مسرحية عبد الله

مسرحية عبد الله Abdala هي مسرحية شعرية ألفها خوسيه مارتي في يناير 1869 في هاڤانا، كوبا، بالإسپانية.
مكتوبة خصيصاً لصحيفة «الوطن الكوبية La Patria»
- إسپرتا، أم عبد الله
- أميرة، شقيقة عبد الله
- عبد الله.
- سناتور
- المستشارون والجنود، إلخ.
الأحداث تدور في النوبة.
المشهد الأول: عبد الله والسناتور والمستشارون
- السناتور الزعيم النبيل: to our town comes
- Fierce conqueror: fool threatens.
- If we resist him by his strength and power,
- To dust turn our walls:
- Fiero paints his army, which he rides
- Noble steeds of the Arabian race;
- Huge people help the oppressor
- And so high is the number of spears
- That the enemy counts, that in his sight
- Strength trembles and courage is frightened.
- So many are your tents, noble chieftain,
- That they come to the plain immediately,
- And of the rude oppressor, oh illustrious Abdala!
- So much fierceness and arrogance,
- That sent an emissary claiming
- "Give up fire and air, earth and water!"
- ABD. Well tell the tyrant that in Nubia
- There is a hero for twenty of his spears:
- That the air dares to own:
- That fire to homes is needed:
- May the earth buy it with his blood:
- That water has to mix with her tears.
- SEN. Illustrious Warrior: Calm Your Enthusiasm!
- From stranger to shameless arrogance
- The people gave them the laurel they deserved
- Such foolish presumption and such audacity;
- But today are not their barbaric offenses
- Signs of pride and simple threats:
- He's already stopping the Nubians in the field!
- Already at our doors he places guards for us!
- ABD. What do you say, Senator?
- SEN. -I tell you oh boss
- From the Nubian army! that you throw them
- They must shine, in the open air
- The sacred flag of the homeland
- I tell you that Nubia must
- From the oppressor the tongue tears out bold,
- And the plain with its blood bathes,
- And Nubia fought as Esparto fought!
- I come in your hands to leave the company
- To avenge the cowardly threats
- Of the barbarian tyrant who thus arrives
- To strip our souls of life!
- I come to beg the struggling Nubian
- Let him go to battle with the people.
- ABD. I accept, Senator. Bronze soul
- Had if your request did not accept.
- I hope the brave follow me
- Noble leaders that courage enhances,
- And if a tyrant insults the free
- We will see on the battlefield!
- In the Nubian born, by the Nubia
- Die we will know: children of the country,
- For her we will die, and the sigh
- May it come out of my rear lips,
- For Nubia it will be, than for Nubia
- Our strength and courage were created.
- Tell the people that with him to the field
- When ordered I will set out;
- And tell the tyrant to hurry,
- Let his people prepare, -and let his spears
- Give shine and splendor. Louder they shine
- Strong and brave our souls!
- SEN. Happy a thousand times, oh brave young man!
- The people that is your homeland!
- الجميع: - عاش عبد الله!
- (السناتور والمستشارون يغادرون.)
المشهد الثاني : عبد الله
- ABD. At last my sturdy arm mighty
- He can brandish the hard scimitar,
- And my noble steed can fly already
- light in the heat of battle!
- At last my forehead will be adorned with glory;
- I will be the one to free my anguished homeland,
- And whoever takes it from the oppressor, the people
- That begins to destroy between its claws!
- And the vile tyrant who threatens Nubia
- Forgiveness and life will implore my plants!
- And the cowardly people who help him
- At our effort she will moan in fear!
- And the haughty brow will sink into the mire,
- And in vile mire he will mire his soul!
- And the plain on which its field spreads
- You will be a silent witness to their infamy!
- And the oppressor will humble himself before the free!
- And the oppressed will avenge their stain!
- Infamous Conqueror: Now On Time
- Of your death sounded: nor the threat,
- Nor the effort and courage of your warriors
- It will be a wall enough to our audacity.
- Always the slave shook off his yoke, -
- And in the owner's chest he sank his nail
- The free servant; feel the last
- Hour of destruction that bold awaits you,
- And fear that in your chest it will not sink
- From the free Nubian the sharp spear! -
- It seems to me that I see them roar
- What fierce tiger that assaults its prey.
- I already see them running: to our ranks
- They are already directing their hurried march.
- They already fight furiously: the blood runs
- Through the plain in torrents: with the eagerness
- Ravenous of the oppressor, hungry return
- To sink our spears into their sides,
- And to bend the arrogant neck
- At the edge of the rude scimitars:
- Tired already, defeated, -what furious
- Desert panthers darting
- To the prey that overcome and tire,
- And they roar and strive and spill
- The reddened blood, and fighting
- Terrible woes of pain exhale,
- So the raging enemies
- Barbarians rush into our ranks,
- And they fight, -run, -back, -flight, -
- Inert they fall, - moaning they rise, -
- They prepare for another encounter - and perish!
- Already his cowardly hosts shattered
- They flee across the plain: -oh! How much joy
- Give strength and robustness and life to my soul!
- Which grows my value! How in my veins
- The blood burns! How it takes me away
- This invincible burning! -How much I wish
- To the fight to leave! -
المشهد الثالث: دخول المقاتلين
UN G. Cheers Abdala! - ABD. Hail, noble warriors! UN G. Already time From the fight rang: the people await For their noble leader: the steeds Light cars run through the vast plaza: Courage burns in the breasts, and boils Hope in the soul of the people: If you win, noble chief, the Nubian people Crowns and laurels prepares you, And if you die fighting, it grants you The crown of the martyr of the fatherland! - The faces reveal joy: The blazing weapons shine in the sun, - And the desire to fight, in the factions Greatness, courage, sublime engrave! - ABD. Neither laurel nor crowns need Who breathes courage. Well they threaten A free Nubia, and a tyrant wants Surrender her to her vile slave domain. Let's run to fight, and our blood Taste the conqueror they spill it Breasts that are altars of Nubia, Arms that are its forts and walls! To war, brave ones! Of the tyrant Let the blood run, and your daring enterprise Strong breasts serve as walls, And be his blood fire to our audacity! To the war! To the war! Be the applause Of the vile conqueror who attacks us, They are tremendous that when they beat it they sound Our rude and bold scimitars! Never deny your Nubian greatness! Run to war! To the battle, And serve as a shield, oh my homeland! The warlike courage of our souls! (They start to leave.)
المشهد الرابع: دخول إسپريتا
SPIRTA and sayings. ESP. Where are you going? Waiting! ABD. Oh my mother! Nothing can wait. ESP. Stop, Abdala! ABD. Will I stop, mother? Don't you contemplate The anxious army that awaits me? Can't you see that Nubia waits for my arm The freedom that a barbarian threatens? Don't you see how the warriors are getting ready? Don't you see how our spears shine? I can't stop, oh my! I'm going to defend my country in the field! ESP. I am your mother! ABD. I am a cloud! The whole town To defend his freedom awaits me: A strange people our lands imprint: With vile slavery he threatens us; Audacious shows us his mighty pikes, And honor sends us, and God sends us For the country to die, rather than see it Of the barbarian oppressor cowardly slave! ESP. Well, if honor demands that you fly to the field, Your mother today that you stop is boss! ABD. A lightning only hold could The effort and courage of the noble Abdala! Run to war, noble warriors, May the leader march with you! (The warriors leave.)
المشهد الخامس: إسپريتا وعبد الله
ABD. Sorry oh mother! that I get away from you To go to the field. Oh! These tears They are witnesses of my terrible anxiety, And the hurricane that roars in my gut. (Espirta cries.) Do not cry you, that to my pain, oh mother! These burning tears are enough for him! The ow! of the dying, nor the creaking, Not the rude clash of strong weapons, Do not cry out to my sad eyes, Nor do they scare my brave heart! Maybe lifeless to my homes I will return, Or hidden in the heat of battle Of blood and fury be victim. Nothing matters. If Abdala knew That with his blood Nubia was saved From the terrible foreign claws, That dress that you wear, my mother, With drops of my blood I will stain it! I only tremble for you; and although my crying I do not show the warriors of my country, See how it runs on my face, oh mother! See which one spills down my cheeks! ESP. And so much love for this corner of land? Did he protect you in your childhood? Did lover carry you in her womb? Was he the one who spawned your audacity And your strength? Answer back! Or was it your mother? Was it the Nubia? ABD. Love, mother, to the homeland It is not ridiculous love to earth, Not even the grass that our plants tread; It is the invincible hatred of those who oppress her, It is the eternal rancor who attacks her; And such love awakens in our chest The world of memories that calls us To life again, when the blood, Wounded soul gushes forth with anguish; The image of love that comforts us And the placid memories that it keeps! ESP. And is that love greater than the one that awakens Your mother on your chest? ABD. Do you think That there is something more sublime than the homeland? ESP. And even if it was sublime, should you For her to abandon me? To the battle So run fast? So forget you From which being gave you? And that commands Homeland? Gave! Are you not moved either The blood or death that await you? ABD. Who to defend his homeland yearns Neither in blood nor in obstacles does he repair; Of the tyrant he despises pride; Threat crashes on his chest; And if heaven were enough for your wish, To the same heaven with courage! ESP. Won't you finally stay and leave me? ABD. No, mother, no! I go to battle! ESP. Are you finally leaving? You go? Oh dear son! (Kneels.) To your unhappy mother look at your plants! My tears look how anguished it runs Of bitterness and pain! Your feet soak! Stop, oh my son! ABD. Get up oh mother! ESP. For my love ... for your life ... no ... don't go! ABD. Don't leave you say, when you wait for me The whole Nubia? Oh no! When is it waiting for me With terrible trepidation at our doors A people eager to wash away their stain? Just stopping lightning could The effort and courage of the noble Abdala! ESP. And an unhappy mother who begs you (haughtily), That wets your plants with his tears, Isn't it a ray of love that stops you? Is it not a ray of love that overwhelms you? ABD. How many torments! What terrible anguish! My mother cries ... Nubia claims me ... I am my son ... I was born Nubian ... I no longer doubt: Goodbye! I am marching to defend my homeland. (It goes.).
المشهد السادس: إسپريتا
ESP. Departed ... departed ... maybe bloody, Full of wounds, bring him to my feet; In anguish and pain I call on my name; And mix your sad tears with mine. And my cheek touches his Lifeless, colorless, inert, frozen! And I can't stop the rapid crying That springs from my eyes; to my throat The sobs crowd, and my sight My tears cloud with terror and terror! But why should I cry? So little effort Did Nubia give us at birth? So cower Your children mothers? So they cry When an infamous Nubia rips us off? So they lament their fortune and glory? So they despise the laurel? Tyrants, They want to drown in mother's love Love of the country? Oh no! They spill Their burning tears, and they complain Because their children are going to die! Because if they are Nubians, they are also mothers! For to the rude clamor of battle They hear the ay! What does the son throw? By feeling his insides torn! Because they understand that in the fight they never Their homes remember, and they throw themselves Bold in the arms of death That an unhappy mother snatches them!
المشهد السابع: إسپريتا وأميرة
THE M. Mother! Crying you? ESP. What are you amazed at? My noble Abdala went to fight, And when a beloved son goes out to fight, What heroine, what mother won't cry? THE M. The mother of courage, the patriot! Oh! Recent tears wet your face, And the pain in your eyes overflows, Cowardly cry your bosom bathes! Nubian mother is not the one who cries like this If your son flies to help the country! I adore Abdala: my blind affection It is a limit to the love of the sisters, And in his sturdy hands, my mother, I placed him when splitting the scimitar, I said goodbye to him, and I kissed him on the forehead! And you cry, when fighting Abdala With noble glory and splendor it is covered, And the warlike laurel adorns him with fame! Oh mother! Don't you already hear how they sound To the rude clash the tempered weapons? Can't you hear the voices? Is he sublime Do you not hear from the trunk in battle? And don't you hear the roar? With what joy This humiliating dress will not barter By the lustrous harness of the warriors, For a noble steed, for a spear! ESP. And also, like Abdala, for the war You will abandon your home and your mother, And to die in the audacious field would you leave? THE M. Also, mother, too; What misfortunes From the unhappy homeland they cry and feel The stones that undo our plants! And are you still crying? So from the trunk The pleasing are you do not hear that moves the soul? Don't you hear it? Oh mother! Does not reach you The sublime heat of battle? (There is a knock on the door.) But ... what noise is this sudden, Mother, what did you hear at our door? ESP. (Throwing himself toward the door :) Ablame! THE M. (Stopping her :) Be quiet, oh mother! Maybe someone injured He calls to our desperate home. We go to his aid, my mother. (They go to the door.) Who is knocking at our door? A VOICE Open up!
المشهد الثامن: المقاتلون يدخلون حاملين عبد الله جريحاً
Sayings and ABDALA THE M. And ESP. (Scared) Ablata ! (The warriors lead Abdala to the middle of the stage.)
- ABD. Abdala, yes, that dying returns
- To throw yourself surrendered to your plants,
- To leave later where you can not
- Wielding the iron or wielding the spear.
I come to breathe into your arms, mother, My last breaths, and my soul! Die! Die when the Nubia fights; When noble blood is spilled From my brothers, mother; When you wait From our forces, freedom the homeland! Oh mother, don't cry! Fly which they fly Noble matrons of valor on wings To shout in the field to the warriors: Fight! Fight, oh Nubians! Hope!" ESP. Don't cry, you tell me? And your life Will the country ever pay me? ABD. The life of the nobles, my mother, It is fighting and dying to abide by it, And if necessary, with its own steel Rip, to save her, the entrails! But ... I feel like dying: in my agony (To all :) do not come to disturb my sad calm Silence! ... I want to hear ... oh! It seems to me Let the enemy host, defeated, Flee across the plain ... Hey! ... Silence! I already watch them run ... the cowards The brave warriors pounce ... Nubia won! I die happy: death It matters little to me, because I managed to save her ... Oh how sweet it is to die when you die Fighting boldly to defend the homeland! (Falls into the arms of the warriors.)