
(تم التحويل من Kutrigurs)
أوروبا وشمال أفريقيا حوالي 600 م.

كوتريگور Kutrigurs كانوا بدو خيالة الذين ازدهروا في سهوب پنطس-القزوين في القرن السادس الميلادي. إلى الشرق منهم تواجد الأوتيگور المشابهون. وقد حاربوا الامبراطورية البيزنطية والأوتيگور. وقرب نهاية القرن السادس كان الآڤار قد استوعبوهم بضغط من الترك.

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أصل الاسم

The name Kutrigur, also recorded as Kwrtrgr, Κουτρίγουροι, Κουτούργουροι, Κοτρίγουροι, Κοτρίγοροι, Κουτρίγοροι, Κοτράγηροι, Κουτράγουροι, Κοτριαγήροι,[1] has been suggested as a metathecized form of Turkic *Toqur-Oğur, thus the *Quturoğur mean "Nine Oğur (tribes)".[2] David Marshall Lang derived it from Turkic kötrügür (conspicuous, eminent, renowned).[3] There has been little scholarly support for theories linking the names of Kutrigurs and Utigurs to peoples such as the Guti/Quti and/or Udi/Uti, of Ancient Southwest Asia and the Caucasus respectively, which has been posited by Osman Karatay,[4] or Duč'i (some read Kuchi) Bulgars by Josef Markwart.[5]


Grousset thought that they were remnants of the Huns.[6] Procopius recounts that:{{quote|in the old days many Huns,{{refn|group="nb"|The ethnonym of the Huns, like those of Scythians and Türks, became a generic term for steppe-people (nomads) and invading enemies from the East, no matter of their actual origin and identity.

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  1. ^ Golden 2011, p. 139.
  2. ^ Golden 2011, p. 71, 139.
  3. ^ Lang 1976, p. 34.
  4. ^ Karatay 2003, p. 26.
  5. ^ Vasil 1918.
  6. ^ Grousset 1970, p. 79.