قائمة السلوكيات الغذائية
التغذية Feeding هي العملية التي تحصل فيها العضيات, عادة الحيوانات, على طعامها. المصطلحات اللاتينية لأنماط أو سلوكيات التغذية عادة ما تستخدم إما سابقة suffix -vore من اللاتينية vorare, وتعني 'يلتهم', أو phagy, من اليونانية φαγειν, وتعني 'يأكل'.
تعدد الغذاء Polyphagy هي قدرة حيوان ما على أكل أنواع مختلفة من الطعام, بينما أحادي الغذاءmonophagy هي عدم القدرة على تناول أي طعام عدا نوع واحد محدد (طالع generalist and specialist species).
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حسب أسلوب الإبتلاع
There are many modes of feeding that animals exhibit, including:
- filter feeding - obtaining nutrients from particles suspended in water
- deposit feeding - obtaining nutrients from particles suspended in soil
- fluid feeding - obtaining nutrients by consuming other organisms' fluids
- bulk feeding - obtaining nutrients by eating part or all of an organism
حسب أسلوب الهضم
- Extra-cellular digestion - excreting digesting enzymes and then reabsorbing the products
- Myzocytosis - one cell pierces another using a feeding tube, and sucks out cytoplasm
- Phagocytosis - engulfing food matter into living cells, where it is digested
حسب نوع الطعام
Another classification refers to the specific food animals specialize in eating, such as:
- Carnivore - the eating of animals
- Hematophagy - eating blood
- Insectivore - eating insects
- Lepidophagy - eating fish scales
- Man-eater - eating humans
- Molluscivore - eating molluscs
- Mucophagy - eating mucus
- Ophiophagy - eating snakes
- Piscivore - eating fish
- Spongivore - eating sponges
- Herbivore - the eating of plants
- Folivore - eating leaves
- Frugivore - eating fruits
- Graminivore - eating grasses
- Granivore - eating seeds
- Nectarivore - eating nectar
- Palynivore - eating pollen
- Xylophagy - eating wood
- Omnivore - the eating of both plants and animals
- Fungivore - the eating of fungus
- Bacterivore - the eating of bacteria
The eating of non-living or decaying matter:
- Coprophagy - eating faeces
- Detritivore - eating decomposing material
- Geophagy - eating inorganic earth
- Scavenger - eating carrion
There are also several unusual food sources which can give rise to opportunistic or desperate feeding behaviours, such as:
- Cannibalism - feeding on members of the same species
- Self-cannibalism - feeding on parts of one's own body (see also autophagy)
- Sexual cannibalism - cannibalism after mating
- Kleptoparasitism - stealing food from another animal
- Trophallaxis - eating food regurgitated by another animal
- Oophagy - eating eggs
- Ovophagy - eating embryos
- Paedophagy - eating young animals
- Placentophagy - eating placenta
التكيفات التطورية
In many instances, the specialization of organisms in a specific type of food source has been one of the major causes of evolution of form and function, such as:
- mouth parts and teeth, such as in whales, vampire bats, leeches, mosquitos, predatory animals such as felines and fishes, etc
- distinct forms of beaks in birds, such as in hawks, woodpeckers, pelicans, hummingbirds, parrots, kingfishers, etc.
- specialized claws and other appendages, for apprehending or killing (including fingers in primates)
- changes in body colour for facilitating camouflage, disguise, setting up traps for preys, etc.
- changes in the digestive system, such as the system of stomachs of herbivores, commensalism and symbiosis