نقاش المستخدم:Stevertigo

Sabakh Alhayr, Stevertigo. Je suis de wiki en Español/ I'm from wiki in Español

Tu es seule dans le wiki Arabie?/Are you alone doing the wiki in Arabic? Piolinfax 11th July 2003 ___________ Sabakh Alhayr, Stevertigo. I am happy to see that ar.wikipedia.org begins to grow little by little. This is going to be


Piolinfax (I couldn't get in with my nick. It wouldn't accept my password!(

You should just pick another one -- or ask someone on wikitech-l * at * wikipedia.org.


Sabakh an-Noor! No, you are not the only two, but I am still fighting with getting arabic script on my PC to work and with the strange right-to-left behaviour here.. greetings, Elian

Hello everyone -- Its good to see you all here -- I think its time we had a vilage pump -- or maybe an "oasis" as it were -- I have to run -- First priority is the meta:LanguageAr.php

You might want to delete
عِلْم أجناس بشريةُ
.when you get made sysop as it's written in English
.Or at least make it into a stub or something


Where is votes for deletion when you need it


تهاني على تصبح sysop هنا!

the word sysop wouldn't translate, which I suppose is a good thing so that you know what I mean. :) Congrats! Angela 19:05, 29 Sep 2003 (UTC)

Hi, Stevertigo! Thanx for your message. I would like to see many wikipedias come to life. I would do much more in the Arabic Wiki if I could, believe me. Fortunately I have a Arabic speaker friend here in London and I ask him little bits from time to time. It's not much but (as we say in Spanish) less is nothing. It's good to see all the work you (and now others) have done here. Ta! Piolinfaxx 18:36, 7 Nov 2003 (UTC)