نموذج مبدئي

النموذج المبدئي prototype هو عينة نموذجية بنيت لاختبار مفهوم أو تشغيل أو ليكون بمثابة شيء يمكن تقليدها أو المستفادة منه.


تصميم ونمذجة

فئات النموذج الأساسية

الاختلافات بين نموذج وتصميم الإنتاج

خصائص وقيود نماذج

الاتجاهات الحديثة

الهندسة الميكانيكية والكهربائية

نموذج مبدئي من السيارة الاقتصادية الپولندية بسكيد 106، التي تم تصميمها في الثمانينيات

إلكترونيات النماذج

برمجة الحاسوب / علوم الحاسوب

نموذج، والنماذج والبرمجيات وبرمجيات ألفا

Hardware Software Explanation
Concept Concept Idea
Proof of Concept Proof of Concept Possible ways to show that the theory behind the concept is functional. May not even work at all, but just show whether or not it is possible to create.
Prototype Alpha First version of product meant for showreels and testing purposes ONLY. Also here it might not work as a program or unit, but it is to give the visual presentation of a possibly real product.
Work In Progress Work In Progress Several different stages of development.
Functional prototype Beta Software that is almost complete, but still needs some fixing, but in general a testing product that is to be treated as not done. Feedback on the product is often gathered from a random selection of people (or people who specifically signed up as beta testers).
Pilot Release candidate Release candidates are often used by Microsoft as a stage in the development of a new operating system (for example, Windows Longhorn (Vista) and Windows Blackcomb (Seven)) to show the masses that the product is within the final stages of development.
Final Product Final Product Product that has been tested both within closed test groups and open test groups. May still contain a few small issues, but in general it is a complete working product that will work as it is made for the majority of the users. Measures like "patches" and "bug fixes" are created to fix software products, and "repair", "swaps" and/or "recall and destruction" of hardware is set in motion to save the reputation of the companies.

بيانات النماذج

مقياس النمذجة

علم القياس


مزايا وعيوب

مزايا النماذج

مساوئ النماذج

معرض الصور
