قائمة رؤساء توگو

(تم التحويل من List of presidents of Togo)
رئيس جمهورية توگو
Président de la
République togolaise
Emblem of Togo.svg
Faure Gnassingbé 2014.png
فور گناسنگبى

منذ 4 مايو 2005
الإقامةقصر الحكام، لومي
مدة المنصب5 سنوات
مفتتـِح المنصبسيلڤانوس أوليمپيو
تشكيل27 أبريل 1960

هذه هي قائمة رؤساء توگو منذ إنشاء منصب الرئيس في 1960، حتى اليوم.

A total of four people have served as President (not counting one Acting President and two interim military officeholders). Additionally, one person, Faure Gnassingbé, has served on two non-consecutive occasions.

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وصف المنصب


The President of the Republic is elected by universal, direct and secret suffrage for a mandate of five (05) years.[1]

He is re-eligible.[1]

The election of the President of the Republic takes place by uninominal majority ballot in one (01) round.[2]

The President of the Republic is elected with the majority of the suffrage expressed.[2]

The vote is opened on convocation of the electoral body by decree taken in the Council of Ministers sixty (60) days at least and seventy-five (75) days at most before the expiration of the mandate of the President in office.[3]

No one may be a candidate for the office of the President of the Republic if they:[4]

  1. are not exclusively of Togolese nationality by birth;
  2. are not thirty-five (35) years of age on the date of the deposit of the candidature;
  3. do not enjoy all their civil and political rights;
  4. do not present a general state of physical and mental well-being duly declared by three (03) sworn physicians, designated by the Constitutional Court;
  5. do not reside in the national territory for at least twelve (12) months.

The President of the Republic enters office within the fifteen days which follow the proclamation of the results of the presidential election.[5]

وفي مايو 2019، صدق البرلمان على التعديل الدستوري الجديد الذي يُتيح للرئيس الحالي "فور گناسنگبى" البقاء في السلطة حتى عام 2030 ، مما يمدد حكم أسرته إلى 63 عامًا في الدولة الواقعة في غرب إفريقيا على الرغم من الاحتجاجات الواسعة.

قسم المنصب

Before his entry into office, the President of the Republic swears before the Constitutional Court meeting in solemn hearing, in these terms:[6]

Before God and before the Togolese people, sole holders of popular sovereignty, We _____, elected President of the Republic in accordance with the laws of the Republic, solemnly swear.

— to respect and to defend the Constitution that the Togolese people have freely given themselves;

— to loyally fulfill the high functions that the Nation has confided in us.

— to be guided solely by the general interest and the respect of the rights of the human person, to consecrate all our forces to the promotion of development, of the common good, of peace and of national unity;

— to preserve the integrity of the national territory;

— to conduct our self at all times, as a faithful and loyal servant of the People.


In case of a vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic by death, resignation or definitive incapacity, the presidential function is exercised provisionally by the President of the National Assembly.[7]

The vacancy is declared by the Constitutional Court referred to [the matter] by the Government.[7]

The Government convokes the electoral body within the sixty (60) days of the opening of the vacancy for the election of a new President of the Republic.[7]


فرق أخرى
  •   Denotes Acting/Interim Head of State


No. الرئيس
پورتريه العهد اِنتُخِب الانتماء السياسي رئيس الوزراء
تولى المنصب غادر المنصب مدة الرئاسة
1 Sylvanus Olympio
Sylvanus Olympio.jpg 27 April 1960 13 January 1963
2 years, 261 days 1961 CUT Himself
Emmanuel Bodjollé
No image.png 13 January 1963 15 January 1963 2 days Military Position abolished
2 Nicolas Grunitzky
TOGO PRES. NICOLAS GRUNITSKY - CROPPED.jpg 16 January 1963 13 January 1967
3 years, 362 days 1963 MPT Position abolished
Kléber Dadjo
No image.png 16 January 1967 14 April 1967 91 days Military Position abolished
3 گناسنگبى إياديما
Gnassingbe Eyadema detail2 DF-SC-84-10025.jpg 14 April 1967 5 فبراير 2005
(توفي في المنصب.)
37 years, 297 days 1972
Military / RPT Koffigoh
E. Kodjo
A. Kodjo
4 فور گناسنگبى
Faure Gnassingbé 2014.png 5 February 2005[ج] 25 February 2005
20 days RPT Sama
بونفو عباس
No image.png 25 February 2005 4 May 2005 68 days RPT Sama
(4) فور گناسنگبى
Faure Gnassingbé 2014.png 4 May 2005 Incumbent 19 years, 308 days 2005
E. Kodjo


  1. ^ Styled as Chairman of the Insurrection Committee.
  2. ^ Styled as Chairman of the National Reconciliation Committee.
  3. ^ Previously named Étienne Eyadéma; changed name on 8 May 1974 due to the policy of Africanization, and to commemorate survival of a crash of his Douglas C-47 Skytrain presidential plane on 24 January 1974.
  4. ^ أ ب ابن گناسنگبى إياديما.
  5. ^ Proclaimed President by General Zakari Nandja, Chief of Staff of the Togolese Armed Forces, and confirmed by the National Assembly.
  6. ^ Stepped down due to heavy regional pressure, caused over doubts regarding the constitutional legitimacy of his succession.
  7. ^ Succeeded Eyadéma as the constitutional successor, President of the National Assembly.

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آخر انتخابات

المرشح الحزب الأصوات %
فور گناسنگبى Union for the Republic 1,221,756 58.75
Jean-Pierre Fabre National Alliance for Change 732,026 35.21
Tchaboure Gogue Alliance of Democrats for Integral Development 83,803 4.03
Komandega Tamaa New Togolese Commitment 21,581 1.04
Mohamed Tchassona-Traoré Citizens' Movement for Democracy and Development 20,064 0.96
Invalid/blank votes 58,813
Total 2,138,438 100
Registered voters/turnout 3,509,258 60.92
Source: Constitutional Court

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ أ ب Article 59 of the Constitution of 1992.
  2. ^ أ ب Article 60 of the Constitution of 1992.
  3. ^ Article 61 of the Constitution of 1992.
  4. ^ Article 62 of the Constitution of 1992.
  5. ^ Article 63 of the Constitution of 1992.
  6. ^ Article 64 of the Constitution of 1992.
  7. ^ أ ب ت Article 65 of the Constitution of 1992.

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Years in Togo

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