رباعي فلوروبورات النيتروسيل

(تم التحويل من Nitrosyl tetrafluoroborate)
رباعي فلوروبورات النيتروسيل
اسم أيوپاك
nitrosonium tetrafluoroborate
أسماء أخرى
nitrosyl tetrafluoroborate
رقم CAS
3D model (JSmol)
InChI InChI={{{value}}}
الصيغة الجزيئية B4NO
كتلة مولية 116.81 g mol-1
المظهر colourless crystalline solid
الكثافة 2.185 g cm−3
نقطة الانصهار
قابلية الذوبان في الماء decomposes
ما لم يُذكر غير ذلك، البيانات المعطاة للمواد في حالاتهم العيارية (عند 25 °س [77 °ف]، 100 kPa).
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مراجع الجدول

Nitrosonium tetrafluoroborate, also called nitrosyl tetrafluoroborate, is a chemical compound with the chemical formula NOBF4. This colourless solid is used in organic synthesis as a nitrosating agent.[1]

NOBF4 is the nitrosonium salt of fluoroboric acid, and is composed of a nitrosonium cation, [NO]+, and a tetrafluoroborate anion, [BF4].

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The dominant property of NOBF4 is the oxidizing power and electrophilic character of the nitrosonium cation. It forms colored charge transfer complexes with hexamethylbenzene and with 18-crown-6. The latter, a deep yellow species, provides a means to dissolve NOBF4 in dichloromethane.[2]

Nitrosonium tetrafluoroborate may be used to prepare metal salts of the type [MII(CH3CN)x][BF4]2 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu). The nitrosonium cation acts as the oxidizer, itself being reduced to nitric oxide gas:[3]

M + 2NOBF4 + xCH3CN → [M(CH3CN)x](BF4)2 + 2NO

With ferrocene the ferrocenium tetrafluoroborate is formed.[4]

In its infrared spectrum of this salt, νNO is a strong peak at 2387 cm−1.[5]


  1. ^ "A15806 Nitrosonium tetrafluoroborate, 98%". Alfa Aesar website. Retrieved 2010-09-04.
  2. ^ Lee, K. Y.; Kuchynka, D. J.; Kochi, Jay K. (1990). "Redox equilibria of the nitrosonium cation and of its nonbonded complexes". Inorganic Chemistry. 29 (21): 4196–4204. doi:10.1021/ic00346a008.
  3. ^ Heintz, Robert A.; Smith, Jennifer A.; Szalay, Paul S.; Weisgerber, Amy; Dunbar, Kim R. (August 2004). "11. Homoleptic Transition Metal Acetonitrile Cations with Tetrafluoroborate or Trifluoromethanesulfonate Anions". Inorg. Synth. 33: 75–83. doi:10.1002/0471224502.ch2. ISBN 978-0-471-46075-6.
  4. ^ Roger M. Nielson; George E. McManis; Lance K. Safford; Michael J. Weaver (1989). "Solvent and electrolyte effects on the kinetics of ferrocenium-ferrocene self-exchange. A reevaluation". J. Phys. Chem. 93 (5): 2152. doi:10.1021/j100342a086.
  5. ^ Sharp, D. W. A.; Thorley, J. (1963). "670. The Infrared Spectrum of the Nitrosonium Ion". Journal of the Chemical Society (Resumed): 3557. doi:10.1039/JR9630003557.

