
Ideal lifespan in the organized Hitler Germany : Everyone is in the parents' home until primary school (6-14 years), before primary school, learning (14-18 years), college (18-21 years) and professional life. Girls (top) participate in Jungmädel ten years old, so BDM (14-18 years) and employment service (18-21 years) until they become mothers and housewives ("The woman as maintainers of the German people "). For boys, the Jungvolk (10-14 years), Hitlerjugend (14-18 years), Reichsarbeitsdienst and military service , effort reserve (21-35 years), reserve in Landwehr (35-45 years) and Landsturm(45-). All contribute as NSDAP members in sub-organizations such as DA , NSF , SA , SS , NSKK , DLV and NS-Hago (emblems on the plan). Photo: From exhibition at the Royal Military Museum in Brussels

الاصطفاف (Gleichschaltung؛ النطق الألماني: [ˈɡlaɪçʃaltʊŋ]), وتعني "coordination", "making the same", "bringing into line"), is a Nazi term for the process by which the Nazi regime successively established a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of society. The historian Richard J. Evans translated the term as "forcible-coordination" in his most recent work on Nazi Germany.

Among the goals of this policy were to bring about adherence to a specific doctrine and way of thinking and to control as many aspects of life as possible.

ذروة صبغ ألمانيا بالنازية كان في القرارات التي صدرت أثناء [[j[lu نورمبرگ]] في 1935، حين دُمِجت رموز الحزب والدولة معاً (انظر علم ألمانيا) وحـُرِم يهود ألمانيا من الجنسية، مما مهد الطريق للمحرقة.

ظهرت إلى الوجود كلمة قانونية جديدة هي كلمة GLEICHSCHALTUNG وهي كلمة معروفة جدا في التاريخ الألمانى الحديث ولم أجد لها ترجمة معتمدة حيث أنها ليست في القواميس ويمكن ترجمتها إلى التحويل إلى صف واحد أو منع الإختلافات أو بمعنى أصح هى المرادف لكلمة الشمولية التى تعنى أن يصبح الجميع متشابهين. حيث أن كلمة gleich تعنى التساوى وكلمة SCHALTUNG تعنى الضبط أو التنظيم وبهذا يكون معناها منع الأصوات النشاز أو الإصطفاف (خلف الزعيم طبعا).

Family portrait of a national socialist politician from Erdmannsdorf in Augustusburg in Saxony with wife and twelve children in 1943 . Mora is decorated with Mother Cross , and the man and all the children wear uniforms from various national socialist military units and community institutions . Photo: Deutsches Bundesarchiv
While the traditional German states were not formally abolished (excluding Lübeck in 1937), their constitutional rights and sovereignty were eroded and ultimately ended. Prussia was already under federal administration when Hitler came to power, providing a model for the process.


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