مبادرات تعليمية
هذه الصفحة بحاجة إلى ترجمة و ربط بالمصادر من هذه الوصلة [1]
Active projects
By #
- 1-WikiEducator Webconferences
- Adult Basic Education - A project to place ABE materials online to help adult upgrading learners gain the prerequisites for further post-secondary programs.
- Access2OER
- Accounting fundamentals
- ALISON - The ALISON Mission is to enable anyone, anywhere to educate themselves for FREE.
- Action Research Training programme for district functionaries
- The Anatomy and Physiology of Animals
- Aorakinet-Cantatech Collaboration Project
- Bagrut Project and Presentations
- BCcampus, British Columbia, Canada
- Biology in elementary schools - is a project that requires students in a college course to develop and share content online
- BAMBUGARE FOUNDATION - is a foundation to help develope ICT Infrastructure in Senegal - West Africa
- Bangladesh Open School Project - Institutional capacity building project
- Basic Resources for Analyzing Data - From data to information towards knowledge while pursuing wisdom
- CcLearn - Links to main site and archives of wiki-based resources and presentations.
- Chemistry Labs
- COL-SUCAPRI Integrated Agricultural Research for Development (IAR4D)
- Center for Open and Sustainable Learning - Center dedicated to open education.
- Child Health - A project led by AMREF to develop free content resources on child health
- Commonwealth Youth Program, Regional Centre for Africa
- Commonwealth Computer Navigator's Certificate - Planning node
- Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA Programmes
- Community Empowerment Collective Society - Phil Bartle & Friends
- Community Engagement
- Community Media / Community Radio
- Community Open and Distant Learning / Integrated Functional Education for Pastoral Communities (IFEPAC)
- Communication skills for travel and tourism: your online assessment activities
- Community Services Learning Student Guidelines
- Computers for Lesotho (AID) A million books for a thousand students -- in Lesotho!
- Computers in Education-Curriculum framework for use of computers in Teacher Training Programme
- Computer Literacy Resources
- Culinary Education
- Culture Wiki
- Darwinius - Calling all biologists; collaborators wanted. A project to develop teaching materials based around a 2009 publication describing a new primate fossil.
- DEHub - Innovations in Distance Education
- DesertPodMob - Parnngurr Community School, Great Sandy Desert, Australia
- Distance Docs
- Distance English Language Learning (DELL) - an open course initiative designed for English language learners worldwide!
- Donate Learning Materials and Your Time & Skills to WikiEducator
- Early Family Childhood Care and Education (EFCCE) Project
- Economics Textbooks Free and Online
- Edu-patron : Participatory Research and Training for Online Open Education
- Effective Peer Group Response
- ELT Resources
- English as a Foreign Language Portal (for teachers and students in Hispanic countries)
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- English for US Citizenship from Culturally Isolated Communities
- ELearning T4T - eLearning Training for Teachers
- Elearninglions Community Portal
- Exe
- FLOSS4Schools
- FLOSSBusiness
- Free content funding proposals for the development of free content in education
- FreeContent4SustainableEcosystems
- Free Textbook Project
- GETSMARTmoodle.org] is part of the moodle.org family portal and you can find out more information about both at these url's - http://moodle.org and http://getsmartmoodle.org... or contact me jennie@getsmartmoodle.org for more information.
- Global Warming
- Entomology Project is an initiative towards the development of free content in the field of entomology.
- Goal Community is a community dedicated to improving the usability of Open Access Resources.
- Goal setting for wellbeing
- Human Resource Management - A Post Graduate Course
- Handbook of Open Universities - a community project to compile all about Open Universities on to a single platform
- Handouts4Teachers - a project to promote the collaborative development of handouts
- Heywire8 ThinkTank - A New Zealand initiative
- History
- HIV AIDS Portal
- Hodges Knowledge Domains Model
- Welcome to the QUAD: Hodges model blog
- Humanities Class - a class for high school seniors with a world focus]
- ICT4AfricaEd (A Survey of ICTs In Education in Africa)
- ICT for Education Survey in Africa
- India Node - WikiEducator India Project
- Integrating Technology with Education (Devising better ways to integrate the commonly used modern technolgy with Education)
- Innovations in Education Inviting contributions to a collaborative book.
- International Collaborative Projects
- International Grades Open Technologies Accredited certification of functional skills and knowledge of Open Systems]]
- Intersol Group, Ottawa, Canada
- Israel E-Learning site Israeli site for interactive learning - used by teachers, students and the community
- Java programming:Learning OOP through Java and BlueJ
- Jazz Course
- Jewish Education
U.S. international business resources together北京国际机票特价机票International business research resources with everyone!
- K-12math.info (English - Español – Français) - This project serves material developers and teacher trainers with information on primary and secondary school mathematics. The resource for OER mathematics development. Many links to Connexion's Mathematics Grade 1 through 9 being used in South Africa have been set up.
- LearnScope capability building and e-learning development - AFLF Australia
- Learning4Content Wiki Skills Training - for Community Media / Radio Practitioners
- Learning and Knowledge in the 21st Century: The Development Equation
- Learning to Teach Online
- Life Skills Development
- Losing Weight the Wiki Way. A workshop to learn to set and achieve goals, learn about good nutrition, and how to break poor habits.
- Macedonia-Netherlands[2]. Two secondary schools do a research project together, using a wiki
- Makere Univeristy, ODL Network-An initiative by a Team at Makerere University to Avail Content from the four Workshops of the Multi-stakeholder Learning Cycles of the SUCAPRI project.The Initiative is being funded by COL.
- Massey University (Learning Design)
- Massage Therapy Educational Resources
- Matemáticas. Guía de Estudio para Examen Ceneval de Acreditación Bachillerato. Acuerdo SEP 286 First developing in Spanish language. Translation to English is required.
- Math Glossary A resource for Mathematics projects in WE.
- Math Tables and Formulas A resource for Mathematics projects in WE.
- Learning4Content
- Microstructures in Materials A project in materials engineering.
- Midwifery
- MOODLE Crash Course: Pedagogical Integration of MOODLE
- Module on training educators on how to integrate technology into the classroom.
- Monterey Institute for Technology and Education
- MOSEP - More self esteem with my ePortfolio
- International Business Resources Project- MSU Global
- MyHomeYourHome An interdisciplinary, inter-institutional student-directed project exploring house design.
- OER Africa
- Projects arising from OER and eLearning Workshop (India) February 2007
- OER Collaboration in African Agricultural Education Working space for project proposal development.
- OER Commons - Search open teaching and learning content from around the world
- OER Commons for NZ Schools
- OER Foundation / International Centre for Open Education
- OER Handbook V1.0 - a guide for those who are just getting started in the creation of OER.
- OER Mobile Phone Integration in Agriculture
- OER Workshop Toolkit - a project to develop workshop materials to be used for training WikiEducator Newbies.
- OFCCN use this course to learn more about Computer Networks
- Online TESOL Workshop - an ongoing workshop delivered online to those interested in TESOL
- OLiVER Project - a resource to organize educational resources for specific national curricula around the world
- Olympicpedia
- Open Access to Knowledge: Policies and Tools for Developing Countries
- Open Computing for the development and promotion of learning materials related to using a computer, in particular free computer software
- Open Education for Schools
- Open.Michigan - A collection of open initiatives and projects at the University of Michigan.
- Open Educational Content. Introduction and Tutorials. OLCOS
- Open Philanthropy
- Open Schools - Working towards universal primary and secondary education using free content study guides
- Open Source Software in Education Series on Terra Incognita
- Ort Gutman High School
- Otago Polytechnic
- OLIVE Ridley Turtles (page does not exist)
- Parenting - Guide to practical and educational aspects of parenting for both mothers and fathers (including new videos and photos)
- Pakistan Portal on WikiEducator
- Peace
- Physics (Secondary): Mechanics (in German)
- Pilot Projects in WikiEducator
- Project Management
- Python Tutorials
- Qualification Framework
- Ringe ni Marau Togho at the Pamua Distance Learning Centre
- PCF5 - The Fifth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning (papers, presentations and session reports)
- Philanthropy
- Physics for Teachers in Africa
- Quality Learning Design Project Quality Design Processes and Procedures
- Sports4Performance Portal
- Project DISC Developing Innovations in School Cultivation
- SEO training Elearning seo courses SEO MARKETING ] Professional consultant for internet marketing strategies. Offering free educational materials; you can find out more information about at these url's - http://www.rdnetwork.ro and http://www.rdnlearning.com ...
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Storytelling Course Mini-Conference
- Student Generated Content (K12)
- Stem Cells: Facts and Artifacts
- Teacher Collaboration Portal
- Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA) - all resources CC-BY-SA
- Teachers Mentoring Teachers
- Travelling School of Life - non-commercial (free and open) worldwide education network
- Thermodynamics
- Thutong - Planning and development intiative of the South African Education Portal to develop materials for managers of online social networking learning environments.
- University of British Columbia, Canada
- University of Canterbury, Teaching & Learning (Flexible Learning Group), NZ
- University of Trinidad & Tobago (B.Ed.ARTS and Physical Education Programme}
- WikiCaribbean
- WikiGovernance
- WikiLatinos - A node for OERs and other projects developed in main "Romance Languages" like Spanish, Portuguese and French.
- Wiki Pasifika - OERs4Oceania and other Pacific Projects
- WE-Open Philanthropy
- WE-Pilot Projects
- WE-WikiPublishing
- WikiEducator XXI Texts project to revise old textbooks in the public domain to be relevant to students in the 21st century development
- WE-Tutorial Development Project
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Help wanted
List projects where WikiEducators volunteers can contribute to project work. Be sure to include specific instructions for the help you need.
Some ways volunteers can help - web research finding references, finding pictures, review and comment...
- WE learning objects reviews - project to identify interesting WikiEducator pages or "learning objects" and write brief description of why they selected this WikiEducator page. Everyone is invited to add their favorites. Also need help creating a template so these can be added in a consistent format. This is the beginning of a WE learning object directory to accompany open learning adoption workshops.