
(تم التحويل من Apache)
شركة أپاتشي Apache Corporation
ISINUS0374111054 Edit this on Wikidata
الصناعةإنتاج بترول
المقر الرئيسيهيوستن, تكساس
الأشخاص الرئيسيون
ج.ستفن فارس , الرئيس & CEO
المنتجاتمنتجات البترولكيمياويات
الدخلUS$9.97 بليون (2007)
ربح العمليات1,325,000,000 دولار أمريكي (2009) Edit this on Wikidata
2,806,678,000 دولار أمريكي (2007) Edit this on Wikidata
الموظفون3521 (2007)
الشعارSense of Urgency
الموقع الإلكترونيhttp://www.apachecorp.com

شركة أپاتشي هي شركة أمريكية مستقلة لإنتاج البترول والغاز الطبيعي مقرها في هيوستن ، تكساس ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. وشركة أپاتشي هي واحدة من الشركات متعددة الجنسيات ، ولديها مكاتب ومشروعات في العديد من الدول مثل الأرجنتين ، أستراليا ، كندا ، مصر ، و المملكة المتحدة. وقد بلغ رأس مال الشركة في السوق في 2008 حوالي 31 بليون دولار.


  • 1954 تأسست شركة أباتشي للبترول مينيابوليس, مينيسوتا, عن طريق ترومان أندرسون, ريموند بلانك و تشارلز أرنيو.
  • 1955 تم حفر أول آبار للبترول تابعة للشركة, بين تولسا ومدينة اوكلاهوما.
  • 1960 Apache acquired interests in the Foshay Tower (a Minneapolis landmark). The 32-story imitation of the Washington Monument, will become Apache’s headquarters location from the early ‘60s until 1984.
  • 1967 Fagerness #1 oil discovery.
  • 1969 Apache Corporation shares were listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSEAPA).
  • 1970 Apache expanded in agriculture with the acquisition of Fresno, California’s S&J Ranch.
  • 1971 Apache Corporation formed Apache Exploration Company (subsequently “Apexco”) as the oil and gas operating child company.
  • 1977 Following the sale of Apexco, Apache operates GHK's drilling program in the Anadarko basin.
  • 1980 Apache acquired non-operating interest (through participation in the Shell Joint Venture) in the Gulf Of Mexico, opening the door to production on the Offshore Continental Shelf.
  • 1981 Apache created Apache Petroleum Company (APC), US's first master limited partnership (MLP).
  • 1986 Apache acquired Oxi, marking Apache’s entry to the Gulf of Mexico as an operator.
  • 1987 Apache moved its headquarters of 33 years from Minneapolis to Denver.
  • 1991 Apache acquired the MW Petroleum assets from Amoco, buying Apache a position in the Permian Basin of West Texas.
  • 1992 Headquarters moved to Houston, Texas
  • 1993 Apache acquires Hadson Energy Resources, expanding Apache's assests to offshore Western Australia.
  • 1994 Apache entered Egypt by acquiring a 25 percent non-operated interest in the Qarun Concession alongside the Phoenix Resource Companies.
  • 1995 Apache acquired Dekalb Energy Canada Ltd, marking Apache's return to كندا; Apache acquired 315 oil and gas fields in the Permian Basin, the Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast, western Oklahoma, East Texas, the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf of Mexico from Texaco.
  • 1999 Acquisition of Shell assets in the Gulf of Mexico.
  • 2001 $410 million worth of Repsol assets acquisition made Apache the largest producer of liquid hydrocarbons in Egypt’s Western Desert.
  • 2002 Apache Corporation drilled its first deepwater wells in the West Mediterranean Concession offshore Egypt.
  • 2003 Apache acquired the Forties Field from BP, the largest field ever discovered in the المملكة المتحدة North Sea.
  • 2005 Apache and ExxonMobil completed a series of agreements that provided for transfers and joint ventures across a broad range of properties in the Permian Basin of West Texas and New Mexico, Western Canada, onshore Louisiana, and the Gulf of Mexico Shelf.
  • 2006 Apache completed the sale of its oil production interest in China to Australia-based ROC Oil Company Limited for US$260 million. It also bought a large majority of BP's Gulf of Mexico Shelf properties.
  • 2007 A test horizontal well at the Van Gogh project, in Exmouth Gulf, Western Australia, produced 9,694 barrels per day.
  • 2008 fire at Varanus Island facility in Western Australia stops natural gas production and causes an energy crisis.

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