وكالة السلامة النووية اليابانية

Coordinates: 36°26′33.7″N 140°35′45.1″E / 36.442694°N 140.595861°E / 36.442694; 140.595861

36°26′33.7″N 140°35′45.1″E / 36.442694°N 140.595861°E / 36.442694; 140.595861 وكالة السلامة النووية اليابانية (日本原子力研究開発機構, Nihon genshiryoku kenkyū kaihatsu kikō, JAEA) تأسست في 1 أكتوبر، 2005 by a merger of two previous semi-governmental organizations. While it inherited the activities of both PNC and JAERI, it also inherited the nickname of JAERI, "Genken" 原研, an abbreviated word for "nuclear research".

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