إسحاق عظيموڤ
إسحاق عظيموڤ Isaac Asimov | |
![]() إسحاق عظيموڤ في عام 1956 | |
Born | 2 يناير,1920 ("Allowing for the uncertainties of the times, of the lack of records, of the Jewish and Julian calendars, it might have been as early as October 4, 1919. There is, however, no way of finding out. My parents were always uncertain and it really doesn't matter. I celebrate January 2, 1920, so let it be.") Petrovichi, RSFSR |
Died | أبريل 6, 1992 نيويورك، نيويورك، الولايات المتحدة | (aged 72)
Occupation | روائي، كاتب قصة قصيرة، كاتب مقالات، مؤرخ, كيميائي حيوي, Textbook كاتب, إنساني |
Genres | خيال علمي (hard SF), popular science, mystery fiction, essays, ناقد أدبي |
Literary movement | العصر الذهبي للخيال العلمي |
Notable work(s) | Foundation Trilogy, Nightfall |
إسحاق عظيموڤ (2 يناير 1920 - 6 أبريل 1992)بالإنجليزية Isaac Asimov ، بالروسية : Айзек Азимов حاليا وهي أساسا Исаак Озимов مؤلف أمريكي روسي المولد و كيميائي حيوي في تخصصه الفعلي. اشتهر بكتاباته في روايات الخيال العلمي حيث لاقت رواياته نجاحا و انتشارا كبيرين. و قد تركت مؤلفاته أثرا كبيرا في سينما الخيال العلمي و حتى في علوم الرجل الآلي أو ما يسمى بالروبوتيك والذكاء الإصطناعي عن طريق ما يعرف بقوانين أسيموف.
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كتب عظيموڤ نحو 400 كتاب للصغار وللكبار؛ ومعظم كتاباته ليست خيالية، وتركز على العلوم والثقافة، وقد اشتهر بكتاباته الخيالية المبنية على العلوم. وأغلب أبطال القصص القصيرة والروايات عند أزيموف أشخاص آليون. وكتابه أنا الإنسان الآلي (1950م)، يشمل مجموعة من هذا النوع. وله مسلسل محبوب طويل من الأساطير العلمية اختار له اسم الأسس، من هذه المجموعة: الأسس (1951م)، الأسس والإمبراطورية (1952م)؛ الأسس الثانية (1953م)؛ أطراف الأسس (1982م)؛ الأسس والأرض (1986م)؛ مقدمة للأسس (1988م). وقد كتب أيضًا الرحلة البديعة (1966م) وغير ذلك.
ومؤلفات أزيموف غير الخيالية تجعل المواد المستعصية المعقدة سهلة الفهم عند القارئ العام، ومن أمثلة هذا النوع من مؤلفاته مرشد أزيموف الجديد للعلوم (1984م)، ومنها الحضارات التي نشأت خارج هذا العالم (1979م). وإضافة إلى هذا فقد كتب أزيموف في مجالات مثل التاريخ، والفكاهة، ووليم شكسبير، والإنجيل؛ كما كتب مؤلّفَيْن عن سيرته الذاتية، أحدهما في الذاكرة التي لا تزال مخضرة (1979م)، والآخر هو في المرح المستمر (1980م).
وُلد أزيموف في بتروفيتشي قرب إسمولينسك في روسيا. وعند بلوغه الثالثة من عمره ارتحلت أسرته إلى مدينة نيويورك. وقام بتدريس الكيمياء الحيوية في مدينة بوسطن من عام 1949 إلى عام 1958م وبعد ذلك تفرَّغ للكتابة.
- 1957 Thomas Alva Edison Foundation Award, for Building Blocks of the Universe
- 1960 Howard W. Blakeslee Award from the American Heart Association for The Living River
- 1962 Boston University's Publication Merit Award
- 1963 special Hugo Award for "adding science to science fiction" for essays published in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
- 1965 James T. Grady Award of the American Chemical Society (now called the James T. Grady-James H. Stack Award for Interpreting Chemistry)
- 1966 Best All-time Novel Series Hugo Award for the Foundation series
- 1967 Westinghouse Science Writing Award
- 1973 Hugo Award for Best Novel for The Gods Themselves
- 1973 Nebula Award for Best Novel for The Gods Themselves
- 1977 Hugo Award for Best Novelette for The Bicentennial Man
- 1977 Nebula Award for Best Novelette for The Bicentennial Man
- In 1981 an asteroid, 5020 Asimov, was named in his honor
- 1987 Nebula Grandmaster award, a lifetime achievement award
- 1983 Hugo Award for Best Novel for Foundation's Edge
- 1992 Hugo Award for Best Novelette for Gold
- 1995 Hugo Award for Best Nonfiction for I. Asimov: A Memoir
- 1996 -- A 1946 Retro-Hugo for Best Novel of 1945 was given at the 1996 WorldCon to The Mule, the 7th Foundation story published in Astounding Science Fiction
- 14 honorary doctorate degrees from various universities
- 1997 posthumous induction into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame
أعمال مختارة
الخيال العلمي
Fantastic Voyage series
- Fantastic Voyage (1966) (a novelization of the movie)
- Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain (1987) (not a sequel to Fantastic Voyage, but a similar, independent story)
"Greater Foundation" series
The Robot series was originally separate from the Foundation series. The Galactic Empire novels were originally published as independent stories. Later in life, Asimov synthesized them into a single coherent 'history' that appeared in the extension of the Foundation series.
- The Robot series:
- The Caves of Steel (1954), ISBN 0-553-29340-0 (first Elijah Baley SF-crime novel)
- The Naked Sun (1957), ISBN 0-553-29339-7 (second Elijah Baley SF-crime novel)
- The Robots of Dawn (1983), ISBN 0-553-29949-2 (third Elijah Baley SF-crime novel)
- Robots and Empire (1985) (sequel to the Elijah Baley trilogy)
- Galactic Empire series:
- Pebble in the Sky (1950)
- The Stars, Like Dust (1951)
- The Currents of Space (1952)
- Original Foundation trilogy:
- Foundation (1951), ISBN 0-553-29335-4
- Foundation and Empire (1952), ISBN 0-553-29337-0
- Second Foundation (1953), ISBN 0-553-29336-2
- Extended Foundation series:
- Foundation's Edge (1982), ISBN 0-553-29338-9
- Foundation and Earth (1986), ISBN 0-553-58757-9
- Prelude to Foundation (1988), ISBN 0-553-27839-8
- Forward the Foundation (1993), ISBN 0-553-40488-1
Lucky Starr series
- David Starr, Space Ranger (1952)
- Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids (1953)
- Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus (1954)
- Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury (1956)
- Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter (1957)
- Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn (1958)
Norby Chronicles
- Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot (1983)
- Norby's Other Secret (1984)
- Norby and the Lost Princess (1985)
- Norby and the Invaders (1985)
- Norby and the Queen's Necklace (1986)
- Norby Finds a Villain (1987)
- Norby Down to Earth (1988)
- Norby and Yobo's Great Adventure (1989)
- Norby and the Oldest Dragon (1990)
- Norby and the Court Jester (1991)
روايات ليست جزء من سلسلة
Novels marked with an asterisk * have minor connections to the Foundation series.
- The End of Eternity (1955) *
- The Gods Themselves (1972)
- Nemesis (1989) *
- Nightfall (1990) - with Robert Silverberg
- The Ugly Little Boy (1992) - with Robert Silverberg (aka: Child of Time)
- The Positronic Man (1993) - with Robert Silverberg
مجموعة قصص قصيرة
See also List of short stories by Isaac Asimov
- I, Robot (1950), ISBN 0-553-29438-5
- The Martian Way and Other Stories (1955)
- Earth Is Room Enough (1957)
- Nine Tomorrows (1959)
- The Rest of the Robots (1964)
- Through a Glass, Clearly (1967)
- Nightfall and Other Stories (1969)
- The Early Asimov (1972)
- The Best of Isaac Asimov (1973)
- Buy Jupiter and Other Stories (1975)
- The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories (1976)
- The Complete Robot (1982)
- The Winds of Change and Other Stories (1983)
- The Alternate Asimovs (1986)
- The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov (1986)
- Robot Dreams (1986)
- Azazel (1988)
- Gold (1990)
- Robot Visions (1990) ISBN 0-451-45064-7
- Magic (1995)
- The Death Dealers (1958) (later republished as A Whiff of Death)
- Murder at the ABA (1976) (also published as Authorized Murder)
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مجموعة قصص قصيرة
Black Widowers series
- Tales of the Black Widowers (1974)
- More Tales of the Black Widowers (1976)
- Casebook of the Black Widowers (1980)
- Banquets of the Black Widowers (1984)
- Puzzles of the Black Widowers (1990)
- The Return of the Black Widowers (2003)
أعمال غموض أخرى
- Asimov's Mysteries (1968)
- The Union Club Mysteries (1980)
- The Disappearing Man and Other Mysteries (1985)
- The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov (1986)
أعمال غير روائية
علوم متدولة
Collections of columns from the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
- Fact and Fancy (1962)
- View from a Height (1963)
- Adding a Dimension (1964)
- Of Time, Space, & Other Things (1965)
- From Earth to Heaven (1966)
- Science, Numbers and I (1968)
- The Solar System and Back (1970)
- The Stars in Their Courses (1971)
- Left Hand of the Electron (1972)
- The Tragedy of the Moon (1973)
- Of Matters Great & Small (1975)
- The Planet that Wasn't (1976)
- Quasar, Quasar, Burning Bright (1977)
- Road to Infinity (1979)
- The Sun Shines Bright (1981)
- Counting the Eons (1983)
- X Stands for Unknown (1984)
- The Subatomic Monster (1985)
- Far as Human Eye Could See (1987)
- The Relativity of Wrong (1988)
- Out of the Everywhere (1990)
- The Secret of The Universe (1990)
- The Chemicals of Life (1954)
- Inside the Atom (1956)
- Only a Trillion (1957)
- The World of Carbon (1958)
- The World of Nitrogen (1958)
- Words of Science and the History Behind Them (1959)
- The Clock We Live On (1959)
- Asimov on Numbers (1959)
- Life and Energy (1962)
- The Human Body: Its Structure and Operation (1963)
- The Human Brain (1964)
- The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science (1965)
- The title varied with each of the four editions, the last being Asimov's New Guide to Science (1984)
- The Universe: From Flat Earth to Quasar (1966)
- The Neutrino (1966)
- Isaac Asimov's Treasury of Humor (1971)
- Our World in Space (1974)
- The Collapsing Universe (1977) ISBN 0-671-81738-8
- Extraterrestrial Civilizations (1979)
- Views of the Universe (1981)
- Exploring the Earth and the Cosmos (1982)
- Asimov's Chronology of Science and Discovery (1989, second edition extends to 1993)
- Asimov's Chronology of the World (1991)
- Isaac Asimov's Guide to Earth and Space (1991)
- Asimov Laughs Again (1992)
- Quasars, Pulsars and Black Holes(1992)
- The Sun (2003, revised by Richard Hantula)
- Jupiter (2004, revised by Richard Hantula)
- The Earth (2004, revised by Richard Hantula)
- Venus (2004, revised by Richard Hantula)
- Asimov's Annotated "Don Juan"
- Asimov's Annotated "Paradise Lost"
- Asimov's Annotated Gilbert and Sullivan
- The Annotated "Gulliver's Travels"
- Asimov's Guide to the Bible, vols I and II (1981), ISBN 0-517-34582-X
- Asimov's Guide to Shakespeare, vols I and II (1970), ISBN 0-517-26825-6
السيرة الذاتية
- In Memory Yet Green, (1979, Doubleday)
- In Joy Still Felt, (1980, Doubleday)
- I, Asimov:A Memoir, (1994, Doubleday)
قصص أخرى
- Opus 100 (1969)
- The Sensuous Dirty Old Man (A collection of limericks)(1971)
- Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia of Science and Technology (1972)
- Opus 200 (1979)
- Isaac Asimov's Book of Facts (1979)
- The Roving Mind (1983) (collection of essays). New edition published by Prometheus Books, 1997, ISBN 1-57392-181-5.
- Our Federal Union (1975) ISBN 0-395-2283-3
السينما والتلفزيون
- Stranieri in America 1988
- Oltre New York 1986
- Voyage to the Outer Planets and Beyond 1986
- Target... Earth? 1980
- The Dick Cavett Show 1970
- The Nature of Things 1969
- Asimov, Isaac. In Memory Yet Green (1979, ISBN 0-380-75432-0).
- In Joy Still Felt (1980, ISBN 0-380-53025-2).
- I. Asimov: A Memoir (1994). ISBN 0-385-41701-2 (hc), ISBN 0-553-56997-X (pb).
- Yours, Isaac Asimov (1996), edited by Stanley Asimov. ISBN 0-385-47624-8.
- It's Been a Good Life (2002), edited by Janet Asimov. ISBN 1-57392-968-9.
- Goldman, Stephen H., "Isaac Asimov", in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Vol. 8, Cowart and Wymer eds., (Gale Research, 1981), pp. 15–29.
- Gunn, James. "On Variations on a Robot", IASFM, July 1980, pp. 56–81. Reprinted in the 1982 book.
- Isaac Asimov: The Foundations of Science Fiction (1982). ISBN 0-19-503060-5.
- The Science of Science-Fiction Writing (2000). ISBN 1-57886-011-3.
- Fiedler, Jean (1982). Isaac Asimov. ISBN 0-8044-2203-6.
{{cite book}}
: Unknown parameter|coauthors=
ignored (|author=
suggested) (help) - Joseph D. Oleander and Martin H. Greenberg (editors) (1974). Isaac Asimov. ISBN 0-8008-4258-8, Hardback ISBN 0-8008-4257-X.
{{cite book}}
has generic name (help) - Patrouch, Joseph F. (1977). The Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov. ISBN 0-385-08696-2.
- Touponce, William F. (1991). Isaac Asimov. ISBN 0-8057-7623-0.
- White, Michael (1994). Asimov: The Unauthorized Life. ISBN 0-14-004130-3.
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وصلات خارجية
- Isaac Asimov Home Page
- Isaac Asimov Wikia Page that contains overview to most of his books
- Isaac Asimov at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
- Isaac Asimov في Internet Movie Database
- قالب:Ibdof name {Work in Progress}
- 1987 interview with Isaac Asimov by Don Swaim at Wired for Books.
- Guardian Books "Author Page", with profile and links to further articles.
- 15-Book Reading Order as Suggested by Asimov From "Author's Note" of "Prelude to Foundation" Doubleday 1988 hardcover edition
- مؤمن, عبد الأمير (2006). قاموس دار العلم الفلكي. بيروت، لبنان: دار العلم للملايين.
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- Articles with hatnote templates targeting a nonexistent page
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- مواليد 1920
- وفيات 1992
- إسحاق عظیموڤ
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