
(تم التحويل من Tushratta)
ملك ميتاني
العهد1380-1345 ق.م.
1358-1335 ق.م.
تبعهأرتاتاما الثاني
الأبتوشراتا الثاني
إحدى رسائل تل العمارنة. رسالة من توشراتا ملك ميتاني، إلى الفرعون المصري أمنحوتپ الثالث، حوالي عام 1370 ق.م. نص مسماري أكادي. من تل العمارنة، مصر. متحف الشرق الأدنى، برلين.

توشراتا (Tushratta، بالأكادية: Tušratta[1] و Tuišeratta[2])، هو ملك ميتاني (ح. 1358–1335 ق.م.)[3] عند نهاية عهد أمنحوتپ الثالث وخلال النصف الاول من عهد أخناتون. كان ابناً لتوشراتا الثاني، وحفيداً لأرتاتاما الأول.[4] كانت شقيقته گيلوخيپا (گيلو-خـِپا بالحورانية) وابنته تدوخيپا (تدو-خـِپا بالحورانية) قد تزوجتا من فرعون مصر أمنحوتپ الثالث؛[5] تزوجت تدوخيپا لاحقاً من أخناتون الذي تولى مسؤولية الحريم الملكي لوالده.

نُصب توشراتا على العرش بعد مقتل أخيه أرتاشومارا. كان على الأرجح شاباً صغيراً آنذاك، وكان مقدّراً له أن يكون مجرد حاكم صوري، لكنه تمكن من التخلص من القاتل. عُثر على لوح في مبنى ميتاني في تل براك، نص على أنه شُهِد "بحضور الملك توشراتا"، وكان على ظهره ختم الملك السابق شاوشتتار، وهو أمر شائع.[6]


Recorded in three distinct spellings—Tušratta, Tušeratta, Tuišeratta—Tushratta's name is an Akkadianised rendition of an Indo-Aryan name <span lang="inc-x-mitanni-Latn" xml:lang="inc-x-mitanni-Latn" title="الترجمة اللفظية Indic languages error: inc-x-mitanni is an IETF tag (help) " class="Unicode" style="white-space:normal; text-decoration: none">Tvaiṣaratha meaning "[one with, having] a charging chariot".[7][8]

الصراع الداخلي مع الحيثيين

At the beginning of his reign, the Hittite King Suppiluliuma I reconquered Kizzuwatna, then invaded the western part of the Euphrates valley and conquered the Amurru and Nuhašše in Hanigalbat. According to the Suppiluliuma-Shattiwaza treaty, Suppiluliuma had made a treaty with Artatama, a rival of Tushratta. Nothing is known of Artatama's previous life or connection, if any, to the royal family. The document calls him king of the Hurrians, while Tushratta is given the title of "King of Mitanni", which must have disagreed with Tushratta. Suppiluliuma started to plunder the lands of the west bank of the Euphrates river and he annexed Mount Lebanon. Tushratta threatened to raid beyond the Euphrates if even a single lamb or kid was stolen.

Suppiluliuma then recounts how the land of Isuwa on the upper Euphrates had seceded in the time of his grandfather. Attempts to conquer it failed. In the time of his father, other cities rebelled. Suppiluliuma claims to have defeated them, but the survivors fled to the territory of Isuwa that must have been part of Tushratta's realm. A clause to return fugitives was part of many treaties made at the time, so possibly the harbouring of fugitives by Isuwa formed the pretext for the Hittite invasion. A Hittite army crossed the border, entered Isuwa and returned the fugitives (or deserters or government exiles) to Hittite rule. "I freed the lands which I captured; they dwelt in their places. All the people whom I released rejoined their peoples and Hatti incorporated their territories," Suppiluliuma later boasted.

The Hittite army then marched through various districts towards the Mitanni capital of Washshukanni. Suppiluliuma claims to have plundered the district and to have brought loot, captives, cattle, sheep and horses back to Hatti. He also claims that Tushratta fled, but obviously he failed to capture the capital. While the campaign weakened Tushratta's kingdom, he still held onto his throne.

الحملة الثانية

In a second campaign, the Hittites again crossed the Euphrates and subdued Halab, Mukish, Niya, Arahati, Apina, and Qatna as well as some cities whose names have not been preserved. Charioteers are mentioned among the booty from Arahati, who were brought to Hatti together with all their possessions. While it was common practice to incorporate enemy soldiers in the army, this might point to a Hittite attempt to counter the most potent weapon of the Mitanni, the war-chariots, by building up or strengthening their own chariot forces.

Tushratta had possibly suspected Hittite intentions on his kingdom, for the Amarna letters include several tablets from Tushratta concerning the marriage of his daughter Tadukhipa with Akhenaten, explicitly to solidify an alliance with the Egyptian kingdom. However, when Suppiluliuma invaded his kingdom, the Egyptians failed to respond in time—perhaps because of the sudden death of Akhenaten, and the resulting struggle for control of the Egyptian throne.

According to a treaty later made between Suppiluliuma and Shattiwaza, a son of Tushratta, after a third devastating Hittite raid led to the fall of Carchemish, Tushratta was assassinated by a group led by one of his sons.[9] A time of civil war followed which came to an end when Suppiluliuma placed Shattiwaza on the Mitannian throne.

رسائل تل العمارنة

أُجريت تحليلات تنشيط النيوترون على ستة من رسائل توشراتا، بما فيها EA 24، لمطابقة تركيب الطين مع المواقع المحتملة لواشْشوكاني. واستبعدت النتائج وجود موقع في تل فخرية.[10]

من الملك توشراتا إلى أمنحوتپ الثالث[11]

من الملك توشراتا إلى أمنحوتپ الرابع (أخناتون)[11]

من الملك توشراتا إلى الملكة تي‌يى[11]


  1. ^ tu-uš-rat-ta in "CDLI-Archival View". cdli.ucla.edu.
  2. ^ tu-iš-e-rat-ta in "CDLI-Archival View". cdli.ucla.edu.
  3. ^ Mladjov, I., (2019). "The Kings of Mittani in Light of the New Evidence from Terqa", in: NABU 2019, No. 1, March, p. 34.
  4. ^ Goetze, Albrecht. “On the Chronology of the Second Millennium B. C. (Concluded).” Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. 11, no. 3, 1957, pp. 63–73
  5. ^ Dodson, Aidan and Hilton, Dyan. The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. 2004. ISBN 0-500-05128-3,
  6. ^ N. J. J. Illingworth. “Inscriptions from Tell Brak 1986.” Iraq, vol. 50, 1988, pp. 87–108
  7. ^ Witzel, Michael (2001). "Autochthonous Aryans? The Evidence from Old Indian and Iranian Texts". Electronic Journal of Vedic Studies. 7 (3): 1–118. doi:10.11588/EJVS.2001.3.830. Retrieved 28 September 2021.
  8. ^ Liverani, Mario (2014). "16.1. The 'mountain people' and the 'dark age'". The Ancient Near East: History, Society and Economy. Routledge. p. 273.
  9. ^ Devecchi, Elena. “Details That Make the Difference: The Akkadian Manuscripts of the ‘Šattiwaza Treaties.’” Die Welt Des Orients, vol. 48, no. 1, 2018, pp. 72–95
  10. ^ Dobel, Allan, et al. “Neutron Activation Analysis and the Location of Waššukanni.” Orientalia, vol. 46, no. 3, 1977, pp. 375–82
  11. ^ أ ب ت Mercer, Samuel (1939). The Tell El-Amarna Tablets. Vol. 1: The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited. p. xxiv.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location (link)

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ملك ميتاني
القرن 14 ق.م.
أرتاتاما الثاني