
مقاطعة سابقة في جمهورية الصين
مقاطعة تشيه‌لي

ROC Div Hebei.svg
العاصمة بـِيْ‌پينگ، باودينگ
مقاطعة ژي‌لي في 1820.
A 17th-century European map uses the names پكين (بـِيْ‌جينگ) و Nangking (Nanjing) لتشير إلى شمال وجنوب ژي‌لي.
خريطة أوروبية من القرن 17.
خريطة من 1861, which shows Chihli (Zhili). The former Jiangnan province by this time had already been divided between Jiangsu (Kiangsu) and Anhui (Nganhwui)

ژي‌لي (Zhili ؛ Chihli ؛ traditional Chinese: 直隸; simplified Chinese: 直隶; pinyin: Zhílì; Wade–Giles: Chih2-li4) كانت مقاطعة شمالية في الصين منذ أسرة مينگ (1368–1644) حتى انحلت المقاطعة في 1928 في عهد جمهورية الصين.


The name Zhili means "directly ruled" and indicates regions directly ruled by the حكومة الصين الامبراطورية. تشكلت مقاطعة ژي‌لي لأول مرة أثناء أسرة مينگ حين كانت عاصمة الصين هي Nanjing along the Yangtze River. In 1403, the Ming Yongle Emperor relocated the capital to Beiping, which was subsequently renamed Beijing (literally, "Northern capital").[1] The region known as شمال ژي‌لي (بـِيْ ژي‌لي) was composed of parts of the modern provinces of Hebei, Henan, Shandong, and the administrative districts of Beijing and Tianjin. Conversely there was a region located around the "reserve capital" Nanjing known as جنوب ژي‌لي (نان ژي‌لي) that included parts of what are today the provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, and the administrative district of شانغهاي.

أثناء أسرة تشينگ Nanjing lost its status of the "second capital", and Southern Zhili was reconstituted as a regular province, Jiangnan, while Northern Zhili was renamed Zhili Province. In the 18th century the borders of Zhili province were redrawn and spread over what is today Beijing, Tianjin and the provinces of Hebei, Western Liaoning, Northern Henan, and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.[بحاجة لمصدر] In 1928 the government of the Republic of China assigned portions of مقاطعة شمال ژي‌لي to its neighbors in the north and renamed the remainder Hebei Province.


  1. ^ Susan Naquin, Peking: Temples and City Life, 1400-1900, p xxxiii

وصلات خارجية

قالب:Defunct Chinese provinces

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