واشنطن پوست، هي واحدة من أوسع الصحف إنتشارا في واشنطن العاصمة ومن أقدم صحف المدينة، تأسست في 1877. وتركز على الشئون الوطنية والقضايات الدولية.
نظرة عامة
الموقع السياسي
مشاهير المساهمين (الماضي والحاضر)
- Joel Achenbach (writer)
- Anne Applebaum (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Marie Arana (editor of Book World)
- Cathy Areu (contributing editor, "First Person Singular")
- Peter Baker (White House reporter)
- Dan Balz (national political reporter)
- Rankin Barbee (writer)[2]
- Carl Bernstein (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Andrew Beyer (horse racing columnist)
- Herb Block (cartoonist, Pulitzer Prize)
- Thomas Boswell (sports columnist)
- David Broder (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Tina Brown (writer)
- Art Buchwald (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Monty Bush (writer)
- Ron Charles (book critic)
- Rajiv Chandrasekaran (editor)
- Chris Cillizza (writer; author of The Fix weblog)
- Libby Copeland (writer)
- Richard L. Coe (theatre critic/writer)
- Richard Cohen (columnist)
- Steve Coll (editor, Pulitzer Prize)
- Janet Cooke (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Lisa de Moraes (television columnist)
- Ann Devroy (award winning journalist)
- Helen Dewar (Senate political reporter)
- E.J. Dionne (columnist)
- Michael Dirda (book critic, Pulitzer Prize)
- Leonard Downie, Jr. (editor)
- Michel duCille (photo editor, photographer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Bill Elsen (director of recruiting and hiring)
- David Finkel, (journalist, Pulitzer Prize)
- Dan Froomkin (columnist)
- Joel Garreau (writer)
- Barbara Garson (writer)
- Philip Geyelin (editorial page editor)
- Robin Givhan (fashion editor, Pulitzer Prize)
- Malcolm Gladwell (writer)
- Meg Greenfield (editor, Pulitzer Prize)
- Mike Grunwald (writer)
- Walter Haight (sports writer and columnist)
- Jim Hoagland (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Stephen Hunter (film critic, Pulitzer Prize)
- Robert Kagan (columnist)
- Glenn Kessler (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Colbert I. King (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Anne Kornblut (writer)
- Tony Kornheiser (sports columnist)
- Charles Krauthammer (columnist, Pulitzer Prize)
- Howard Kurtz (media critic)
- Charles Lane (writer)
- Colman McCarthy (columnist)
- Mary McGrory (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Dana Milbank (writer)
- Tim Page (music critic)
- Philip P. Pan (writer, author)
- Matthew Parris (columnist)
- John Pomfret (writer and editor, author)
- Shirley Povich (sports columnist)
- Dana Priest (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- William Raspberry (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Thomas E. Ricks (military reporter, Pulitzer Prize)
- Ken Ringle (writer)
- Eugene Robinson (columnist and editor, Pulitzer Prize)
- Harry M. Rosenfeld (editor)
- Christine Sadler (writer and editor)
- Anthony Shadid (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Tom Shales (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Howard Simons (editor)
- Leonard Shapiro (sports columnist)
- Michael Specter (writer)
- Emil Steiner (writer)
- Barry Svrluga (sports writer)
- Patrick Tyler (writer)
- Tom Toles (cartoonist, Pulitzer Prize)
- Jim VandeHei (writer)
- Gene Weingarten (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- James Russell Wiggins (editor)
- Michael Wilbon (sports columnist)
- Juan Williams (Writer)
- George F. Will (columnist, Pulitzer Prize)
- Bob Woodward (writer, Pulitzer Prize)
- Robin Wright (writer)
- Jonathan Yardley (book critic, Pulitzer Prize)
- Steve LeVine (journalist and writer)
المكتب التنفيذي والمحررين (سابقا وحاليا)
التكريمات والإنجازات
الصحيفة اليومية 0.75 دولار، عدد الأحد 1.5 دولار.
وصلات خارجية