محمد پاشا محسن‌زاده

محمد پاشا محسن‌زاده ( 1704 - 4 أغسطس 1774) كان الصدر الأعظم للدولة العثمانية مرتين ( 1765 - 1768 and 1771 - 1773 ). He was the son of the grand vizier Muhsinzade Abdullah Paşa ( 1737 ).

He held several positions and in 1738 he was beglerbegi of Maraix . He then worked at the front of several provincial governments. In 1747 he was governor of Adana with the task of persecuting the Anatolian rebels . In 1749 he began to hold positions in the European provinces, returning to Asia in 1758 as beglerbegi of Aleppo . Then he married Princess Esma Sultan, daughter of Ahmet III . He was later beglerbegi of Diyarbakir and Anadolu (in Kutahya) and then he spent a year in Istanbul and in 1760 he went to Bosnia as a governor. In 1762 he ruled Rumelia , once again Bosnia and once again Rumelia and was appointed grand vizier on March 30 , 1765 .

In his government there were revolts in the Hejaz , Egypt and Georgia and constant pressure from Russia . He finally submitted his resignation on September 6 , 1768 and was assigned residence in Tenedos (Bozdja-Ada), then Gallipoli ( Gelibolu ) and finally Rhodes . In 1769 he was appointed muhafiz (military governor) of the Ottoman Morea , and defeated the rebels (instigated by Russia) at the Battle of Tripolitza in April 1770 , reestablishing control over Patres( Balya Badra ), Modon ( Mutun ) and Navarino ( Navarin ).

In 1771 he went to the Danube front as a military commander and in December of that year he was appointed for the second time as grand vizier. During these nearly three years the Ottomans did not achieve any victory over the Russians. The Grand Vizier negotiated with the Austrians and then with the Russians at the Bucharest Conference (November 1772 to February 1773 ), but Russia demanded the independence of the Crimean Khanate and heavy indemnities, demands that the Empire could not accept. Finally the Russian army commanded by Pere A. Rumyantsev surrounded the grand vizier in Shumnu (Bulgarian Shumlaor Shumen) and proposed new negotiations which the Grand Vizier immediately accepted. The talks were held at Russian headquarters from 17 to 21 July and led to the Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca . Shortly afterwards the grand vizier fell ill and retreated to Istanbul but died on the way near Karnobad ( Karinabad ) in 1774 . He was buried in Istanbul, in the Eyyub neighborhood .


  • J. von Hammer Histoire de l'Empire ottoman, depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours, par; translated from the German by JJ Hellert, Volume 1 to 18