
(تم التحويل من DF-21)
DF-21/CSS-5 Mod 1
DF-21A TEL - Chinese Military Museum Beijing.jpg
DF-21A and transporter erector launcher vehicle at the Beijing Military Museum.
مكان الصنع China
تاريخ الخدمة
في الخدمة 1991
اسُتخدم من قبل Second Artillery Corps
الوزن 14,700 kilograms (32,400 lb)
الطول 10.7 metres (35 ft)
القطر 1.4 metres (4.6 ft)

رأس حربي 1, or 5-6 (improved variant)[5] 200-300-500 kt[6]

المحرك Solid fueled
المدى العملي 1,770 km (1,100 mi) (DF-21)[2]
1,770 km (1,100 mi) (DF-21A)[2]
1,700 km (1,100 mi) (DF-21C)
exceeding 1,500 km (930 mi) (DF-21D ASBM)[3]
السرعة Mach 10[1]
Inertial + terminal radar guidance[4]
Mobile launcher

The Dong-Feng 21 (DF-21; NATO reporting name CSS-5 - Dong-Feng (Chinese: 东风; lit. 'East Wind') is a two-stage, solid-propellant, single-warhead medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) in the Dong Feng series developed by China Changfeng Mechanics and Electronics Technology Academy. Development started in the late 1960s and was completed around 1985-86, but it was not deployed until 1991. It was developed from the submarine-launched JL-1 missile, and is China's first solid-fuel land-based missile. The U.S. Department of Defense in 2008 estimated that China had 60-80 missiles and 60 launchers.[7]

Originally developed as a strategic weapon, the DF-21's later variants were designed for both nuclear and conventional missions. As well as a nuclear warhead of around 300 kt, it is thought that high explosive and submunition warheads are available. The latest DF-21D was said to be the world's first anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM). The DF-21 has also been developed into a space-capable anti-satellite/anti-missile weapon carrier.

Though the launcher itself is road mobile, an actual launch requires support vehicles and a specially prepared launch platform to prevent backblast damage due to the hard launch.[8]

عدد من صواريخ دي‌إف-21 في عرض عسكري صيني.

الصفقة السعودية

رياح الشرق 21 في تمرين سيف عبد الله سبتمبر 2014.

في 18 سبتمبر 2014، صرح الخبير الاستراتيجي السعودي أنور عشقي، المقرب من الدولة السعودية، لصحيفة عكاظ أن السعودية قد شترت عدداً من صواريخ دي‌إف-21 البالستية متوسطة المدى في 2007.[9] وقالت مجلة نيوزويك الأمريكية أن وكالة المخابرات المركزية الأمريكية قد سمحت بالصفقة بشرط أن يتم تعديل الصواريخ في الصين فلا تستطيع حمل رؤوس نووية. وكانت السعودية قد اشترت من قبلاً، سراً أيضاً، صواريخ دي‌إف-3أ البالستية في 1988، والتي كشفت عنها الولايات المتحدة لاحقاً.

Notes and references

  1. ^ "China Shows Off World's First Anti-Carrier Ballistic Missile". asianweek.com. Retrieved 2010-12-29.
  2. ^ أ ب The Military Power of the People's Republic of China - Annual Report to Congress. Office of the Secretary of Defense. 2007. p. 42. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. http://www.defenselink.mil/pubs/pdfs/070523-China-Military-Power-final.pdf. Retrieved on 28 November 2013. 
  3. ^ Military and Security Developments Involving the People's Republic of China. Office of the Secretary of Defense. 2013. Archived from the original. You must specify the date the archive was made using the |archivedate= parameter. http://www.defense.gov/pubs/2013_china_report_final.pdf. Retrieved on 3 May 2014. "The DF-21D has a range exceeding 1,500 km and is armed with a maneuverable warhead." 
  4. ^ DongFeng 21 (CSS-5) Medium-Range Ballistic Missile - SinoDefence.com
  5. ^ International Assessment and Strategy Center > Research > New Chinese Missiles Target the Greater Asian Region
  6. ^ "Nuclear Warhead Modernization". Nti.org. Retrieved 2010-03-21.
  7. ^ "Military Power of the People's Republic of China 2008" (PDF). Office of the Secretary of Defense: 56 (p66 of PDF). {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
  8. ^ Kristensen, Hans M. (September 28, 2010). "DF-21C Missile Deploys to Central China". fas.org. Federation of American Scientists. Retrieved 27 November 2013.
  9. ^ علي بن غرسان (جدة) (2014-09-18). "شهب لا ترد وصواعق لا تصد لحماية أرض الحرمين - «رياح الشرق» تعزز ترسانة الردع و «الدبابة الطائرة» هجومية مدمرة". صحيفة عكاظ.

External links
