مبرهنة بلاكويل لرسم خرائط الانكماش

في الرياضيات، مبرهنة بلاكويل لرسم خرائط الانكماش (Blackwell's contraction mapping theorem) تعطي فئة من الشروط الكافية for an operator to be a contraction mapping. It is widely used in areas that rely on dynamic programming as it facilitates the proof of existence of fixed points. The result is due to David Blackwell who published it [1] in 1965 in the Annals of Mathematical Statistics.

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نص المبرهنة

Let be an operator defined over an ordered normed vector space . is a contraction mapping with modulus if it satisfies


For all and , . Properties 1. and 2. imply that , hence, . The symmetric follows from a similar argument and we prove that is a contraction mapping.


مسألة التهام الكعكة

An agent has access to only one cake for its entire, infinite, life. It has to decide the optimal way to consume it. It evaluates a consumption plan, , by using a separable utility function, , with discounting factor . Its problem can be summarized as

. (1)

Applying Bellman's principle of optimality we find (1)'s corresponding Bellman equation

. (2)

It can be proven that the solution to this functional equation, if it exists, is equivalent to the solution of (1).[2] To prove its existence we can resort to Blackwell's sufficient conditions.

Define the operator . A solution to (2) is equivalent to finding a fixed-point for our operator. If we prove that this operator is a contraction mapping then we can use Banach's fixed-point theorem, and conclude that there is indeed a solution to (1).

First note that is defined over the space of bounded functions since for all feasible consumption plans, . Endowing it with the sup-norm we conclude that the domain and co-domain are ordered normed vector spaces. We are just left with verifying that the conditions for Blackwell's theorem are respected:

  1. (monotonicity) then
  2. (discounting) where is a constant function.
