1970 في إسرائيل

  • 1969
  • 1968
  • 1967
Flag of Israel.svg

  • 1971
  • 1972
  • 1973
انظر أيضاً:أحداث أخرى في 1970
قائمة سنوات في إسرائيل
خط زمني لتاريخ فلسطين
خط زمني لتاريخ إسرائيل

الأحداث في عام 1970 في إسرائيل.



الفانتوم التي وردت لإسرائيل في نهاية 1969، استـُخدِمت بكثافة في يناير 1970 في قصف أعماق مصر.

الصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني

أبرز الأحداث المتعلقة بالصراع الإسرائيلي الفلسطيني التي حدثت خلال عام 1970 ضمت:

أبرز العمليات الفدائية الفلسطينية ضد أهداف إسرائيلية

The most prominent Palestinian Arab terror attacks committed against Israelis during 1970 include:

أبرز العمليات العسكرية الإسرائيلية ضد المقاومة الفلسطينية

The most prominent Israeli military counter-terrorism operations (military campaigns and military operations) carried out against Palestinian militants خلال عام 1970 ضمت:

تواريخ مجهولة

  • The founding of the moshav Tzofar.
  • The relocation of Palestinians to South America

مواليد بارزون

وفيات بارزة

  • 15 January – Leah Goldberg (born 1911), German-born Israeli poet, author, playwright, translator, and researcher of Hebrew literature.
  • 18 January – Hanoch Yelon (born 1886), Austro-Hungarian (Galicia)-born Israeli linguist and leading Talmudic researcher.
  • 29 January – Aryeh Ben-Eliezer (born 1913), Russian (Lithuania)-born a Revisionist Zionist leader, Irgun member and Israeli politician.
  • 17 فبراير – شموئيل يوسف عجنون (born 1888), Austro-Hungarian (Galicia)-born Israeli author and Nobel Prize laureate.
  • 28 March – Nathan Alterman (born 1910), Russian (Poland)-born Israeli poet, playwright, journalist and translator.
  • 3 April – Avigdor Hameiri (born 1890), Austro-Hungarian (Carpathian Ruthenia)-born Israeli author.
  • 9 June – Yeshayahu Forder (born 1901), German-born Israeli lawyer and politician.
  • 12 June – Yisrael Barzilai (born 1913), Polish-born Israeli politician.
  • 16 July – Haim-Moshe Shapira (born 1902), Russian (Poland)-born Israeli politician.
  • 7 August – Eliezer Steinman (born 1892), Russian (Poland/Ukraine)-born Israeli writer, journalist and editor.
  • 6 September – Zalman Aran (born 1899), Russian (Ukraine)-born Zionist activist, educator and Israeli politician.
  • 7 September – Yitzhak Gruenbaum (born 1897), Russian (Poland)-Zionist leader and the first Interior Minister of Israel.
  • 11 September – Moshe Kelmer (born 1901), Polish-born Israeli politician.
  • 13 September – Emanuel Goldberg (born 1881), Russian-born Israeli chemist.

العطلات العامة الرئيسية

انظر أيضاً


  1. ^ Gawrych 2000, pp. 115-116
  2. ^ [1]
  3. ^ [2]
  4. ^ Lambert, Tom (1 أغسطس 1970). "Israel Accepts U.S. Proposal for Cease-Fire 'in Principle'".
  5. ^ [3]
  6. ^ [4]
  7. ^ [5]
  8. ^ [6]
  9. ^ Lazaroff, Tovah. "Foreign Ministry honors staffers killed in terrorist attacks." Jerusalem Post. 19 April 2010.
  10. ^ Arab Terrorists Invade Israeli Embassy; Kill 1
  11. ^ Fellows, Lawrence (23 مايو 1970). "Israeli Children Are Principal Victims of an Ambush Close to Lebanon; 11 ISRAELIS KILLED IN ROCKET ATTACK ON A SCHOOL BUS Most Victims Are Children in Ambush Near Lebanon Arab Villages Shelled 11 ISRAELIS KILLED IN ATTACK ON BUS". The New York Times.
  12. ^ Charlton, Linda (12 سبتمبر 1970). "ARABS RELEASE SOME PASSENGERS, BUT HOLD MANY ON JETS IN DESERT; NIXON PUTS GUARDS ON U.S. PLANES; 88 ARE FLOWN OUT Status of Negotiation On Rest of Hostages Remains Unclear Some Hostages Freed, Many Still Held in Jets". The New York Times.
  13. ^ BBC News, On This Day: 12 September. "Hijacked jets destroyed by guerrillas". BBC News. 12 سبتمبر 1970. Retrieved 1 مايو 2006.
  14. ^ "Tel Aviv Bombings Kill One and Hurt 24". New York Times. AP. 7 نوفمبر 1970. Retrieved 16 فبراير 2017.

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