قائمة مقابر طيبة

تقع جبانة طيبة على الضفة الغربية لنهر النيل، قبالة مدينة الأقصر، مصر. بالإضافة إلى المقابر الملكية الأكثر شهرة والتي تقع في وادي الملوك ووادي الملكات، هناك العديد من المقابر الأخرى، والتي يشار إليها عادة باسم مقابر النبلاء (الأقصر)، وهي أماكن دفن بعض رجال البلاط وذوي النفوذ في المدينة القديمة.
هناك ما لا يقل عن 415 مقبرة مفهرسة ومصورة، الاختصار المميز TT بالإنجليزية والذي يوضع بعده رقم المقبرة هو اختصار لكلمتي Theban Tomb أي مقبرة طيبية ، كما أنه هناك مقابر أخرى قد ضاعت، أو لسبب ما غير متوافقة مع هذا التصنيف (يشار لها بتسميات أخرى). يشيع في مقابر طيبة وجود القطع الفخارية، والأقماع الجنائزية التي كانت توضع على مدخل حرم المقبرة. وخلال عصر الدولة الحديثة كان يُكتب عليها ألقاب ونعوت واسم صاحب المقبرة وأحياناً صلاة قصيرة. ومن بين حوالي 400 مجموعة مسجلة من المخاريط (الأقماع الجنائزية) حوالي 80 منهم فقط تأتي من المقابر التي تمت فهرستها بالفعل.[1]
وقد نشر نظام الترقيم لأول مرة في تقرير آرثر ويگال عام 1908 عن مقابر شيخ عبد القرنة والعساسيف (حتى TT 45–100)[2][3] وبعد ذلك بشكل أكثر تفصيلاً في كتاب الفهرس الطوبوغرافي للمقابر الخاصة في طيبة الذي كتبه ألان گاردينر وآرثر ويگال عام 1913 (TT 1–252).[4] تبع ذلك ملحق الفهرس الطوبوغرافي للمقابر الخاصة في طيبة رجينالد إنگلباخ (TT 253 إلى 334)، والذي تم تمديده بشكل أكبر في أعمال برنار برويير،[5] نورمان ديڤيه،[6] أحمد فخري،[7] ولاحقاً في القائمة الطوبوغرافية للنصوص والنقوش والرسوم الهيروغليفية المصرية القديمة لبرثا پورتر.[8] في منشورهما، أقر گاردينر وويگال بأن الأرقام لا تتبع أي ترتيب طبوغرافي، وترجع إلى الترتيب الذي تم اكتشاف المقابر به.[9]
التعيين | صاحب المقبرة | اللقب | الموقع | الفترة |
TT101 | Thanuro | Cupbearer of the King | شيخ عبد القرنة | أمنحوتپ الثاني، الأسرة 18 |
TT102 | Imhotep | Royal scribe, child of the nursery | شيخ عبد القرنة | أمنحوتپ الثاني، الأسرة 18 |
TT103 | Dagi | حاكم البلدة، ووزير | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 11 |
TT104 | Tutnefer | مشرف الخزانة | شيخ عبد القرنة | أمنحوتپ الثاني، الأسرة 18 |
TT105 | Khaemopet | Priest of the noble standard of Amun | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 19 |
TT106 | Paser[19] | وزير، كبير كهنة أمون | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 19 |
TT107 | Nefersekheru | Royal Scribe in the palace at Malkata | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 18 |
TT108 | Nebseni | High Priest of Inherit (Onuris) | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الرابع الأسرة 18 |
TT109 | مين | Mayor of Tjeny (Thinis), Overseer of the prophets of Onuris, Tutor of أمنحوتپ الثاني | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الثالث الأسرة 18 |
TT110 | Tutmosis | Cupbearer of the King, Herald of the king | شيخ عبد القرنة | حتشپسوت – تحتمس الثالث الأسرة 18 |
TT111 | Amenwahsu | Scribe of God's Writings in the Amun Domain, Leader in the house of Amun, wab-priest of Sekhmet, Festival leader of all the gods in their annual feasts. | شيخ عبد القرنة | رمسيس الثاني الأسرة 19 |
TT112 | Menkheperreseneb II (later Ashefytemwaset) | كبير كهنة أمون | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الثالث الأسرة 18، مغتصب خلال فترة الرعامسة |
TT113 | Kynebu | Priest in Temple for King Thutmose IV, | شيخ عبد القرنة | رمسيس الثامن |
TT114 | Unknown | Head Goldsmith in the Amun Domain | شيخ عبد القرنة | Ramesside (الأسرة 20) |
TT115 | Unknown | شيخ عبد القرنة | فترة الرعامسة | |
TT116 | Unknown | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الرابع حتى أمنحوتپ الثاني(?) الأسرة 18 | |
TT117 | usurped by Djemutefankh | Draughtsman of Mansion of Gold | شيخ عبد القرنة | في الاصل الأسرة 11؛ مغتصب في عهد الأسرة 21 أو الأسرة 22 |
TT118 | Amenmose | Fanbearer on the Right of the King | شيخ عبد القرنة | أمنحوتپ الثاني؟ الأسرة 18 |
TT119 | غير معروف | شيخ عبد القرنة | حتشپسوت – تحتمس الثالث الأسرة 18 | |
TT120 | Anen | Second Priest of Amun, Brother of Queen Tiye[20] | شيخ عبد القرنة | أمنحوتپ الثاني الأسرة 18 |
TT121 | أحمس | أول كهنة أمون المرتلين | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الثالث الأسرة 18 |
TT122 | أمنمحات | Overseers of the Production Area of Amun | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الثالث الأسرة 18 |
TT123 | أمنمحات | Scribe, Overseer of the granary, Counter of bread | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الثالث الأسرة 18 |
TT124 | رعي | Overseer of the storerooms of Pharaoh, Steward of the good god Tuthmosis I | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الأول الأسرة 18 |
TT125 | Duauneheh | First Herald, Overseer of the estate of Amun | شيخ عبد القرنة | حتشپسوت الأسرة 18 |
TT126 | Hormose | Commander-in-chief of Troops of the Amun domain | شيخ عبد القرنة | الفترة المتأخرة |
TT127 | Sememiah | Royal scribe, Overseer of all that grows | شيخ عبد القرنة | حتشپسوت الأسرة 18 |
TT128 | Pathenfy | حاكم إدفو وطيبة | شيخ عبد القرنة | الفترة المتأخرة، الأسرة 26 |
TT129 | غير معروف | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 18 | |
TT130 | ماي | Harbour Master in Thebes | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الثالث، الأسرة 18 |
TT131 | Useramun, called User[21] | وزير تحتمس الثالث | شيخ عبد القرنة | تحتمس الثالث، الأسرة 18 |
TT132 | Ramose | Great scribe of the king, Overseer of the treasuries of Taharqa | شيخ عبد القرنة | طهارقا |
TT133 | Neferronpet | Chief of the weavers in the Ramesseum | شيخ عبد القرنة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT134 | Thauenany, also called Any | priest of king Amenhotep who navigates on the sea of Amun | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 19 |
TT135 | Bakenamon | wab-priest at the fore of Amun | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 19 |
TT136 | Unknown | Royal Scribe of the Lord of the Two Lands | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 19 |
TT137 | Mose | head of works of Pharaoh in every monument of Amun | شيخ عبد القرنة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT138 | Nedjemger | Overseer of the garden in the Ramesseum | شيخ عبد القرنة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT139 | Pairi | wab-priest in front of Amun, Overseer of peasants of Amun | شيخ عبد القرنة | أمنحوتپ الثانيI |
TT140 | Kefia, also called Neferronpet | Goldworker, Portrait sculptor | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18 |
TT141 | Bakenkhons | wab-priest at the fore of Amun | ذراع أبو النجا | فترة الرعامسة |
TT142 | Samut | Overseer of works of Amun-Ra in Karnak | ذراع أبو النجا | تحتمس الثالث – أمنحوتپ الثاني |
TT143 | غير معروف | ذراع أبو النجا | ||
TT144 | نو | Overseer of estate labour | ذراع أبو النجا | تحتمس الثالث |
TT145 | Nebamon | Head of bowmen | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18 |
TT146 | Nebamon | Overseer of the granary of Amun, Counter of grain, iny of the God's Wife | ذراع أبو النجا | تحتمس الثالث |
TT147[22] | Heby / Unknown | Scribe who counts the cattle of Amun in Upper and Lower Egypt / Head Elder of the portal in Karnak | ذراع أبو النجا | |
TT148 | Amenemopet | Priest of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | رمسيس الثانيI – رمسيس الرابع |
TT149 | Amenmose | Royal scribe of the table of the Lord of the Two Lands, Overseer of hunters of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | فترة الرعامسة |
TT150 | Userhet | Overseer of cattle of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18 |
TT151 | Hety | Scribe, Counter of cattle of the God's Wife of Amun, Steward of the god's wife of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | تحتمس الرابع |
TT152 | غير معروف | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18، مغتصب أثناء فترة الرعامسة | |
TT153 | غير معروف | ذراع أبو النجا | ستي الأول؟ | |
TT154 | Tati | Cupbearer[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18 |
TT155 | Intef | Great herald of the King[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18، حتشپسوت، تحتمس الثالث |
TT156 | Pennesuttawy | Captain of troops, Governor of the South Lands[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | رمسيس الأول |
TT157 | Nebwenenef | High priest of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | رمسيس الثاني |
TT158 | Thonefer | Third prophet of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 20 |
TT159 | Raia | Fourth priest of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 20 |
TT160 | Besenmut | True king's acquaintance[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الفترة المتأخرة |
TT161 | Nakht | Bearer of floral offerings of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18، أمنحوتپ الثاني؟ |
TT162 | Kenamon | Mayor of Thebes, Overseer of the Granary of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18، أمنحوتپ الثاني |
TT163 | أمنمحات | حاكم طيبة، الكاتب الملكي [17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 19 |
TT164 | Intef | Scribe of recruits[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18، تحتمس الثالث |
TT165 | Nehemaway | Goldsmith[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18، تحتمس الرابع – أمنحوتپ الثانيI |
TT166 | Ramose | Overseer of works in Karnak, Overseer of cattle[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | حورمحب – ستي الأول[17] |
TT167 | غير معروف | ذراع أبو النجا | الأسرة 18 | |
TT168 | Any | Divine Father clean of hands, Chosen lector of the lord of the gods[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | رمسيس الثاني |
TT169 | Senena | Head goldsmith of Amun[17] | ذراع أبو النجا | أمنحوتپ الثانيI |
TT170 | Nebmehyt | Scribe of recruits of the Ramesseum in the estate of Amun[17] | شيخ عبد القرنة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT171 | غير معروف | شيخ عبد القرنة | الأسرة 18 | |
TT172 | Mentiywi | Royal Butler, child of the nursery[17] | الخوخة | تحتمس الثالث – أمنحوتپ الثاني |
TT173 | Khay | Scribe of divine offerings of the gods of Thebes[17] | الخوخة | الأسرة 19 |
TT174 | Ashakhet[17] | الكاهن أمام موت [17] | الخوخة | الأسرة 20 |
TT175 | Unknown[14] | الخوخة | الأسرة 18 | |
TT176 | Userhet | Servant of Amun, clean of hands[17] | الخوخة | الأسرة 18 |
TT177 | Amenemopet | Scribe of Truth in the Ramesseum in the estate of Amun[17] | الخوخة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT178 | Kenro, also called Neferrenpet | Scribe of the treasury in the Amun-Ra domain | الخوخة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT179 | Nebamon | Scribe, Counter of grain in the granary of divine offerings of Amun | الخوخة | حتشپسوت |
TT180 | غير معروف | الخوخة | الأسرة 19 | |
TT181 | Ipuky and Nebamon | Sculptor of Pharaoh and Head sculptor of Pharaoh resp. | الخوخة | أواخر الأسرة 18 |
TT182 | أمنمحات | كاتب ماعت | الخوخة | تحتمس الثالث |
TT183 | Nebsumenu | Chief Steward, Steward in the house of رمسيس الثاني | الخوخة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT184 | Nefermenu | حاكم طيبة، الكاتب الملكي | الخوخة | رمسيس الثاني |
TT185 | Senioker[23] | Treasurer of the God, Hereditary Prince, Divine Chancellor | الخوخة | الفترة الانتقالية الأولى |
TT186 | Ihy[23] | حاكم | الخوخة | الفترة الانتقالية الأولى |
TT187 | Pakhihet | wab-priest of Amun | الخوخة | الأسرة 20 |
TT188 | Parennefer | Royal butler clean of hands, Steward | الخوخة | أخناتون |
TT189 | Nakhtdjehuty | Chief of carpenters and Goldworkers in the Amun domain | العساسيف | رمسيس الثاني |
TT190 | Esbanebded | Divine Father, Prophet at the head of the king | العساسيف | الفترة المتأخرة |
TT191 | Wahibrenebpehti | Chamberlain of the Divine Adoratrix, Director of the festival | العساسيف | پسماتيك الأول |
TT192 | Kharuef،[24] also called Senaa | Steward to the Great Royal Wife Tiye | العساسيف | الأسرة 18 |
TT193 | Ptahemheb | Official of the seal in the treasury of the Amun domain | العساسيف | |
TT194 | Tutemheb | Overseer of marshland-dwellers in the Amun domain, Scribe in the temple of Amun | العساسيف | رمسيس الثاني |
TT195 | Bakenamon | Scribe of the treasure of the Amun domain, | العساسيف | |
TT196[25] | Padihorresnet | Chief steward of Amun | العساسيف | الفترة المتأخرة |
TT197 | Padineith | Chief steward of the God's Wife of Amun, the Divine Adoratrix Ankhnesneferibre | العساسيف | پسماتيك الثاني |
TT198 | Riya | Head of the magazine of Amun in Karnak | الخوخة | فترة الرعامسة |
TT199 | Amenarnefru | Overseer of the store-rooms | الخوخة | الأسرة 18 |
TT200 | Dedi | Governor of the deserts to the west of Thebes, Head of the troops of Pharaoh, | الخوخة | تحتمس الثالث – أمنحوتپ الثاني |
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
TT201 | Re | First herald of the king | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT202 | Nakhtamun | Prophet of Ptah Lord of Thebes, Priest in front of Amun | El-Khokha | 19th Dynasty |
TT203 | Wennefer | Divine Father of Mut | El-Khokha | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT204 | Nebanensu | Sailor of the high priest of Amun | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT205 | Tutmosis | Royal Butler | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT206 | Ipuemheb | Scribe of the Place of Truth | El-Khokha | Ramesside Period |
TT207 | Horemheb | Scribe of divine offerings of Amun | El-Khokha | Ramesside Period |
TT208 | Roma | Divine Father of Amun-Ra | El-Khokha | Ramesside Period |
TT209 | Nisemro | Overseer of the stamp | South Asasif | Late Period (25th Dynasty) |
TT210 | Raweben | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT211 | Paneb | Servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT212 | Ramose | Scribe of the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT213 | Penamun | Servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT214 | Khawi | Custodian in the Place of Truth, Servant of Amun in Luxor | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT215 | Amenemopet | Royal scribe in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT216 | Neferhotep | Foreman in the Place of the Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT217 | Ipuy | Sculptor | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT218 | Amenakhte and Iymway | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT219 | Nebenmaat | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT220 | Khaemteri | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT221 | Horimin | Scribe of troops in the palace of the king on the West of Thebes | Qurnet Murai | 20th Dynasty, Ramesses III |
TT222 | Hekammatranakhte, also called Turo | High priest of Monthu | Qurnet Murai | 20th Dynasty |
TT223 | Karakhamon | first ka(?)-priest | Qurnet Murai | Late Period (Saite) |
TT224 | Ahmose, also called Humay | Overseer of the estate of the God's Wife, Overseer of the double granaries of the God's Wife Ahmose-Nefertary | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III and Hatshepsut |
TT225 | Unknown (possibly Amenemhet) | First Prophet of Hathor | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty |
TT226 | Heqareshu | Royal scribe, Overseer of nurses of the king | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty, Amenhotep III |
TT227 | Unknown | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III | |
TT228 | Amenmose | Scribe of the Amun treasury | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III |
TT229 | Unknown | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty | |
TT230 | Men | Scribe of troops of Pharaoh | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty |
TT231 | Nebamun | Scribe, Counter of grain of Amun in the granary of divine offerings | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty |
TT232 | Tharwas | Scribe of the divine seal of the Amun treasury | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT233 | Saroy (and Amenhotep) | Royal Scribe of the offering table of the Lord of the Two Lands, Royal Scribe of the king's repast, Keeper of the royal documents in the presence (of the king), Leader of the Festival, Cattle Counter in the Estate of Amun, Royal Messenger to the hill country, Overseer of the hunters of Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT234 | Roy | Mayor | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis III |
TT235 | Userhet | High priest of Monthu | Qurnet Murai | 20th Dynasty |
TT236 | Hornakht | Second prophet of Amun, Overseer of the treasury of Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT237 | Wennefer | chief lector-priest | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT238 | Neferweben | Royal butler clean of hands | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT239 | Penhet | Overseer for all the Northern Lands | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty |
TT240 | Meru | Overseer of sealers | El-Assasif | Dynasty 11 Temp Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre |
TT241 | Ahmose | Scribe of divine writings, Child of the nursery, Head of the mysteries in the House of the morning | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty |
TT242 | Wehibre | Chamberlain of the god's wife of Amun Ankhnesneferibre | El-Assasif | Late Period (Saite) |
TT243 | Pemu called Pahy | mayor of Thebes | El-Assasif | Later Period (Saite) |
TT244 | Pakharu | Overseer of carpenters of the Amun domain | El-Assasif | |
TT245 | Hori | Scribe, Overseer of the estate of the great wife of the king | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT246 | Senenre | Scribe | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT247 | Samut | Scribe, Counter of cattle of Amun | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT248 | Tutmosis | Maker of offerings of Thutmose III | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty |
TT249 | Neferronpet[14] | Supplier of dates/cakes in the temple of Amenhotep III | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty |
TT250 | Ramose | scribe of the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | |
TT251 | Amenmose | Royal scribe, Overseer of cattle of Amun, Overseer of magazine of Amun | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty |
TT252 | Senimen | Steward, Nurse of the God's Wife | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty, Hatshepsut |
TT253 | Khnummose | Scribe, Counter of grain in the granary of Amun | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty, Amenhotep III |
TT254 | Mose (Amenmose) | Scribe of the treasury, Custodian of the estate of queen Tiye in the Amun domain | El-Khokha | Late 18th Dynasty |
TT255 | Roy | Royal Scribe, Steward of the estates of Horemheb and Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Late 18th Dynasty |
TT256 | Nebenkemet | Overseer of the cabinet, Fanbearer, Child of the nursery | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty Amenhotep II |
TT257 | Neferhotep (usurped by Mahu) | Counter of grain of Amun (Deputy in the Ramesseum) | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis III – Amenhotep III (usurped during the time of Ramesses II) |
TT258 | Menkheper | Child of the nursery, Royal scribe of the house of the royal children | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis IV |
TT259 | Hori | Scribe in all the monuments of the estate of Amun, Head of the outline-draughtsmen in the Gold House of the Amun domain | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside Period |
TT260 | User | Scribe, Weigher of Amun, overseer of fields of Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis III |
TT261 | Khaemwaset | wab-priest of king Amenhotep I | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty Tuthmosis III – Amenhotep II |
TT262 | Unknown | overseer of fields | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty |
TT263 | Piay | Scribe in the granary in the Amun domain, Scribe of accounts in the Ramesseum | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 19th Dynasty Ramesses II |
TT264 | Ipiy | Overseer of cattle, Chief of the Lord of the Two Lands | El-Khokha | 19th Dynasty Ramesses II – Merneptah |
TT265 | Amenemopet | Scribe of the king in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty Seti I – Ramesses II |
TT266 | Amenakhte | Chief craftsman of the Lord of the Two Lands in the Place of Truth on the west of Thebes | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty |
TT267 | Hay | Officer of workmen in the Place of Truth, Fashioner of the images of all the gods in the House of Gold | Deir el-Medina | 20th Dynasty |
TT268 | Nebnakhte | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty |
TT269 | Unknown | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside Period | |
TT270 | Amonemuia | wab-priest, lector-priest of Ptah-Sokar | Qurnet Murai | 19th Dynasty |
TT271 | Nay | Royal scribe | Qurnet Murai | 18th Dynasty, Ay |
TT272 | Khaemopet | Divine Father of Amun in the west, lector-priest of the Sokar temple | Qurnet Murai | 20th Dynasty |
TT273 | Sayemiotf | Scribe in the estate of his lord | Qurnet Murai | Ramesside Period |
TT274 | Amenwahsu | High priest of Monthu of Tod and of Thebes, sem-priest in the Ramesseum in the estate of Amun | Qurnet Murai | 19th Dynasty Ramesses II – Merneptah |
TT275 | Sebekmose | Head wab-priest, Divine Father in the temples of king Amenhotep III and Sokar | Qurnet Murai | Ramesside Period |
TT276 | Amenemopet | Overseer of the treasury of gold and silver, Judge, Overseer of the cabinet | Qurnet Murai | 18th Dynasty, Tuthmosis IV |
TT277 | Amenemonet | Divine father of the temple of king Amenhotep III | Qurnet Murai | 19th Dynasty |
TT278 | Amenemheb | Herdsman of Amun-Ra | Qurnet Murai | 20th Dynasty |
TT279 | Pabasa | Chief Steward to the Nitocris I, Divine Adoratrice of Amun | El-Assasif | Psamtik I |
TT280 | Intef or Meketre | Chief Steward, Chancellor | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Early Middle Kingdom |
TT281 | Mentuhotep III? | Pharaoh | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 11th Dynasty |
TT282 | Nakhtmin (Troop Commander) | Head of the bowmen, Overseer of the South Lands | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 19th Dynasty |
TT283 | Roma, also called Roy | High priest of Amun, | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II – Merneptah |
TT284 | Pahemnetjer | Scribe of offerings of all gods | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT285 | Iny | Head of the magazines of Mut | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT286 | Niay | Scribe of the table | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT287 | Pendua | wab-priest of Amun, | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT288 | Bakenkhons | Scribe of divine book of Khons | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT289 | Setau | Viceroy of Kush, Overseer of the South Lands, Chief Bowman of Kush | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT290 | Irinufer | servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Ramesses II |
TT291 | Nakhtmin and Nu | servant in the Place of Truth, servant in the Great Place | Deir el-Medina | 18th Dynasty, Horemheb |
TT292 | Pashedu | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty, Seti I – Ramesses II |
TT293 | Ramessenakhte | High priest of Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 20th Dynasty, Ramesses IV |
TT294 | Amenhotep (Usurped by Roma) | Overseer of the granary of Amun | El-Khokha | Amenhotep III |
TT295 | Paroy, also called Tuhmosis | Head of the secrets in the Chest of Anubis, sem-priest in the Good House, Embalmer | El-Khokha | Tuthmosis IV – Amenhotep III (?) |
TT296 | Nefersekheru | Scribe of divine offerings of all gods, Officer of the treasury | El-Khokha | Ramesses II |
TT297 | Amenemopet, also called Djehutynefer or Thonefer | Scribe, Counter of grain of Amun, Overseer of the fields | El-Assasif | 18th Dynasty |
TT298 | Baki, Wennefer | Foreman in the Place of Truth, Servant of Pharaoh in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesside Period |
TT299 | Inherkau | Foreman in the Place of Truth[26] | Deir el-Medina | |
TT300 | Anhotep | Viceroy of Kush | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesses II |
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
TT301 | Hori | Scribe of the table of Pharaoh in the Amun domain | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT302 | Paraemheb | Overseer of the magazine | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT303 | Paser | Head of the magazine of Amun, Third Prophet of Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT304 | Piay | Scribe of the offering-table of Amun, Scribe of the Lord of the Two Lands | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT305 | Paser | wab-priest in front of Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT306 | Irdjanen | Door-opener of the Amun domain | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT307 | Thonefer | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period or Dynasty 21 | |
TT308 | Kemsit | Sole adornment of the king, Prophetess of Hathor | Deir el-Bahri | 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre |
TT309 | Unknown | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside Period | |
TT310 (MMA 505) | Unknown | Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt | Deir el-Bahri | 11th Dynasty |
TT311 (MMA 508) | Kheti | Treasurer of the King of Lower Egypt | Deir el-Bahri | 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre |
TT312 | Nespakashuty | Governor of town and Vizier | Deir el-Bahri | Psamtik I and later |
TT313 (MMA513) | Henenu | Great steward | Deir el-Bahri | 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre and Mentuhotep III |
TT314 | Horhotep | Seal-bearer of the King of Lower Egypt | Deir el-Bahri | 11th Dynasty |
TT315 | Ipi | Governor of the town and Vizier, Judge | Deir el-Bahri | 11th Dynasty Mentuhotep-Nebhepetre |
TT316 | Neferhotep | Head of the archers | Deir el-Bahri | early Middle Kingdom |
TT317 | Tutnefer | Scribe of the counting of corn in the granary of divine offerings of Amun | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Tuthmosis III (?) |
TT318 | Amenmose | Necropolis-worker of Amun | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Tuthmosis III – Hatshepsut |
TT319 | Neferu II | King's Wife of Mentuhotep II | Deir el-Bahri | 11th Dynasty |
TT320 | Deir el-Bahri Cache | Various | Deir el-Bahri | 21st Dynasty; reburials from various periods |
TT321 | Khaemopet | servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesses II |
TT322 | Penshenabu | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesses II |
TT323 | Pashedu | Outline-draughtsman in the Place of Truth and in the Temple of Sokar | Deir el-Medina | Sethi I |
TT324 | Hatiay | Overseer of all the prophets of all the gods, high priest of Sobek | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 20th Dynasty[27] |
TT325 | Smen | Deir el-Medina | 18th Dynasty | |
TT326 | Pashedu | Foreman | Deir el-Medina | (see TT3) |
TT327 | Turobay | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesses II |
TT328 | Hay | servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesside Period |
TT329 | Mose, Mose and Ipy | A family tomb of Servants in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesside Period |
TT330 | Karo | Servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesses II |
TT331 | Penne, also called Sunero | High priest of Monthu | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesses II |
TT332 | Penrenutet | Chief watchman of the granary of the Amun domain | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT333 | Unknown | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Amenhotep III | |
TT334 | Unknown | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Amenhotep III | |
TT335 | Nakhtamun | servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesses II – Merneptah |
TT336 | Neferronpet | servant in the Place of Truth | Deir el-Medina | Ramesses II – Merneptah |
TT337 | Eskhons or Ken | Sculptor in the Place of Truth[10] | Deir el-Medina | Ramesses II |
TT338 | May | Draughtsman of Amun[10] | Deir el-Medina | late 18th Dynasty |
TT339 | Huy or Pashedu | Necropolis-stonemason, Servant in the Place of Truth[10] | Deir el-Medina | Ramesside Period |
TT340 | Amenemhat | Servant[10] | Deir el-Medina | early-mid 18th Dynasty |
TT341 | Nakhtamun | Chief of the Altar in the Ramesseum[10] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 19th Dynasty |
TT342 | Tutmosis | First Royal Herald[10] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Tuthmosis III |
TT343 | Paheqamen (or Pahekamen), also called Benia | Child of the Royal Nursery, Overseer of Works[10][28] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | early 18th Dynasty |
TT344 | Piay[29] | Overseer of the Cattle[10] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period |
TT345 | Amenhotep | Priest, Eldest King's Son of Thutmose I[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty: Thutmose I |
TT346 | Amenhotep / Penra | Overseer of the Women of the Inner Palace Quarters for the Divine Adoratrix / Chief of the Medjay[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Penra's tomb probably dates to the time of Ramesses II. Usurped by Amenhotep during the time of Ramesses IV |
TT347 | Hori | Scribe[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside Period |
TT348 | Na'amutnakht | Door-opener of the Gold House of Amun,[30] Chief gardener of the Ramesseum | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 22nd Dynasty |
TT349 | Tjay | Overseer of Fowlpens[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty |
TT350 | Unknown | Scribe[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty |
TT351 | Abau | Scribe of Cavalry[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside Period |
TT352 | Unknown | Overseer of the Granary of Amun[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside period |
TT353 | Senenmut[30] | High Steward[31] | Deir el-Bahri | 18th Dynasty |
TT354 | Unknown[30] | Deir el-Medina | 18th Dynasty | |
TT355 | Amenpahapy | Servant in the Place of Truth[30] | Deir el-Medina | 20th Dynasty |
TT356 | Amenemwia | Servant in the Place of Truth[30] | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty |
TT357 | Tutihermaktuf | Servant in the Place of Truth[30] | Deir el-Medina | 20th Dynasty |
TT358 | Ahmose-Meritamen | Wife of Amenhotep I | Deir el-Bahri | 18th Dynasty |
TT359 | Inherkhau | Foreman in the Place of Truth[26] | Deir el-Medina | 20th Dynasty |
TT360 | Qeh | Foreman in the Place of Truth[30] | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty |
TT361 | Huy | Carpenter in the Place of Truth[30] | Deir el-Medina | 19th Dynasty |
TT362 | Paanemwaset | Priest of Amun[30] | El-Khokha | 19th Dynasty |
TT363 | Paraemheb | Overseer of Singers of Amun[30] | El-Khokha | 19th Dynasty |
TT364 | Amenemheb | Scribe of the Divine Offerings[30] | El-Assasif | 19th Dynasty |
TT365 | Nefermenu | Overseer of Wig-Makers of Amun in Karnak, Scribe of the Treasury of Amun[30] | El-Khokha | 18th Dynasty: Thutmose III |
TT366 | Djar | King's Guard of the Inner Palace[30] | El-Assasif | 11th Dynasty |
TT367 | Paser | Head of the Bowmen, Child of the Royal Nursery, Companion of His Majesty[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty: Amenhotep II |
TT368 | Amenhotep, called Huy | Overseer of Sculptors of Amun in Thebes[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | late 18th Dynasty |
TT369 | Khaemwaset | High priest of Ptah, Third priest of Amun[30] | El-Khokha | 19th Dynasty |
TT370 | Unknown | Royal Scribe[30] | El-Khokha | Ramesside |
TT371 | Unknown[30] | El-Khokha | Ramesside | |
TT372 | Amenkhau | Overseer of Carpenters of the Temple of Ramesses III[30] | El-Khokha | 20th Dynasty |
TT373 | Amenmessu | Scribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two Lands[30] | El-Khokha | Ramesside |
TT374 | Amenemopet | Treasury Scribe in the Ramesseum[30] | El-Khokha | 19th Dynasty |
TT375 | Unknown[30] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside | |
TT376 | Unknown[30] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty | |
TT377 | Unknown[30] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside | |
TT378 | Unknown[30] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 19th Dynasty | |
TT379 | Unknown[30] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside | |
TT380 | Ankefenrahorakhty | Chief in Thebes[30] | Qurnet Murai | Ptolemaic Period |
TT381 | Amenemonet | Messenger of the King to Every Land[30] | Qurnet Murai | Ramesside |
TT382 | Usermontu | First Prophet of Monthu[30] | Qurnet Murai | Ramesside |
TT383 | Merymose | Viceroy of Kush[30] | Qurnet Murai | 18th Dynasty |
TT384 | Nebmehyt | Priest of Amun in the Ramesseum[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 19th Dynasty |
TT385 | Hunefer | Mayor of Thebes, Overseer of the granary of Divine Offerings of Amun[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside |
TT386 | Intef | Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, Overseer of Soldiers[30] | El-Assasif | Middle Kingdom |
TT387 | Meryptah | Royal Scribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two Lands,[30] | El-Assasif | 19th Dynasty: Ramesses II |
TT388 | Unknown | [30] | El-Assasif | Saite Period |
TT389 | Basa | Chamberlain of Min, Priest, Mayor of Thebes[30] | El-Assasif | Saite Period |
TT390 | Irtyrau | Female scribe, Chief attendant of the Divine Adoratrice of Amun, Nitocris I[30] | South El-Assasif | 26th Dynasty: Psamtik I |
TT391 | Karabasken (later usurped by Pedubast) | Prophet of Khonsemweset-Neferhotep, Fourth prophet of Amun, Mayor of the City[30] | South El-Assasif | 25th Dynasty |
TT392 | Unknown | El-Khokha | Saite Period | |
TT393 | Unknown | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty | |
TT394 | Unknown | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period | |
TT395 | Unknown | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Ramesside Period | |
TT396 | Unknown | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty | |
TT397 | Nakht | Priest of Amun, Overseer of the Magazine of Amun, First king's Son of Amun[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty |
TT398 | Kamose called Nentowaref | Child of the Royal Nursery[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Probably 18th Dynasty |
TT399[11] | Unknown[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside Period | |
TT399A[11] | Penrennu[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesside Period | |
TT400 | Unknown[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna |
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
TT401 | Nebseni | Overseer of goldsmiths of Amun[30] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty: Thutmose III to Amenhotep II |
TT402 | Unknown[30] | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty: Thutmose IV to Amenhotep III | |
TT403 | Merymaat | Temple Scribe[30] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | 18th Dynasty? Ramesside Period? |
TT404 | Akhamenerau | Chief Steward of the Divine Adoratrix Amenirdis I and Shepenupet II[30] | El-Assasif | 25th Dynasty |
TT405 | Khenti | Nomarch[30] | El-Khokha | First Intermediate Period |
TT406 | Piay | Scribe of the Altar of the Lord of the Two Lands[30] | El-Assasif | Ramesside Period |
TT407 | Bentenduanetjer | Chamberlain of the Divine Adoratrix[30] | El-Assasif | 26th Dynasty (Saite Period) |
TT408 | Bakenamon | Head of Estate-Workers of the Amun domain[30] | El-Assasif | Ramesside Period |
TT409 | Samut, also called Kiki | Accountant of Cattle of the Amun domain[32] | El-Assasif | 19th Dynasty: Ramesses II |
TT410 | Mutirdis | Chief follower of the God's Priestess[30] | El-Assasif | 26th Dynasty (Saite Period) |
TT411 | Psamtek | Unknown[30] | El-Assasif | |
TT412 | Kenamon | Royal scribe[30] | El-Assasif | |
TT413 | Unasankh | Overseer of Upper Egypt[30] | El-Assasif | 6th Dynasty |
TT414 | Ankhhor | Mayor of Memphis[30] | El-Assasif | 26th Dynasty |
TT415 | Amenhotep | Chief physician of Amun[30] | El-Assasif |
Other tombs
Unknown location
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
Tomb of Nebamun | Nebamun | Scribe and counter of grain | Possibly Dra' Abu el-Naga' |
Dra' Abu el-Naga'
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
ANB | Possibly Amenhotep I and Ahmose-Nefertari | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty | |
Tomb A.1 | Amenemhet | ka-servant | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty |
Tomb A.2 | "Tomb of the Dancers" | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 17th Dynasty(?) | |
Tomb A.3 | Ruru | Chief of the Medjay | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | New Kingdom |
Tomb A.4 | Si-User | Scribe, Mayor of the Southern City, Overseer of the Granary | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 19th Dynasty |
Tomb A.5 | Neferhotep | Overseer of granaries | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty: Thutmosis III – Amenhotep II |
Tomb A.6 | Djehutinefer | Overseer of marshlands of the Lord of the Two Lands | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 19th Dynasty |
Tomb A.7 | Amenhotep | Scribe | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty |
Tomb A.8 | Amenemhab | Royal Scribe, Steward in the Mansion of Amenhotep I on the West of Thebes | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty or 19th Dynasty |
Tomb A.9 | Unknown | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | 18th Dynasty: Amenhotep II | |
Tomb A.10 | Djehutynefer | Overseer of the treasury | Dra' Abu el-Naga' | Early 18th Dynasty |
Tomb A.24 | Simut | Second priest of Amun | Dra' Abu el-Naga' |
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
B1 | Mehehy | Priest of Amun | El-Khokha (Location lost) | Ramesside Period |
B2 | Amenneferu | Priest at the fore | El-Khokha (Location lost) | mid Dynasty 18 |
B3 | Hauf | El-Khokha (Location lost) | Late Period | |
B4 (TT41) | ||||
B5 (TT386) |
Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
C.1 | Amenhotep | Overseer of carpenters of Amun | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Amenhotep III |
C.2 | Amenemhat | Noble at the head of the People | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ahmose I – Amenhotep I |
C.3 | Amenhotep (C.3)[33] | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | ||
C.4 | Merymaat | wab-priest of Maat | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Late Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt |
C.5 | Unknown | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Late Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt? | |
C.6 | Ipy | Overseer of boats in the temple of king Thutmose IV | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Tuthmosis IV |
C.7 | Hormose | Head guard of the treasury in the Ramesseum | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Ramesses II |
C.8 | Nakht[34] | Overseer of the fowl-houses in the Estate of Amun | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna (Location lost) | |
C.9 | Unknown | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Unknown | |
C.10 | Penrenenu | scribe of the offering-table | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt |
C.11 | Nebseny | Overseer of goldsmiths of Amun, Overseer of all works silver and gold | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Tuthmosis III |
C.12 | Mahu | Overseer of the gate | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Unknown |
C.14 | Ankhefenthut called Neferibre-seneb | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Late Period – Saite | |
C.15 | Unknown | Overseer of the two houses of gold, Overseer of the two houses of silver | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt |
Sheikh Abd el-Qurna cache | royal princesses | King's daughters | Sheikh Abd el-Qurna | Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt |
Qurnet Murai
Designation | Owner | Title | Location | Period |
D.1 | Nehy | Viceroy of Kush, Governor of the South Lands | Qurnet Murai | Tuthmosis III |
D.2 | Peterssuemhebsed | Qurnet Murai | New Kingdom? | |
D.3 | Amenemhab called Mahu | Steward of [...] | Qurnet Murai | Tuthmosis III |
D– | Hatiay | Overseer of the double granary of the Temple of the Aten | Qurnet Murai | Amenhotep III – Akhenaten |
- ^ "Funerary Cones of the 18th Dynasty". Digital Egypt. UCL. Retrieved 2008-01-30.
- ^ A. E. P. Weigall, ‘A Report on the Tombs of Shêkh Abd’ el Gûrneh and el Assasîf’, ASAE 9 (1908), 118–36: "As will be seen, I have renumbered them all, and I trust that in future these numbers will always be held to, so as to avoid confusion. The tombs have been numbered in a haphazard sort of way two or three times, and one often finds two or more numerals marked down for each tomb. A few years ago Mr. Newberry made out a complete list of new numbers, and Mr. Carter had these neatly painted on wooden boards. The list, so far as I can make out, was then lost, and the boards were piled in a back room, where I found them. They ran consecutively from 100 to about ho, but I could only find a few of the numerals below 40. For this reason, I commenced my numbering at 100, and outside the doorway of each tomb the number has been nailed so that there can be no mistake."
- ^ As Weigall explains, previous numbering schemes, such as that in the Baedeker Travel Guide (1902) had not been followed consistently
- ^ A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes
- ^ B. Bruyère, ‘New Details for Insertion in the Theban 1/1000 Scale Maps: I. Deir el- Madina’, ASAE 25 (1925), 174–177
- ^ Norman de Garis Davies (N. de G. Davies, ‘New Details for Insertion in the Theban 1/1000 Scale Maps. II: Sheykh ‘Abd el-Qurna and Dira’ Abu’l Naga’, ASAE 25 (1925), 239–241
- ^ A. Fakhry, ‘A Report on the Inspectorate of Upper Egypt’, ASAE 46 (1947), 37–54)
- ^ Kaczanowicz, Marta (2020). "Gordon Jelf and his Notes on the Work Conducted in the Theban Necropolis, 1909–1910". The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. SAGE Publications. 106 (1–2): 37–58. doi:10.1177/0307513320966617. ISSN 0307-5133. S2CID 226349562.
- ^ A Topographical Catalogue of the Private Tombs of Thebes, p.10: "The numbers employed in this Catalogue are the same as will be found marked outside the actual tombs; it is greatly hoped that these will meet with general acceptance. It will be noted that the numbering follows no topographical order. It will pain the pedantically-minded — I confess it is not wholly pleasant even to myself — that, for example, tomb 42 should adjoin no 110, and access be had to 145 from 17. Such incongruities are for the most part due to the succession in which the tombs were discovered; in practice they do not in any way impair the utility of the numbering. The purpose in assigning numbers to the tombs is to provide a series of abbreviations to be used in quotation, and so long as the numbers given are easily referred to in a printed Catalogue it matters little what order they follow. Any attempt to modify our numbering at the present juncture would introduce serious confusion into the already somewhat chaotic literature of Egyptology. Scholars are therefore begged to make shift with it, whatever its imperfections."
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ أب أت أث أج أح أخ أد أذ أر أز أس أش أص أض أط أظ أع أغ أف أق أك أل أم أن أهـ أو أي بأ بب بت بث بج بح بخ بد بذ بر بز بس بش بص بض بط بظ بع بغ بف بق بك بل بم بن به Baikie, James (1932). Egyptian Antiquities in the Nile Valley. Methuen.
- ^ أ ب ت ث "Spanish – Egyptian Mission at Dra Abu el-Naga Tombs of Djehuty and Hery". Project Djehuty. Archived from the original on 2011-07-10. Retrieved 2008-02-17.
- ^ [1] Archived 2008-07-20 at the Wayback Machine لمسئولي بلاط تحتمس الرابع
- ^ Porter and Moss. Topographical Bibliography I part 1 (2nd ed).
- ^ أ ب ت Manniche, Lise (1988). The wall decoration of three Theban tombs (TT77, 175, and 249). Copenhagen.
{{cite book}}
: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link) - ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س Weigall, Arthur (1910). A Guide to the Antiquities of Upper Egypt. London: Mentheun & Co. ISBN 1-4253-3806-2.
- ^ "Theban Tomb #89 Epigraphic Project". Archived from the original on 2008-03-15. Retrieved 2007-05-02.
- ^ أ ب ت ث ج ح خ د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ع غ ف ق ك ل م ن هـ و ي أأ أب أت أث أج أح Porter and Moss, Topographical Bibliography: The Theban Necropolis
- ^ [2] Archived 2003-06-22 at the Wayback Machine Tomb of Senneferi
- ^ قالب:WhosWhoInAncientEgyptReference
- ^ "Queen Tiye". Archived from the original on 2017-12-16. Retrieved 2008-01-30.
- ^ "Theban tombs: 18th Dynasty". Retrieved 2007-10-15.
- ^ Boyo G. Ockinga. "Thebes Excavation – October 2003 newsletter". Macquarie Theban Tombs Project. Retrieved 2007-05-02.
- ^ أ ب "Theban Tombs: Old and Middle Kingdom". UCL. Retrieved 2007-05-02.
- ^ The Epigraphic Survey (1980). OIP 102: The Tomb of Kheruef: Theban Tomb 192. The Oriental Institute Of The University of Chicago.
- ^ "Publikation des thebanischen Grabes TT 196" (in الألمانية). Muenster University. Archived from the original on 2007-06-07. Retrieved 2007-05-02.
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