persian plateau, the Indian subcontinent, China, and parts of Sub-Saharan Africa.

These regions were connected via the Silk Road trade route, and they had a pronounced Iron Age period following the Bronze Age. In cultural terms, the Iron Age was accompanied by the so-called Axial Age, referring to cultural, philosophical and religious developments eventually leading to the emergence of the historical Western (Hellenism, "classical"), Near Eastern (Zoroastrian and Abrahamic) and Far Eastern (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Taoism) cultural spheres.

أسماء أخرى

The mainland of Afro-Eurasia (excluding islands or island groups such as the British Isles, Japan, Sri Lanka, Madagascar and the Malay Archipelago) has been referred to as the World Island. The term may have been coined by Sir Halford John Mackinder in The Geographical Pivot of History.[1]


  1. ^ See Francis P. Sempa, "Mackinder's World" Archived 3 مارس 2016 at the Wayback Machine. American Diplomacy (UNC.edu). Retrieved 8 September 2018.

قالب:Western world قالب:Eastern world

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