ڤيم ريتديك
كورنليوس ڤيلم (ڤيم) ريتديك ( Cornelis Willem (Wim) Rietdijk ؛ برگن أوپ زوم، 18 ديسمبر 1927 - بلومندال، 22 أبريل 2020) كان عالم فيزياء نظرية ورياضيات هولندي.
Rietdijk acquired a name in a small circle as the author of cultural and social philosophical writings. His work is characterized by a strong emphasis on the ideals of the Enlightenment , and in particular the possibilities of applying scientific knowledge to social issues and a strictly rational approach to problems. In doing so, he uses a utilitarian morality , and is an opponent of postmodernism and the associated relativism . Another important theme is the identification of irrational forces in society that stand in the way of progress and improvement.
Because of his radical approach, his reasoning sometimes has far-reaching consequences that often provoke great resistance, if not hostility. This is the case, for example, with his positions on eugenics and the euthanasia of severely handicapped children.
In 1999, Rietdijk came under fire after the Disability Council filed a complaint against him for discrimination . [2] [3] [4] [5] The public prosecutor ultimately decided not to prosecute because Rietdijk had made his statements within the context of a philosophical debate.
منذ 1968 كان مدرساً في ليسيوم لورنتس في هارلم.
توفي ريتديك في 22 أبريل 2020، في منزله في بلومندال. وكان يعاني من مرض پاركنسن في آخر أعوامه.
- Vooruitgang, cultuur en maatschappij. Met een gedetailleerde behandeling van enige libidineuze problemen (1959)
- Een filosofie voor het cybernetisch-biotechnische tijdperk (1967) Filosofie Magazine]
- De contrarevolutie tegen de rede, deel 1 (1975) en 2 (1977)
- Experimenten met God (1989)
- The Scientifization of Culture (1994) (met een voorwoord door Hans Eysenck)
- Wetenschap als bevrijding (1997)
- Einsteins God dobbelt niet: in ons leven bestaat geen toeval (2011) (samen met Jan van Friesland)
- Een tweede verlichting (2020)
وصلات خارجية
- The Scientifization of Culture – website van Wim Rietdijk
- قالب:Citeer web
- Interview met Wim Rietdijk in Filosofiemagazine
- Wim Rietdijk als centraal persoon in het televisieprogramma "Het zwarte schaap" op 15 juli 2000 (Youtube).