الأمور بخواتمها

The first page of All's Well, that Ends Well from the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, published in 1623.

كل شيء بخير إذا انتهى بخير إنگليزية: All's Well That Ends Well هي مسرحية ساخرة لشكسبير، وكثيراً ما تعتبر من مسرحياته التي أثارت جدلاً، وذلك لأن مثل هذه المسرحيات لم يُستطع تصنيفها كمسرحية مأساوية أم ساخرة "كوميدية" وأغلب الظن أنها كتبت في النصف الأخير من حياة شكسبير المهنية، فيما بين 1601 و 1608 وهي إحدى مسرحيات شكسبير الأقل تأدية على المسارح.[1][2]

The play is considered one of Shakespeare's "problem plays"; a play that poses complex ethical dilemmas that require more than typically simple solutions.[3]


A watercolour of Helena and the Countess, from Act I, Scene iii.
  • ملك فرنسا
  • دوق فلورنسا
  • Bertram, Count of Roussillon
  • Countess of Roussillon, Mother of Bertram
  • Lavatch, a Clown in her household
  • Helena, a Gentlewoman protected by the Countess000
  • Lafew, an old Lord
  • Parolles, a follower of Bertram
  • An Old Widow of Florence, surnamed Capilet
  • Diana, Daughter of the Widow
  • Steward of the Countess of Roussillon
  • Violenta (ghost character) and Mariana, Neighbours and Friends of the Widow
  • A Page
  • Soldiers, Servants, Gentlemen, and Courtiers


A lithograph depicting Act IV Scene III.
A 1794 print of the final scene


A copy of Boccaccio's The decameron containing an hundred pleasant nouels. Wittily discoursed, betweene seauen honourable ladies, and three noble gentlemen, printed by Isaac Jaggard in 1620.


  1. ^ Snyder, Susan (1993). "Introduction". The Oxford Shakespeare: All's Well That Ends Well. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 20–24. ISBN 978-0-19-283604-5.
  2. ^ Maguire, Laurie; Smith, Emma (19 April 2012). "Many Hands – A New Shakespeare Collaboration?". The Times Literary Supplement. also at Centre for Early Modern Studies, University of Oxford accessed 22 April 2012: "The recent redating of All’s Well from 1602–03 to 1606–07 (or later) has gone some way to resolving some of the play’s stylistic anomalies" ... "[S]tylistically it is striking how many of the widely acknowledged textual and tonal problems of All’s Well can be understood differently when we postulate dual authorship."
  3. ^ Snyder, Susan (1993). "Introduction". The Oxford Shakespeare: All's Well That Ends Well. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 16–19. ISBN 9780192836045

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Thomas Middleton قالب:All's Well That Ends Well