(تم التحويل من Beak)
المنقار beak أو bill، أو rostrum، هو هيكل تشريحي خارجي في الطيور والذي يستخدم للأكل وتنظيف الجسم، تحريك الأجسام، قتل الطرائد، جمع الطعام وإطعام الصغار. ويطلق المنقار أيضاً على أجزاء الفم لبعض الحيوانات مثل الرأسقدميات، الحيتانيات، السلاحف والضفادع. ويكون غالباً غضروف بارز ما بين مليمترات لعدة سنتيمترات للأمام.

The bony core of the beak is a lightweight framework, like that seen on this barn owl's skull.
الفك السفلي

Position of vomer (shaded red) in neognathae (left) and paleognathae (right)

The sawtooth serrations on a common merganser's bill help it to hold tight to its fish prey.

A young starling with a bright yellow gape

The gape flange on this juvenile house sparrow is the yellowish region at the base of the beak.

The rock dove's operculum is a soft swollen mass at the base of the bill.

The nail is the black tip of this mute swan's beak.
الشعيرات الشقاقية
أسنان البيض

This Arctic tern chick still has its egg tooth, the small white projection near the tip of its upper mandible.

The beaks of the now-extinct Huia (female upper, male lower) show marked sexual dimorphism
Three barn owls threatening an intruder. Barn owl threat displays usually include hissing and bill-snapping, as here
التبادل الحراري

When billing, northern gannets raise their beaks high and clatter them against each other.
تشذيب المنقار
العضو الطرفي في المنقار
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لها سمة المجموعة " " والتي لا تظهر في النص السابق.المراجع
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- Campbell, Bruce; Lack, Elizabeth, eds. (1985). A Dictionary of Birds. Carlton, England: T and A D Poyser. ISBN 0-85661-039-9.
- Coues, Elliott (1890). Handbook of Field and General Ornithology. London: Macmillan and Co. OCLC 263166207.
- Gilbertson, Lance (1999). Zoology Lab Manual (4 ed.). New York: McGraw Hill Companies. ISBN 0-07-237716-X.
- Gill, Frank B. (1995). Ornithology (2 ed.). New York, NY: W. H. Freeman and Company. ISBN 0-7167-2415-4.
- Girling, Simon (2003). Veterinary Nursing of Exotic Pets. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing. ISBN 1-4051-0747-2.
- Hill, Geoffrey E. (2010). National Geographic Bird Coloration. Washington, DC: National Geographic. ISBN 1-4262-0571-6.
- Howell, Steve N. G. (2007). Gulls of the Americas. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company. ISBN 0-618-72641-1.
- King, Anthony Stuart; McLelland, John, eds. (1985). Form and Function in Birds, volume 3. London, UK: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-407503-7.
- Mullarney, Killian; Svensson, Lars; Zetterström, Dan; Grant, Peter J. (1999). Collins Bird Guide: The Most Complete Field Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. London: Harper Collins. ISBN 0-00-711332-3.
- Proctor, Noble S.; Lynch, Patrick J. (1998). Manual of Ornithology: Avian Structure and Function. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-07619-3.
- Rogers, Lesley J.; Kaplan, Gisela T. (2000). Songs, Roars and Rituals: Communication in Birds, Mammals and Other Animals. Boston, MA: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-00827-8.
- Samour, Jaime, ed. (2000). Avian Medicine. London, UK: Mosby. ISBN 0-7234-2960-X.