الأوابد المجنحة

(تم التحويل من Pegasoferae)

الأوابد المجنحة
00296 zebra.jpg
Plains Zebras
التصنيف العلمي
الأوابد المجنحة Pegasoferae

آكلات اللحوم

الأوابد المجنحة Pegasoferae هي فرع حيوي مقترح ضمن الثدييات مبني على البحث الجينومي في molecular systematics الذي قام به Nishihara, Hasegawa و Okada (2006).[1]

To the surprise of the authors, their data led them to propose a clade that includes bats (order Chiroptera), carnivores such as cats and dogs (order Carnivora), horses and other odd-toed ungulates (order Perissodactyla) and pangolins (order Pholidota) as springing from a single evolutionary origin within the mammals.

الاسم الأوابد المجنحة Pegasoferae صيغ من اسم الحصان المجنح الأسطوري پـِگاسوس Pegasus للإشارة إلى الخفافيش والجياد، والمصطلح أوابد Ferae، يضم آكلات اللحوم و pangolins. According to this, the odd-toed ungulates' closest living relatives are the carnivorans. Earlier theories of mammalian evolution would, for example, have aligned bats with the آكلات الحشرات (رتبة Eulipotyphla) and horses with the الظلفيات زوجية الأصابع (order Artiodactyla).

Some subsequent molecular studies published shortly afterwards have failed to support it.[2][3][4] In particular, two recent studies, each combining genome-wide analyses of multiple taxa with testing of competing alternative phylogenetic hypotheses, concluded that Pegasoferae is not a natural grouping.[5][6]

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  1. ^ DOI:10.1073/pnas.0603797103
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  2. ^ DOI:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.10.002
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  3. ^ Springer, M.S.; Burk-Herrick, A.; Meredith, R.; Eizirik, E.; Teeling, E.; O'Brien, S.J.; Murphy, W.J. (2007). "The adequacy of morphology for reconstructing the early history of placental mammals". Systematic Biology. 56 (4): 673–684. doi:10.1080/10635150701491149. PMID 17661234.
  4. ^ DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0000384
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  5. ^ DOI:10.1093/sysbio/syr089
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  6. ^ Tsagkogeorga, G; Parker, J; Stupka, E; Cotton, JA; Rossiter, SJ (2013). "Phylogenomic analyses elucidate the evolutionary relationships of bats (Chiroptera)". Current Biology. 23 (22): 2262–2267. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2013.09.014. PMID 24184098.