معتقل گوانتانامو

معتقل گوانتانامو، هو سجن سيء السمعة، بدأت السلطات الأمريكية بإستعماله في سنة 2002، و ذلك لسجن من تشتبه في كونهم إرهابيين، ويعتبر السجن سلطة مطلقة لوجوده خارج الحدود الأمريكية، و ذلك في أقصى جنوب شرق كوبا]][1] ، و تبعد 90 ميل عن فلوريدا، ولا ينطبق عليه أي من قوانين حقوق الإنسان.
في 23 فبراير 1903، قامت كوبا ممثلة برئيسها توماس بتأجير الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية قاعدة گوانتانامو بمقابل 2000 دولار أميريكي، في عهد الرئيس ثيودور روزفلت، كان ذلك إمتنانا من الرئيس الكوبي للمساعدة التي قدمها الأمريكيون لتحرير كوبا.
أحتج الثوار الوطنيون على ذلك القرار، و على إثر ذلك لم تقم كوبا بصرف الشيكات إعتراضا على قرار الإيجار. و على الرغم من ذلك ترسل الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية شيكا بقيمة 2000 دولار سنويا إلى حكومة كوبا. في أزمة صواريخ كوبا في أكتوبر عام 1968 لغم فيديل كاسترو القاعدة لمحاولة إجلاء الأمريكان، لكن الرئيس جون كندي رفض التدخل في القاعدة و أكد حقه في إستئجارها.

البنية التحتية
وسائل العقوبة

التمثيل الاعلامي
- The Road to Guantanamo, 2006 film about the Tipton Three
- Guantanamo - American Officer Tortures Prisoners and Murders Investigator in an Iranian TV Drama, 2006 Iranian drama shown on Al-Kawthar TV and noted by the Middle East Media Research Institute
- Camp Delta, Guantanamo 2006, France culture.com - April 30, 2006 -- a radio feature by Frank Smith.
- Five Years of My Life: An Innocent Man in Guantanamo, a memoir by Murat Kurnaz.
- Frontline: The Torture Question (2005), a PBS documentary that traces the history of how decisions made in Washington in the immediate aftermath of September 11 led to a robust interrogation policy that laid the groundwork for prisoner abuse in Afghanistan; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison [2]
- Gitmo, a Swedish documentary, attempted to clarify some of the issues concerning the nature of the interrogation processes, through interviews with previous Guantánamo and Abu Ghraib personnel.
- Habeas Schmabeas, an episode of the radio program This American Life produced by Chicago Public Radio, discussed the conditions at the facility, the legal justifications and arguments surrounding the detention of prisoners there, and the history of the principle of Habeas Corpus. It also features interviews with two former detainees. The episode won a 2006 Peabody Award [3]
- Prisoner 345 (2006) details the case of Al Jazeera cameraman Sami Al Hajj, detained at the camp since 2002.
- Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay (2008), a racial and political satire.
- Prisonnier à Guantanamo (2008) Mollah Abdul Salam Zaeef and Jean-Michel Caradec'h. Paris. France. EDGV/Documents.[4]. Memoirs of the ex-ambassador of Taliban government in Pakistan.
انظر أيضا
- سجن أبو غريب
- Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse
- Al Qaeda Handbook
- Bagram Theater Internment Facility
- Bagram torture and prisoner abuse
- Belmarsh Prison - One of the UK's maximum security prisons, which was used to hold prisoners without charge or trial in the UK (many are wanted or convicted of terrorism in other countries) as recently as 2006; leading it to be referred to as the "British version of Guantanamo Bay"
- Camp Delta manual
- Cellular Jail - A prison owned by the UK which was setup in 1906 for similar purposes as Guantánamo Bay; imprisoning Indian fighters in the Indian independence movement at that time
- Civilian Internee
- Disarmed Enemy Forces
- Encyclopedia of Afghan Jihad
- Guantanamo captives' habeas corpus petitions
- Habeas Corpus Restoration Act of 2007
- Internment
- Military Police: Enemy Prisoners of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees
- Minors detained in the global war on terror
- National Religious Campaign Against Torture
- Nuremberg Principles
- Nuremberg Trials bibliography
- Nuremberg Trials
- Custody and the Stammheim trial (Red Army Faction)
- Torture and the United States
- Unlawful combatant
- Torturing Democracy
- Gulag
17. "Faces Of Guantanamo" Center for Constitutional Justice
وصلات خارجية

| Guantanamo Bay detainment camp
]].- معلومات عن حقوق الانسان
- Chris Zambelis, Is There a Nexus between Torture and Radicalization? [1]
- Jenner and Block: U.S. Supreme Court Guantánamo Bay Cases: Brief amici curiae of 175 Members of Both Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandPDF (1.59 MB)
- The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America's Illegal Prison by Andy Worthington (Pluto Press, 2007)
- Human Rights Watch report
- BBC: Tipton three complain of beatings (14 March 2004)
- Adel's Anniversary: A Guantanamo Tale, JURIST
- The Prisoner, NOW on PBS
- FOX News: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba confesses to involvement in 31 attacks and plots.
- Bloomberg: Captured Al-Qaeda Operative Confesses at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Planning Cole Bombing
- Bill Dedman, Gitmo interrogations spark battle over tactics: The inside story of criminal investigators who tried to stop abuse, MSNBC.com
- Ruling saying Hamdan needs competent tribunal to determine his POW statusPDF
- Fate of Prisoners From Afghan War Remains Uncertain, Neil Lewis, New York Times, 24 April 2003
- American Civil Liberties Union: Federal Court Decision Granting Guantánamo Bay Detainees Judicial Review Caps Red-Letter Day for Checks and Balances
- Canada puts U.S. on torture watch list: CTV, CTV News, January 17, 2008
- Pentagon charges 6 in 9-11 attacks
- supremecourtus.gov, BOUMEDIENE ET AL. v. BUSH, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ET AL., No. 06–1195, June 12, 2008
- A Contrario: Guantánamo Bay and Torture in the United States--A modest collection of articles and reports on the Guantánamo detention system and the human rights issues surrounding it
- Obama firm on closing Guantanamo torture prisons
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