الأبديون (فيلم)

Eternals (film) poster.jpeg
الملصق الترويجي
اخراجكلوي ژاو
الحوار السينمائي
موسيقىرامين جوادي
سينماتوگرافيابين داڤيس
توزيع[[والت ديزني ستوديوز موشن بيكشرز
موشن بيكشرز]]
تواريخ العرضنوفمبر 5، 2021 (2021-11-05) (الولايات المتحدة)
البلدالولايات المتحدة
الميزانية500 مليون دولار [3]

الأبديون فيلم خوارقي أمريكي مبني على سلسلة مارڤل كومكس الفيلم من إنتاج ستوديوهات مارڤل وتوزيع والت ديزني ستوديوز موشن بيكشرز، ومن المقرر أن يكون الفيلم رفم 26 من سلسلة أفلام مارڤل. الفيلم من إخراج كلوي تشاو، التي كتب تالسيناريو مع پاتريك بورليه، وريان فيرپو ، وكاز فيرپو. الخالدون، هم جنس من المخلوقات الخالدة، يخرج من الاختباء بعد آلاف السنين لحماية الأرض من نظرائهم الأشرار،المنحرفين.

عرض الفيلم في الولايات المتحدة في 5 نوفمبر 2021، كجزء من المرحلة الرابعة من عالم مارڤل السينمائي.

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قصة الفيلم

في عام 5000 ق.م يتم إرسال الخارقين العشر إكاريس وكينگو وسپريات وفاستوس ومكاري ودروگ وجلجامش، ثينا - بواسطة السماوية أريشام إلى الأرض لإبادة الغزا المنحرفون. على مدى آلاف السنين، قاموا بحماية البشرية من المنحرفين ولكن لا يُسمح لهم بالتدخل في الشؤون الإنسانية. يقتلون آخر المنحرفين في عام 1521، وتختلف آراء المجموعة حول مسؤولياتهم المستمرة وعلاقتهم بالبشرية. على مدى الخمسمائة عام التالية ، عاشوا في الغالب منفصلين عن بعضهم البعض، في انتظار عودة أريشم.

في الوقت الحاضر، تعيش سرسي وسپرايت معًا في لندن. بعد أن ترك سيرسي شريكها إيكاريس قبل أكثر من خمسمائة عام، أصبحت لديها الآن علاقة مع الإنسان دان واتيمان، الذي يعمل في متحف التاريخ الطبيعي. يقوم بمهاجة الثلاثي المنحرف كرو مع وصول إيكاريس ومطاردة المخلوق بعيدًا. بعد أن أدركوا أن المنحرفين قد عادوا، يستعدون للم شملهم مع الأبديين المتبقيين. يسافرون إلى جنوب داكوتا فقط ليجدوا أن زعيمتهم أجاك قد قُتل على يد كرو، واكتسب قدراتها العلاجية نتيجة لذلك.

اختارت أجاك سيرسي ليكون خلفًا لها بعد وفاتها، مما منحها القدرة على التواصل مع أريشم، الذي كشف أن مهمة الأبدية لم تكن محاربة المنحرفين ولكن لإعداد الأرض لـ"الظهور". يوضح أريشام أنه منذ ملايين السنين، كانت السماوية تزرع بذورها على كواكب مأهولة بالسكان من أجل ولادة سماوية جديدة، مع إرسال المنحرفين منهم لتدمير المفترس الرئيسي لكل كوكب لضمان تطور الحياة. ومع ذلك، عندما تطور المنحرفون وبدأوا في مطاردة السكان الأصليين للكواكب ، أنشأت السماوية الأبدية لإعدامهم. مع انعكاس بليپ، [N 1] وصلت الأرض إلى عدد السكان الضروري لولادة السماوية تياموت، والتي ستؤدي إلى تدمير الأرض.

بعد أن تعلمت أن تحب الإنسانية، يتجمع الخالدون ويقررون منع الظهور. يجتمعون مرة أخرى مع كينگو وثينا وجلجماش قبل التوجه إلى منزل دروگ في غابات الأمازون المطيرة، وهناك يهاجمهم ركو والمنحرفون. يقتل كرو جلجامش ويتغذى عليه ويكتسب شكلاً بشريًا تمامًا والقدرة على الكلام قبل الفرار. بعد حرق جثة جلجامش، يقوموا بزيارة فاستوس، الذي يقترح على دروگ أن يضع تياموت في حالة من النوم باستخدام قوى التحكم في العقل التي تم تضخيمها بواسطة يوني -مايند، وهو اتصال بين جميع الأبديين. يكشف إكاريس أنه تم الإعلان الظهور من قبل أجاك قبل قرون وأطعمها للانحرافين قبل ستة أيام لمنعها من إيقافها. يهرب مع سپرايت، التي تحب إكاريس لكنه يشعر أنه لن يحبها أبدًا بسبب شكلها الطفولي الأبدي. يترك كينگو المجموعة أيضًا لأنه لا يرغب في مواجهة أريشام أو أكاريس أو سپرايت.

بعد أن حدد مكاري مكان الانبثاق، على سفح بركان نشط في المحيط الهندي، تقوم الأبديون بمحاربة أكاريس وسپرايت قبل قيام كرو بالهجوم، الذي قتله ثينا. تقوم دروگ بإخراج سپرايت بعد أن حاولت قتل سرسي، ويعمل الأبديون معًا لإخضاع أكاريس بينما يقوم فاستوس بتنشيط يوني مايند. يتحرر لأكاريس من قيوده ويقترب من سيرسي لقتلها، لكنه يجد نفسه غير قادر على ذلك بسبب حبه لها. تستخدم سيرسي قدراتها على تحويل المادة لتحويل تياموت إلى رخام. غارق بالذنب، يطير أكاريس في الشمس. ثم تستخدم سرسي ما تبقى من الطاقة من يوني-مايند لتحويل العفريت إلى إنسان، وإنهاء حالة الخلود الخاصة بها.

يغادر ثينا ودروگ ومكاري على متن سفينة الفضاء الخاصة بهم، دومو ، للعثور على أبديين أخرين، بينما يبقى سرسي وفاستوس وكينگو وسپرايت على الأرض. يعترف دان بحبه لسرسي وهو على وشك الكشف عن سر حول تاريخ عائلته عندما يتم جرها مع فاستوس وكينگو عن بعد إلى الفضاء بواسطة أرشيم على مرأى ومسمع من جميع الناس على الأرض. يقول أرشيم إنه مستاء من خيانتهم، لكنه يختاختار إنقاذ البشرية إذا أظهرت ذكريات الأبديين أن البشر يستحقون العيش. يتعهد بالعودة للحكم قبل أن يختفي في التفرد، ويأخذهم معه.

في مشهد ما قبل الختام، يقوم بزيارة إروس (شقيق ثانوس ) ومساعده پيپ ذا ترول، ثينا ومكاري ودروگ بواسطة اللذان يقدمان مساعدتهما. في مشهد ما بعد الختام، يفتح دان صندوقًا قديمًا موروثًا عن أسلافه يحتوي على الشفرة الأبنوسية الأسطورية عندما يتم التعرف على شخص غير مرئي يعرف باسم الشفرة.[4] ويسأله إذا ما كان مستعدًا لها.

أبطال العمل

The cast of Eternals at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con (L to R): Madden, Nanjiani, Ridloff, Henry, Hayek, McHugh, Lee, and Jolie
  • گما تشان في دور سرسي:
    وهي خالدة متعاطقة مع البشر والأرض، يمكن أن تتلاعب وتحول المادة من خلال الاتصال الجسدي. أحب سيرسي أكاريس لقرون وله علاقة قوية بسپرايت. في الوقت الحاضر، هي منسقة متحف على الأرض وتواعد دان ويتمان.[5][6] Producer Kevin Feige described Sersi as the lead of the film.[7] Director Chloé Zhao said she and Chan were interested in creating "a nuanced female superhero that is rarely seen in this genre". Zhao added that Chan "brought a beautiful sense of gentleness, compassion and vulnerability" to the character that would "invite viewers to rethink what it means to be heroic".[5] Chan called Sersi "grounded... [and] a little bit of a free spirit".[8] Chan previously portrayed Minn-Erva in the MCU film Captain Marvel (2019).[9]
  • Richard Madden as Ikaris:
    An Eternal who can fly and project cosmic energy beams from his eyes, and is determined to fulfill his purpose.[8] Speaking to the relationship between Ikaris and Sersi, Madden said that they have "a deep level of romance",[8] and "are two opposing sides of how they connect with the world", since Sersi has compassion for humans while Ikaris is more disconnected given the Eternals' long life span.[6] Madden worked to find a way to portray Ikaris in a way that he would not come across as "bored of everything".[8] Zhao's take on Ikaris was influenced by director Zack Snyder's interpretation of Superman in Man of Steel (2013), which "left a strong impression" on her for its "authentic and very real" approach.[10]
  • Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo:
    An Eternal who can project cosmic energy projectiles from his hands. Enamored with fame, Kingo becomes a popular Bollywood film star to blend in on Earth.[6][11] Nanjiani wanted his performance to combine the wisecracking attitude of John McClane from the Die Hard film series with the look of Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan.[12] He studied Errol Flynn films and some of the original Zorro films to prepare for the role. Nanjiani, who is not a dancer, found learning the Bollywood dances challenging.[8]
  • Lia McHugh as Sprite: An Eternal who can project life-like illusions. Sprite has the physical appearance of a 12-year-old child, with McHugh calling her an "old soul" dissatisfied with humanity.[6] Described as "the Tinker Bell to [Ikaris'] Peter Pan", McHugh was primarily inspired by Neil Gaiman's 2006 run on the character.[13]
  • Brian Tyree Henry as Phastos: An Eternal and an intelligent weapons and technology inventor.[8] He is the first superhero to be depicted as gay in an MCU film.[14]
  • Lauren Ridloff as Makkari:
    An Eternal who can move at superhuman speed. The character is the first deaf superhero in the MCU.[8] After starting to run more in anticipation of the role, she shifted to muscle building in order to have "the symmetry of somebody who looks like a sprinter".[8]
  • Barry Keoghan as Druig: An aloof Eternal who can manipulate the minds of others.[8]
  • Don Lee as Gilgamesh: The strongest Eternal, with a deep connection to Thena.[8] Lee pursued the role in order to be an inspiration to the younger generation as the first Korean superhero, and was able to utilize his boxing training for the role.[6]
  • Harish Patel as Karun: Kingo's human valet.[15]
  • Kit Harington as Dane Whitman: A human who works at the Natural History Museum in London as the history professor and is dating Sersi.[6][16]
  • Salma Hayek as Ajak:
    The wise and spiritual leader of the Eternals, who has the ability to heal and is the "bridge" between the Eternals and the Celestials.[8] Changing the character from a man in the comics allowed Hayek to lean into Ajak's femininity and make her the "mother figure" of the Eternals.[8] Hayek was initially hesitant to work with Marvel, assuming she would have a supporting or "grandmother" role.[6]
  • Angelina Jolie as Thena:
    An elite warrior Eternal who can form any weapon out of cosmic energy and develops a close bond with Gilgamesh over the centuries.[6][8] She also suffers from a psychological condition called Mahd Wy'ry.[17] Jolie trained with various swords, spears, and staffs for the role, as well as taking ballet.[6]

Additionally, the Deviant Kro is voiced by Bill Skarsgård,[18] while David Kaye voices the Celestial Arishem.[19] Haaz Sleiman and Esai Daniel Cross portray Ben and Jack, Phastos' husband and son, respectively;[20] and Zain Al Rafeea portrays a villager who comes across the Eternals upon their arrival on Earth.[21] Harry Styles appears in the film's mid-credits scene as Eros / Starfox, the brother of Thanos, while Patton Oswalt voices his assistant Pip the Troll;[22] Oswalt previously portrayed the Koenig brothers in the Marvel Television series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020). Mahershala Ali has an uncredited voice cameo appearance as Blade in the post-credits scene, ahead of starring in his own film;[4] Ali previously portrayed Cornell "Cottonmouth" Stokes in the first season of the Marvel Television series Luke Cage (2016–2018).


Director Chloé Zhao promoting Eternals at the 2019 San Diego Comic-Con

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige said in April 2018 that the studio was actively developing a film based on the Marvel Comics series Eternals, created by Jack Kirby, to release as part of their Phase Four slate of films. Marvel Studios had met with multiple screenwriters, and was believed to be focusing on the character Sersi in the film.[23] Marvel set Ryan and Kaz Firpo to write the script a month later,[24] with their outline including a love story between the characters Sersi and Ikaris.[25] In June, Feige said Marvel was interested in exploring the "ancient aliens kind of sci-fi trope" by having the Eternals be the inspiration for myths and legends throughout the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).[26]

During late August, Marvel's director search for Eternals narrowed to a shortlist that included Chloé Zhao—who had also been in the running to direct Marvel's Black Widow (2021)—Nicole Kassell, Travis Knight, and the pair of Cristina Gallego and Ciro Guerra.[25] Zhao approached Marvel Studios about making the film as she had been a fan of the MCU. She wanted to work with the studio to bring her own take and world-building to the franchise,[27] and impressed them with a presentation that Feige described as fascinating, with "reams of visuals".[28] Zhao worked with producer Nate Moore to develop her pitch.[29] The presentation left Marvel concerned that she might take on a different big-studio project instead of Eternals, forcing them to move quickly to secure her, and Zhao was hired as director in September.[25][30] Zhao hoped to push the scope of the film further than Marvel's Avengers: Endgame (2019),[28] but also wanted it to have intimacy.[31] Zhao described the film as a melting pot of influences, from Kirby's original work, Neil Gaiman's 2006 run, previous MCU projects, Zhao's fandom of the MCU, and her love of science fiction and fantasy films and manga.[29] Speaking specifically to her love of manga, she hoped those influences would create a "marriage of East and West".[28] Zhao cited the TV series Ancient Aliens, the Final Fantasy video game series, the concepts from Yuval Noah Harari's book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, and the films of Terrence Malick as her inspirations for the film.[32]

Marvel considered Eternals to be a perfect transition into its next phase of films along with projects such as Captain Marvel (2019),[30] allowing the studio to cast a diverse group of actors to portray the various Eternals.[25] Moore's initial planning documents for the project including the swapping of genders, sexualities, and ethnicities of some characters from the comic books, with Zhao further advocating for this approach.[7] In February 2019, Feige reiterated that Marvel was interested in the Eternals due to Kirby's epic, century-spanning story,[33] with the film version spanning 7,000 years and exploring humanity's place in the cosmos.[29] Zhao noted that the Eternals "have lived among us for so long, [they have] the same struggles like identity, purpose, faith, personal freedom versus greater good — all the duality and flaws that make us human". When trying to develop a story that spanned so many years, Marvel realized that the characters would likely be a family unit, with friendship that would "turn into frenemies, and then turn into enemies, and then come back to friendship". Zhao also looked to the Earth as an eleventh character in the film, chronicling its journey alongside the Eternal characters.[6] Marvel also wanted to create more ensemble films that were not crossover films, like Guardians of the Galaxy (2014), while introducing relatively unknown characters to audiences as they did with that film's title characters and the Avengers.[33]


"I wanted it to reflect the world we live in. But also I wanted to put a cast together that feels like a group of misfits. I didn't want the jocks. I want you to walk away at the end of the movie not thinking, 'This person is this ethnicity, that person is that nationality.' No. I want you to walk away thinking, 'That's a family.' You don't think about what they represent."

—Zhao on the diverse cast of the film[28]

Angelina Jolie joined the cast in March 2019, reportedly as Sersi,[34][35] with Kumail Nanjiani and Don Lee cast in undisclosed roles the next month.[35][36] At that time, the film was expected to feature Marvel Studios' first gay superhero.[37] In May, Richard Madden entered negotiations for the role of Ikaris,[38] and Salma Hayek had entered early negotiations for an undisclosed role the following month.[39] In July, Variety reported that the cast included Jolie, Madden, and Millie Bobby Brown, but Brown denied that she had been cast.[40][41]


By the film's official announcement in July 2019, principal photography had begun at Pinewood Studios in Buckinghamshire, England.[42][43] Ben Davis served as director of photography, after doing so on several previous MCU films.[7][44] Zhao said Marvel Studios allowed her creative freedom to shoot the film on location, "exactly the way [she] wanted to shoot" it. She was able to use a similar style to her previous films, including 360° shots and working with the same camera and rigs as was used for her film Nomadland (2020),[28] which Zhao was set to complete back-to-back with The Eternals.[29] Zhao felt that she "got lucky in that Marvel wants to take risks and do something different."[28] Zhao cited The Revenant (2015) as a primary influence when composing the film's action sequences.[45]

Gemma Chan and Barry Keoghan were in talks to join the cast in August 2019.[9][46] Chan previously portrayed Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel, but reports noted that she was potentially being looked at by Marvel to play a separate character in this film.[9] Since Minn-Erva dies in that film, Chan had felt that it was unlikely she would return to the MCU, but after working on the film she was told by Feige that the studio wanted to "make better use" of her in a future project. This led to Chan auditioning for Sersi, one of the last actresses to be considered for the role. Chan later described Sersi as the most difficult role for the film to cast.[47] Chan and Keoghan were confirmed to be cast in the film at the D23 Expo in August, in the roles of Sersi and Druig, respectively, along with Kit Harington as Dane Whitman.[48] Chan said she and Marvel Studios were surprised by how soon after Captain Marvel her new MCU role came, with both assuming that it would have been a project further in the future.[47] Harish Patel was cast at the end of August as Karun,[49] Kingo's manager,[49][50] and filmed his role from September 2019 until January 2020.[49]

By early November, filming took place in the Canary Islands. The filming cast and crew, including Jolie and Madden, had to be evacuated from a shooting location on the island of Fuerteventura when an explosive device was found there. The device was thought to be a remnant armament from a Nazi base.[51] Later that month, Zain Al Rafeea joined the cast.[21][52] In early January 2020, filming took place outside the Oxford University Museum of Natural History in Oxford, England,[53] as well as Hampstead Heath and in Camden in London,[54][55] under the working title Sack Lunch.[55][56] Chan said the filming process felt very different from what she experienced on Captain Marvel, explaining that Eternals shot more on location and utilized natural light while Captain Marvel had more studio work and bluescreen.[47] Filming wrapped on February 4, 2020.[57]

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Ramin Djawadi composed the score for the film, after previously doing so for Marvel's Iron Man (2008).[58] Two songs from the film's soundtrack, "Across the Oceans of Time" and "Eternals Theme", were released as singles on October 22, 2021, while the full album was released on November 3.[59][60]


منعه من العرض

وأثار فيلم الأبديون جدلًا واسعًا بسبب وجود مشاهد مِثلية بين بطلى الفيلم في عائلة "فاستوس" وهو أول بطل خارق مِثلى الجنس ضمن سلسلة أفلام مارڤل، لميكن ذلك سبب الجدل الوحيد، احتوى الفيلم أيضًا مشاهد ظهور إله ومخاطبته خلال الأحداث، وهى المشاهد قُبلت الرفض في بعض الدول الآسيوية والعربية والخليجية، منها السعودية] والكويت وقطر، مما تسبب في منع الفيلم في تلك الدول.

في 10 نوفمبر 2021، أعلنت شركة آي ماكس في بيان لها من خلال صفحتها على فيسبوك، عن عدم عرض فيلم الأبديون في مصر.

جاء في البيان: "هل سيهبط فيلم الأبديون في مصر؟.. الفيلم لن يطرح في مصر ابتداء من يوم غد كما كان مقررا في البداية..ترقبوا المزيد من التحديثات".[61]


الإعلان الترويجي لفيلم الأبديون.


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خطأ استشهاد: وسوم <ref> موجودة لمجموعة اسمها "N"، ولكن لم يتم العثور على وسم <references group="N"/>