القدر المادي لنصف قطر هبل (خط متصل) كدالة في scale factor of the universe. The physical wavelength of a perturbation mode (dashed line) is shown as well. The plot illustrates how the perturbation mode exits the horizon during cosmic inflation in order to reenter during radiation domination. If cosmic inflation never happened, and radiation domination continued back until a gravitational singularity, then the mode would never have exited the horizon in the very early universe.
البنية الخطية
تطور اضطرابين لنموذج الانفجار العظيم المنتظم ΛCDM. Between entering the horizon and decoupling, the dark matter perturbation (dashed line) grows logarithmically, before the growth accelerates in matter domination. On the other hand, between entering the horizon and decoupling, the perturbation in the baryon-photon fluid (solid line) oscillates rapidly. After decoupling, it grows rapidly to match the dominant matter perturbation, the dark matter mode.
هذه بذرة مقالة عن الفلك تحتاج للنمو والتحسين، ساهم في إثرائها بالمشاركة في تحريرها.