مكافحة الشغب

Rank of Icelandic National Police officers in full riot gear during the 2008 Icelandic lorry driver protests
مكافحة الشغب Riot control هي وحدة أمنية للتدخل السريع، تستعملها الحكومات لإخماد المظاهرات وأعمال التخريب.
Polish riot police squad in the 1930s, with opaque riot shields and no helmet visors because polycarbonate was not yet invented
طرق مكافحة الشغب
French gendarmes mobiles using tear gas
This Mobile Gendarmerie is shooting tear gas canisters using a Alsetex "Cougar" launcher
Members of the military are attempting to keep Vietnam protesters under control.
رذاذ الفلفل
الغاز المسيل للدموع
انظر أيضا
- Blunt trauma personal protective equipment
- Baton charge
- Crowd control
- Crowd manipulation
- CS gas
- Less-lethal weapons
- Non-military armored vehicles
- Kettling
- Monopoly on violence