وحدة:Bar box
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This 'Bar box' template documentation is transcluded for all Bar box/doc including templates [edit].Masterpage
{{Bar box}}, {{bar percent}}, {{bar pixel}}, {{bar stacked}} and {{bar gap}} are a family of templates for construction of horizontal bar charts.
{{Bar box |width = width of the graph (optional) |barwidth= width of the bararea (optional, defaults to 100px) |float = (left|right|none) (optional, defaults to none) |title = title of the chart (optional) |titlebar= title bar colour (optional, defaults to none) |left1 = first left column header (optional) |left2 = second left column header (optional) |right1 = first right column header (optional) |right2 = second right column header (optional) |bars = chart contents (see below) |caption = caption under the chart (optional) }}
Chart contents
Bar box can contain any number of bars. There are four types of bars:
- Percentage bar:
{{bar percent|row label|colour|value (width in percents)|optional value label}}
If value label is not provided, it is constructed from the percentage and "%". This bar type also has the {{bar percent 2}} and {{bar percent 3}} variations which display more bars for the same row label.
- Pixel bar:
{{bar pixel|row label|colour|value (width in pixels)|value suffix|optional value label}}
If value label is provided, value suffix is ignored. Otherwise, the value label is constructed from the value and the value suffix. This is used as shorthand. Both following examples give identical results:
{{bar pixel|foo|red|12||12,345}} {{bar pixel|foo|red|12|,345}}
This bar type also has the {{bar pixel 2}} variation which displays two bars for the same row label.
- Stacked bars:
{{bar stacked|1st left label|1st right label|color 1|width 1 (in pixels)|...|color 5|width 5 (in pixels)|note1=2nd left label|note2=2nd right label|title1="tooltip" 1|...|title5="tooltip" 5|align=xxxx(l|c|r|d)|collapsed=(yes|y|1)|id=collapsible id}}
sets the "tooltip" of the respective bar and is viewed when hovered over. align
sets the text-alignment (left, center, right or default) for each column based on the respective initials. All parameters are optional, but if id
is not supplied, collapsed
has no effect. Use a custom toggle as the default toggle will distort the chart (see the last example).
- Gap bar:
{{bar gap|optional separator|height=any valid length (omitting unit defaults to px, default is 10px)}}
Ommiting the separator
generates a blank row. Another useful separator
is <hr>
which produces a horizontal line.
{{Bar box |float=right |caption=distribution of stuff |width=200px |bars= {{bar percent|foo|red|30}} {{bar percent|bar|green|40}} {{bar percent|baz|blue|20}} {{bar percent|bla|orange|8}} {{bar percent|bla1|teal|2|1/50}} }}
{{Bar box |title=Quantity of stuff |titlebar=#DDD |left1=kinds of stuff |right2=pcs. |width=400px |bars= {{bar pixel|Foobar|red|33|,213}} {{bar pixel|Barfoo|green|123|,123}} {{bar pixel|Bazbar|blue|210|,121}} {{bar pixel|Barfoobaz|orange|13||12,854}} |caption=Some stuff displayed by quantity. }}
{{Bar box |float=right |title=Election results |titlebar=#AAF |left1=party |left2=year |right1=votes |right2=change |width=300px |bars= {{bar percent 2|Left|1898|silver|33|1902|red|42|+9%}} {{bar percent 2|Right|1898|silver|40|1902|black|35|-5%}} {{bar percent 2|Middle|1898|silver|17|1902|blue|10|-7%}} {{bar percent 2|Other|1898|silver|10|1902|gray|13|+3%}} |caption=1902 and 1898 election results in Freedonia compared. }}
{{Bar box |width=250px |title= <div class="mw-customtoggle-a mw-customtoggle-b">Toggle all</div> <div class="mw-customtoggle-b">Toggle last</div> |bars= {{bar stacked|January|(---)|red|3|blue|22|align=ddcd|id=a}} {{bar stacked|February|+60.3%|red|8|blue|26|green|6|id=a}} {{bar stacked|March|99|red|11|blue|18|green|8|orange|11|magenta|20|note2=+25%|align=cdrl|id=a}} {{bar stacked|April|142|red|15|blue|24|green|8|orange|13|magenta|26|note1=foo|note2=+11%|collapsed=yes|id=b}} }}
Tracking category
See also
- {{Vertical bar chart}}
- {{Bar chart}}
- {{Data bars}}
- WP:Graphs
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local function is(v)
return (v or '') ~= ''
local function widths(w,d)
local width = is(w) and w or d
if tonumber(width) then width = width .. 'px' end
return width
local p = {}
function p._box(args)
local width = widths(args.width,'auto')
local class = 'barbox'
if args.float == 'left' or args.float == 'right' or args.float == 'none' then
class = 'barbox t' .. args.float
elseif args.float == 'center' then
class = 'barbox tnone'
local output = {}
output[1] = mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = {src='Module:Bar box/styles.css'} }
output[2] = is(args.css) and (mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = {src=args.css} }) or ''
if (args.float == 'left') or (args.float == 'right') then
output[3], output[15] = '', ''
output[3] =
'<table style="margin:' .. ( (args.float == 'center') and '0 auto' or '0' ) .. '; border:none;">' ..
'<tr>' ..
'<td style="border:none; padding:0;">'
output[15] = '</td>' ..
'</tr>' ..
'</table>' ..
'[[Category:Pages using bar box without float left or float right|' .. ( (width == 'auto') and 'Ω' or '' ) .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text .. ']]'
output[4] =
'<div class="' .. class .. '" style="overflow-x: auto;' .. (args.style or '') .. '">\n' ..
'<div style="border:' .. (args.border_width or '1') .. 'px solid silver; font-size:88%; padding:0.4em; width:' .. width .. '; background: ' .. (args['background-color'] or 'white') .. ';">\n' ..
'<table style="text-align:left; border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;">\n'
output[5] = ( is(args.title) and (
'<tr style="background:' .. (args.titlebar or 'none') .. '">' ..
'<th style="text-align:center;" colspan="5">' .. args.title .. '</th>' ..
'</tr>\n') or '')
output[6] =
'<tr style="font-size:88%; height:4px;">\n'
output[7] =
'<td ' .. (args.left2 and '' or 'colspan="2"') .. ' style="padding:0 4px; text-align:left;">' ..
(args.left1 or '') ..
output[8] = ( is(args.left2) and (
'<td style="padding:0 4px; text-align:right;">' .. args.left2 .. '</td>\n') or '')
output[9] =
'<td style="width:' .. widths(args.barwidth,'100px') .. '; text-align:left;"></td>\n' ..
'<td ' .. (args.right2 and '' or 'colspan="2"') .. ' style="padding:0 4px; width:1em; text-align:right;">' ..
(args.right1 or '') ..
output[10] = ( is(args.right2) and (
'<td style="padding:0 4px; text-align:right;">' .. args.right2 .. '</td>\n') or '')
output[11] =
output[12] =
args.bars or ''
output[13] = ( is(args.caption) and (
'<tr><td colspan="5" style="padding:5px; text-align:left;">' ..
args.caption ..
'</td></tr>\n') or '')
output[14] =
-- output[15] defined above
return table.concat(output)
function p._percent(args)
local output = {}
local background = is(args.bg) and ('background:' .. args.bg .. ';') or ''
local percentage = ( is(args[3]) and args[3] or '0' ) .. '%'
local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''
output[1] = '<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n'
output[2] = '<td colspan="2" class="bb-4em" style="min-width:8em;' .. background .. '">' .. (args[1] or '') .. '</td>\n'
output[3] = '<td class="bb-lr" style="width:' .. widths(args.barwidth,'100px') .. ';' .. background .. '">'
output[4] = '<div style="background:' .. ( is(args[2]) and args[2] or 'gray' ) .. ';width:' .. percentage .. ';overflow:hidden;"> </div>'
output[5] = '</td>\n'
output[6] = '<td colspan="' .. ( is(args.note) and '1' or '2' ) .. '" class="bb-4emr" style="' .. background .. '">' .. ( is(args[4]) and args[4] or percentage ) .. '</td>\n'
output[7] = ( is(args.note) and ('<td class=bb-4emr" style="' .. background .. '">' .. args.note .. '</td>\n') or '' )
output[8] = '</tr>'
return table.concat(output)
function p._pixel(args)
local output = {}
local background = ( is(args[2]) and args[2] or 'gray' )
local width = ( is(args[3]) and args[3] or '0' )
local note = ( is(args.note) and '1' or '2' )
local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''
output[1] =
'<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n'
output[2] =
'<td colspan="2" class="bb-4em">' .. (args[1] or '') .. '</td>\n'
output[3] =
'<td class-"bb-lr">' ..
'<div style="background:' .. background .. '; width:' .. width .. 'px; overflow:hidden">' ..
' ' ..
'</div>' ..
output[4] =
'<td colspan="' .. note .. '" class="bb-min3">' ..
( is(args[5]) and args[5] or (width .. (args[4] or '')) ) ..
output[5] = ( is(args.note) and (
'<td class="bb-4emr">' ..
args.note ..
'</td>\n') or '' )
output[6] =
return table.concat(output)
function p._stacked(args)
local function _align(n, default)
if (args.align or '') ~= '' then
local a = mw.ustring.sub(args.align,n,n)
if a == 'l' then
return 'left'
elseif a == 'c' then
return 'center'
elseif a == 'r' then
return 'right'
elseif a == 'd' then
return default
return default
local output = {}
local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''
output[1] = ( is(args.id) and (
'<tr class="mw-collapsible' .. ( yesno(args.collapsed) and ' mw-collapsed' or '') ..
'" id="mw-customcollapsible-' .. args.id .. '"' .. rowStyle .. '>\n') or ('<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n') )
output[2] =
'<td ' .. (args.note1 and '' or 'colspan="2" ') ..
'style="text-align:' .. _align(1,'left') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..
mw.text.trim(args[1] or '') ..
output[3] = ( is(args.note1) and (
'<td style="text-align:' .. _align(2,'right') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..
args.note1 ..
'</td>\n') or '')
output[4] =
'<td class="bb-lr">\n'
local maxn = 4
for k in pairs(args) do
local kn = tonumber(k) or 0
if kn > maxn then maxn = kn end
for i=1,(( maxn - 2 )/2),1 do
local width = ( mw.text.trim(args[(2*i) + 2] or 0) )
width = (is(width) and width or 0)
width = tonumber( mw.ustring.format("%.2f", width) )
if width == 0 then
output[i+4] = ''
local title = ( (args['title' .. i] or '') ~= '' ) and ( ' title=' .. args['title' .. i] ) or ''
local background = ( (args[(2*i) + 1] or '') ~= '' ) and args[(2*i) + 1] or 'gray'
output[i+4] =
'<div' .. title .. ' style="background:' .. background .. ';width:' .. width .. 'px" class="bb-fl">' ..
'​' ..
output[#output+1] =
output[#output+1] =
'<td ' .. (args.note2 and '' or 'colspan="2" ') ..
'style="text-align:' .. _align(3,'left') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..
mw.text.trim(args[2] or '') ..
output[#output+1] = ( is(args.note2) and (
'<td style="text-align:' .. _align(4,'right') .. '" class="bb-04em">' ..
args.note2 ..
'</td>\n') or '')
output[#output+1] =
return table.concat(output)
function p._gap(args)
local output = {}
local rowStyle = is(args.rowstyle) and (' style="' .. args.rowstyle .. '"') or ''
local height = '10px'
if (args.height or '') ~= '' then
height = (tonumber(args.height) and (args.height .. 'px') or args.height)
output[1] =
'<tr' .. rowStyle .. '>\n'
output[2] =
'<td colspan="5" style="height:'.. height .. '">' .. (args[1] or '') .. '</td>\n'
output[3] =
return table.concat(output)
function p.box(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if value then
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if (key == 'width') or (key == 'float') then
value = mw.ustring.lower(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
return p._box(args)
function p.percent(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if value then
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
return p._percent(args)
function p.pixel(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if value then
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
return p._pixel(args)
function p.gap(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if value then
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
return p._gap(args)
function p.stacked(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame, {
valueFunc = function (key, value)
if value then
value = mw.text.trim(value)
if (key == 'collapsed') or (key == 'align') then
value = mw.ustring.lower(value)
if value ~= '' then
return value
return nil
return p._stacked(args)
return p